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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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This is kind of where I'm at, at the moment. This being said though I'm not sure what happens if Parliament votes down May's shit deal, assuming she can even come back with one. I presume she's resign, but what then? Would the tory remainers bring down a government if it was headed by a no deal / crash out leaver?

Fuck knows, frankly.
The timescales for doing anything about anything - leadership challenges, 2nd refs - are also very tight. I'm not even sure, without checking, who takes over in the short term if May resigns. Don't think they have a deputy PM or party leader. Might be wrong, must check>>>>>>>>>>>
The timescales for doing anything about anything - leadership challenges, 2nd refs - are also very tight. I'm not even sure, without checking, who takes over in the short term if May resigns. Don't think they have a deputy PM or party leader. Might be wrong, must check>>>>>>>>>>>
david lidington
Ah, yes:

In May 2009, The Daily Telegraph revealed Lidington had claimed nearly £1,300 for his dry cleaning and had also claimed for toothpaste, shower gel, body spray and vitamin supplements on his second home allowance.[11] Lidington decided to repay the claims for the toiletries, saying: "I accept that many people would see them as over-generous."

Lidington was also criticised by local newspaper the Bucks Herald for claiming £115,891 in expenses in one year, almost double his salary.[12]
I see Boris has made another helpful contribution to the on-going Brexit discussion.

(we should Chuck Chequers and go for Super Canada, apparently)
I see Boris has made another helpful contribution to the on-going Brexit discussion.

(we should Chuck Chequers and go for Super Canada, apparently)

A major problem with all these sorts of proposals is that they seem to fundamentally rest on the concept of 'I'm a better negotiator'. It should be very apparent to everyone now that the EU don't really do negotiation in any meaningful way, they certainly won't in this scenario.

It may well be possible and indeed probable that some sort of 'Super Canada' deal can be achieved but it it seems to me that a crash out (no deal) would have to occur first. Johnson should at least be honest about that, not that he would know honesty even if it kicked him square in the cock.
A major problem with all these sorts of proposals is that they seem to fundamentally rest on the concept of 'I'm a better negotiator'. It should be very apparent to everyone now that the EU don't really do negotiation in any meaningful way, they certainly won't in this scenario.

It may well be possible and indeed probable that some sort of 'Super Canada' deal can be achieved but it it seems to me that a crash out (no deal) would have to occur first. Johnson should at least be honest about that, not that he would know honesty even if it kicked him square in the cock.
All negotiations involve not just argument and compromise but power

There is a clear power disparity here which the eu has and the UK doesn't.
Like it or not the EU is being the EU.
For the UK to be surprised or outraged by this is laughable.
The UK voted to leave the institution it helped to shape, so the initiative is with the UK.
Indeed some parts of the UK system is showing some initiative with it's 'technical notices'. Portaloos lined up in reserve for the M2 M20 which is supposed to be part of the UK plan is part of facing practicalities.
As a fucking huge political bloc by the UK it will continue to have influence over the UK. The UK will find trade deal negotiations changing along the way as the EU has words in back rooms with potential trading partners of the UK. Smaller fish in a bigger pond etc.
All negotiations involve not just argument and compromise but power

There is a clear power disparity here which the eu has and the UK doesn't.

TBH the power disparity between the EU and the UK is nowhere near as significant as the competence disparity between the EU and UK, which is remarkable given that the EU is incompetent by design wheras we have somehow managed to generate a higher level of incompetence by accident.
TBH the power disparity between the EU and the UK is nowhere near as significant as the competence disparity between the EU and UK, which is remarkable given that the EU is incompetent by design wheras we have somehow managed to generate a higher level of incompetence by accident.
TBH the power disparity between the EU and the UK is nowhere near as significant as the competence disparity between the EU and UK, which is remarkable given that the EU is incompetent by design wheras we have somehow managed to generate a higher level of incompetence by accident.
It might all have been different if the Conservatives had been able to agree amongst themselves what they wanted from Brexit, and were therefore able to present a coherent and united position in the leave negotiations.

But if the Conservatives HAD been able to agree amongst themselves, we would never have had a referendum in the first place...
Why do people pay any attention to Johnson? It’s not like he’s an economics whizz, a reknowned business guru or a financial Jedi - he s fucking classics toff with some journalism in his background .

I wish he would fuck off

His economics are well shit, I mean everything about him is well shit but his economics are particularly shit. I read recently somewhere it was described as classic Laffer Curve, I'm not convinced its even that advanced.
TBH the power disparity between the EU and the UK is nowhere near as significant as the competence disparity between the EU and UK, which is remarkable given that the EU is incompetent by design wheras we have somehow managed to generate a higher level of incompetence by accident.

Not quite an accident; rich tax dodging parents, public school, PPE @ Oxford (nearly always Oxford so unfair to bring the other place in with Oxbridge), parliament. What could go wrong?

Ffs Cunthead Johnson is forever claiming he’s not posh or from a rich background, cos apparently he got some kind of bursary to Eton. His name is de Piffel something, he went to Eton, his sister works for The Lady, yet people buy his lies.



A major problem with all these sorts of proposals is that they seem to fundamentally rest on the concept of 'I'm a better negotiator'. It should be very apparent to everyone now that the EU don't really do negotiation in any meaningful way, they certainly won't in this scenario.

It may well be possible and indeed probable that some sort of 'Super Canada' deal can be achieved but it it seems to me that a crash out (no deal) would have to occur first. Johnson should at least be honest about that, not that he would know honesty even if it kicked him square in the cock.

Any kind of Canada means agreeing to a border in the Irish Sea. That can't get through parliament.
It’s his current defence of such shit-stirring that he’s just standing up for what he strongly believes in, the same guy who sat on the fence about Brexit for a long time and wrote two articles to back up each position before plumping for leave.

Believes in fucking nothing other than himself.

True, he's so fucking mediocre. Privilege and it's preservation is his life blood without a system to prop him and his ilk up, he'd be nothing.
Yes - got a second in classics iirc - utterly mortified & devastated at the result for months - possibly explains a lot wrt to the party dynamics when Cameron was around
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Any kind of Canada means agreeing to a border in the Irish Sea. That can't get through parliament.
Boris is reported as being irritated by the Irish issue, and has described it as the tail wagging the (Brexit) dog.
He should have thought of that before then.
He really is a nasty racist bastard and I am amazed anybody voted for him ever.
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