We might not get representation in the Parliament any more! #GiveUpControl
Flint offering May a Grand Coalition and basically coming out to support the deal:
"The most frequent comments from voters now are: “Caroline, why haven’t we left yet?” And “Can’t you work together to sort this out?” I have been honest with remain voters about honouring the 2016 result, and my general election pledges. Equally, I have insisted to leave voters that a deal is the best outcome for jobs. Jeremy Corbyn is right when he argues we must bring leave and remain voters together. That’s why I called on the government to adopt a cross-party approach and invite Labour into their negotiating team. The government can never please the Tory hardline European Research Group faction. It’s not too late for the government to reach out to
Jeremy Corbyn on aspects of an agreement. I have no idea what is going to happen next. The Government is imploding. While chaos reigns, few are focusing on the details. MPs promote agendas that have little to do with the agreement. Debate remains polarised.
But if parliament rejects Theresa May’s deal, I want assurances from my frontbench that we won’t become the accomplices of the hard Brexiters, leaving the UK crashing out on 29 March. On this crucial question, I have a right to know how we guarantee toavoid the worst of all outcomes."
As a Labour MP, if it’s a deal or no-deal Brexit I know where my duty lies | Caroline Flint