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Iraq Attack; Hint, Strategy or Disinformation ~~ STRAFOR

nosos, there are not innocents in this world!

Now, for starts I didn't start the fight...I'm just describeing what is going on without the fluff and hopefuly without too many fumes!

Like ancient Rome...we, US, be the big dog in the box...and like most big dogs we, US, be a mean dog when poked with a stick. The islamics are pokeing with a stick and the dog is about to bite.

Truthfully, few people in US care what happens over there...they just want US to get it over with so the dogs of war are loose and some deep bites are coming.

Considering what is going on in palestine it is unlikely that islam will survive the century intact...indeed, it will be amazing if it outlast the decade. Nothing has beeen made more apparent than the fact that a 'holy' war has been declared upon US all and Western man is threatened.


Originally posted by nosos

So, you don't think US foreign policy has anything at all to do with that? :confused:

Fuck all to do with it; it’s all to do with Ideology. The Islamics want a single world Islamic nation governed by Shia law (the law of god according to them) and us non-believers (the infidels) are a blasphemy and need to either be converted or disposed of.

Things aren’t going well for the Islamics they are poor, stupid, poorly equipped and week. I’m now sure that 9/11 was a act of desperation by OBL, he is certainly worse off now than he was a year ago, assuming he is still alive.

But even if he is dead there are millions of others who still hate and despise us and would kill us today if they had the means and ways.

So we must be proactive.
US foreign policy is a sham...to wit take note of Collin Powel...perfect example of a West Point greduate that got his ticket punched in all the right places but really wasn't worth a shit for much of anything...though I do think he might have done well at the UN...but we'll leave that alone for now.

We, US, are just swatting mosquitoes...after which we'll send in the missionaries to convert the heathern masses to some malable form of statehood that we, US, approve of.

(btw, we learned all this from the ol pirate kingdom...)


Things aren’t going well for the Islamics they are poor, stupid, poorly equipped and week.

Yes, the poor 'week', stupid bastards.

You're not very intelligent, are you Paul? :rolleyes:

It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact the US has give billions of dollars of military aid to Israeli which has gone towards continuing the oppression of the Palestinian people? :confused:

It has absolutely nothing to do with, in more general terms, the US policy of neo-imperialism which is (not so) slowly destroying the earth? :confused:

Diesel, fuck me, I think I pretty much agree with your last post.

<<goes off to slit his wrists>>

But you don't have any moral reservations about your country's lack of any sort of ethical code in it's foreign policy?
"islamics have the kind of government they deserve so far be it from me to suggest 'that' kind of change."

hello earth? so they vote their dictators in in free elections? and if they don't pit themselves against armed govt forces who are quite prepeared to do anything then that's their fault too? just because I have a govt I dislike it does not follow that I deserve it, I don't.

"Things aren’t going well for the Islamics they are poor, stupid, poorly equipped and week."

Don't the BNP have a forum for you bluepaul? And it's 'weak' not 'week' surely? Ho ho.

Can we dispense with the racism and paranoia?
Morals, moral code...? What could either have to do with any reality that we live in today.

Quite frankly, I much preffer to be the big dog in the box to living in some turdworld shithole under an islamic potentate dictating shira law.

Really, islam has noting to offer the modern world we live in...it is a cult out of the middle ages that just can't get a grip on technology or anything else that makes life better. What they do to their women is down right beastly and all the alla this and alla that crap is just trite and boreing mind control over uneducated and basically ignorant 'pesants' who have no choise to believe otherwise...under threat of death!!!!!

The biggest problem islam has is that they are consumers and not producers...making them customers of technology rather than the producers of same! Crappy way to exist in the world we have made for them but really...the world can only use just so much heroin or hash hish! And I'm waiting for the first allamobile or cameltruck to be developed and built.

Sarcastic and cynicle towards them...yes...still though, I like them as people and know they can do better once they are weaned from the tit of superstision.


PTS too? Banned? I'll kinda miss jonny, in the same way I'd miss a cancerous tumour after removal. Or in a much milder version of Vietnam Vets who cannot handle normality.
Well, as I see it....

Even if Colin Powel got the affirmative action ride to the top, he's no slacker. What about the no common sense generals that pick who fights where? Stupid generals kill their troops, see Somalia.

The US wants to send missonaries into Islamic countries. I'm sure they'll buy into it if we hit them over the head hard enough, then they'll forget what they've always been taught since they were born.

And the STUPID notion that the terrorists give one rats ass about the Palestinian people.
"US foreign policy is a sham...to wit take note of Collin Powel...perfect example of a West Point greduate that got his ticket punched in all the right places but really wasn't worth a shit for much of anything...though I do think he might have done well at the UN...but we'll leave that alone for now."

Diesel, Powell was a clean cut middle class black man who didn't have an accent. How could he avoid rising in govt.

But even though he may be an example of the Peter Principle, I don't blame him personally. He applied, and they gave him the jobs. Who do you blame in that scenario?

I was reading some old Nat. Geographics the other day. One from 1965 had an article about General Curtis LeMay about US air power.

General LeMay was a little different from General Powell.
Hang on a sec, weren't the Republicans falling over themselves trying to get Colin Powell to run for Prez a few years ago? I seem to remember he turned it down as his wife has mental problems.
Now YOU hold on WR. Are you saying that if the Republicans wanted him to run for pres, then he must be the best of all possible men?
I have no idea. I'm not really up on the Republican selection criteria but I would be very surprised if they would make their choice on the basis of affirmative action.
Originally posted by Johnny Canuck2

Diesel, Powell was a clean cut middle class black man who didn't have an accent. How could he avoid rising in govt...

I personally do NOT give a flying sideways fuck about race, color, or creed, sexual preference OR gender of the man. My perspective upon him is based SOLELY on his public relations based decision to suspend a fight before it was over, ENSURING that the very same combatant would answer the bell for the next round. MAJOR League fubar moment! :mad:
wr, come on...it was a statement made pasionately...small gramarical quip...anyway...the gender of the man just mighe make an interesting thread.

Do understand dear cousins...Powell might be a compeletely decent individual personally...the truth is that I personally don't like him and dispise my own government for the way it is using race and gender on a politicl agenda which ought to be non specific...indeed!


Condoleeza Rice is an interesting one isn't she? Much more hawkish and unilateralist than Powell. She made an interesting speech a couple of years ago arguing that US troops should have less of a presence in Bosnia. The soundbite she used was that the 152nd Airborne was not in the business of escorting children to kindergarten. Given that she is black, one would assume that she is fully aware that during the civil rights protests of the 1960s army divisions were indeed in the business of escorting children to school. Furthermore, she would have been fully aware of the resonance of her words for a domestic audience. Just how far back do these people want to turn back the clock?! :eek:
"I personally do NOT give a flying sideways fuck about race, color, or creed, sexual preference OR gender of the man. My perspective upon him is based SOLELY on his public relations based decision to suspend a fight before it was over, ENSURING that the very same combatant would answer the bell for the next round. MAJOR League fubar moment!"

I agree that he must be judged by his actions. My post went to the question of how he got to where he was.

I submit that if Powell was white, he wouldn't be in the post he is in today.

My point was that he was aided by affirmative action.

I'm of two minds about affirmative action. Blacks have not had a level playing field. Something must be done to level it. Personally, I think it should happen at the first stages, and that money and resources should be poured into black areas to ensure that superior education, and extracurricular opportunities, are made available.

I fear that what affirmative action does, is promote blacks who are less qualified than the successful candidate might otherwise be.

Aside from earning the enmity of the candidates who might have gotten the job, it also creates a situation where the minority candidate may get in over his head sooner rather than later, leaving it open to people who tend to think a certain way to say: "I told you so."
JC2, you hit the nail on the head...were Powell white he wouldn't get the job.

As it is, however, his appointment is probably the crassest form of raceism...firstly, he is not 'too' black...and were I to truly criticize him it would be over the line thinking him an Uncle Tom at best...allbeit an Uncle Tom with a good educaton and a lot of talent.

During the Gulf War he was a miserable failure as a 'warrior' and wanted nothing to do with a shooting solution...I'll post more on this later maybe.

To top it off he gets credit for decisions that Gen. Swartzkopf made and instead of doing the 'right' thing...just accepts the credit.

Such leadership...!

I honestly think the man is the perfect successor for 'president' of the UN once Kofee Anin...(sp)...decides to step down! Lest anyone think this a slander...you're right!


What irks me most about Powell, is that he was the voice of conservatism in the Bush admin, in the days following Sept. 11.

To me, Powell is the essence of bland. Yes, he has some talents, but he appears to have lived a life where fear of giving offence has been the overriding virtue, making him now, the epitome of the corporate man.
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