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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Yeah but he might know what he's talking about when he says ""During that period, if a country were to decide actually we don't want to leave after all, everybody would be very cross about it being a waste of time," he said. "They might try to extract a political price but legally they couldn't insist that you leave."
Yeah but he might know what he's talking about when he says ""During that period, if a country were to decide actually we don't want to leave after all, everybody would be very cross about it being a waste of time," he said. "They might try to extract a political price but legally they couldn't insist that you leave."

He might well know what he intended it to mean, but it's now out of his hands. And the judges didn't offer an opinion during the recent court case, because it wasn't a point at issue (both sides agreed that A50 is irrevocable).

If it ever comes to the point where it needs to be legally established (it hasn't yet and it may never actually arise), the opinion which will really matter will be that of the courts, ultimately the ECJ, as has been mentioned on the Brexit Process thread.
17m people voted to leave. no more than about 4m people have voted UKIP.
So what? It's not just UKIP voters that are racist. What I was mostly alluding to is that the extent of the racist views of people who appear absolutely mundane & normal is not understood. They hold these entrenched views but they do not argue or push those views particularly. Not everybody who voted leave was racist of course but the extent of racism in the UK is not really evident because most people do not air their views except among their like minded peer groups.
Most people did vote. The turnout is one thing you can't quibble with.
no one quibbled with the result of the welsh devolution referendum, where about 50% of the eligible population voted with about 50% in favour and 50% against, which would no doubt have been brought into play if the turnout had been lower.
So what? It's not just UKIP voters that are racist. What I was mostly alluding to is that the extent of the racist views of people who appear absolutely mundane & normal is not understood. They hold these entrenched views but they do not argue or push those views particularly. Not everybody who voted leave was racist of course but the extent of racism in the UK is not really evident because most people do not air their views except among their like minded peer groups.

By way of a recap: Ashcroft polls told 81% of people who voted leave think Multiculturalism is a "force for ill" and likewise 80% Immigration is "a force for ill" (and i dont think they were thinkjing about brits on the costa del sol). The other stats on that list are worth a check too.

May isnt stupid - she knows exactly what what she needs to say to these people, who no doubt put and keep her in power. She may be being cynical about it - pandering - or she may be on board..who knows. Best guess (according to the Goldman Sachs tape) is she's pandering.

You cant ask if people are racist, but those questions give a strong impression of attitudes and outlook.

Meanwhile, the bloke who actually wrote article 50 chimes in to suggest that the one thing which the government and the judges did agree on, that the process of leaving is irrevocable once the article is 'triggered' isn't in fact true, that A50 is not irrevocable at all. :rolleyes::facepalm:
Britain could still change its mind over EU divorce, says man who drafted Article 50
When it says "Britain" i guess it means parliament. My understanding is that Parliament could always vote for anything it wanted if the house agreed to it, but it really isnt the point - its doesnt matter if Article 50 is binding by law, it matters who would dare overturn a referendum result. But thats where the long game kicks in........its not conceivable now, but theres the slimmest possibility it be in the future...

That guy Kerr who drafted it clearly has an agenda though "Kerr wants either parliament or the public - through an election or a second referendum - to revisit the decision to leave the EU in a year to 18 months time, the BBC said." He's a bonafide blocker
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The leave politicians all said vote leave & develop trade with the rest of the world & in India today they are learning that there are going to be no trade deals without a relaxation of immigration rules for Indian citizens coming to UK. This is just the start. They will find this whoever in the world they try to do trade deals with.
Has that been reported or is that a hunch?
Has that been reported or is that a hunch?
Theresa May rejects calls to raise Indian visa quota - BBC News
"Nine out of 10 visa applications from India are already accepted," she said.
Her government also intends to make it easier for wealthy Indian business executives to come to the UK.

A small group of high-net-worth individuals and their families will be offered access to the Great Club - a bespoke visa and immigration service - to make visa applications smoother.

Thousands of Indians on work visas will also be able to join the Registered Travellers Scheme which will mean they can get through UK border controls more quickly.

"As we leave the EU, we want to ensure that the UK remains one of the most attractive countries in the world to do business and invest," Mrs May said.
By way of a recap: Ashcroft polls told 81% of people who voted leave think Multiculturalism is a "force for ill" and likewise 80% Immigration is "a force for ill" (and i dont think they were thinkjing about brits on the costa del sol). The other stats on that list are worth a check too.
No, that's not what that chart says.

It says that 81% of people who think multiculturalism is a force for ill voted to leave.

EDIT: I'm also sure that's the second time that that misreading has been made on here.
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no one quibbled with the result of the welsh devolution referendum, where about 50% of the eligible population voted with about 50% in favour and 50% against, which would no doubt have been brought into play if the turnout had been lower.
Actually talked to Plaid people a couple of years after who reckoned it was down to 2/3 dodgy bags of postal votes (but wasn't them)
Has that been reported or is that a hunch?
That appears to be Indian public opinion as mentioned on Beeb news yesterday. It depends who holds the upper hand. Who needs who the most. There is no reason why it should only be the EU that believes free movement of people should be part of free trade.
lol leave the EU but give everyone in the world we wanna sell shit to relaxed visa rules :D:D:D:D

you couldnt make this shit up :D:D:D

what a joke.
It is unlikely that immigration will fall with Brexit. This was clearly apparent prior to the vote. Judging by some of my "friends" they were too blind to see this. They continue to wind me up!
what have i missed

It says that 'of those that think multiculturalism is a 'force for ill', 81% voted leave, and 19% voted remain.
And 'of those that think immigration is a 'force for ill', 80% voted leave, and 20% voted remain.

That's not 81% (or 80%) of people voted leave think multiculturalism (immigration) is a 'force for ill'.
It says that 'of those that think multiculturalism is a 'force for ill', 81% voted leave, and 19% voted remain.
And 'of those that think immigration is a 'force for ill', 80% voted leader, and 20% voted remain.

That's not 81% (or 80%) of people voted leave think multiculturalism (immigration) is a 'force for ill'.
i stand corrected...bloody polls....i blame the lemsip!

*i think we went through this last time...im a slow learner
yeh cos that's really what i said :rolleyes: in the 2015 general election ukip got 3.88m votes. this was across 624 constituencies, so that's an average of 6130 votes per constituency. hardly 'most people' even around the coast.
This has no relevance to the point I was alluding to in post #262. Which was the extent of the racist(& I suppose xenophobic)views held by people who present themselves as normal quiet mundane people who live in their parochial little worlds & go about their business without making a fuss. This is why the referendum result was not the one expected by the political elite. The leavers won but not by much & you can be pretty certain it was those that voted leave only for racist/xenophobic reasons that swung it. Whatever political party they voted for at last GE they all voted leave.
This has no relevance to the point I was alluding to in post #262. Which was the extent of the racist(& I suppose xenophobic)views held by people who present themselves as normal quiet mundane people who live in their parochial little worlds & go about their business without making a fuss. This is why the referendum result was not the one expected by the political elite. The leavers won but not by much & you can be pretty certain it was those that voted leave only for racist/xenophobic reasons that swung it. Whatever political party they voted for at last GE they all voted leave.
i am grateful to you for pointing out that what you say should not be taken as what you mean.
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