100,000 civilian deaths, 200,000 including Fallujah, say researchers
New Scientist writeup
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New Scientist writeup
New Scientist said:... The figure of 100,000 is based on "conservative assumptions", notes Les Roberts at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, US, who led the study.
That estimate excludes Falluja, a hotspot for violence. If the data from this town is included, the study points to about 200,000 excess deaths since the outbreak of war.
the interviewers randomly selected towns within governates. They then visited the nearest 30 houses to the GPS point randomly selected.
Families living under one roof were asked about deaths in their household before and after the war. “Confirmation was sought to ensure that a large fraction of the reported deaths were not fabrications,” write the team. The interviewers did ask for death certificates, but only in two cases for each cluster of houses. This was because of concerns that implying the families were lying could trigger violence.
Too right it could...
Richard Horton said:These findings raise questions for those far removed from Iraq - in the governments of the countries responsible for launching a pre-emptive war.
Paging Dr Horton, we have an understatement award for you...
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