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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

Minkton. Thats well out of order. Revelution caused by violence is facism. Your denying people the right to make a rational choice through the use of violence. If a revultuion is to take place it should be fought in the mind rather then with guns planes and death.

No jumping to conclusions from me, I know very little about the possible background to this, just watching it all happen on the news, and listening to the radio.
Thank you to everyone who has sent their thoughts to US posters (or even those like me who just like to read). Here in DC things are still eery...

Having grown up under the Heathrow flight path, I never thought I would be scared of planes flying overhead: but feeling a bit jumpy right now.
I know someone who works in the WTC and is hardly an enemy of the people. What about the cleaners, the secretarys, the tourists etc. You can't just write people off like that. If that's what your poxy revolution is about, count me out.
Reports that there could be a massive gas explosion in Lower Manhatten.

Us officals calling this an act of war.

Washington shutdown and government officals being moved to bunkers.

New report of plane from Boston making emergency landing in Cleveland due to suspected bomb on board.

Canadian and Mexican airports now shut and borders are now closed.
Jeses DG - i was refering to the borgouwise WTC twats NOT the workers!!!!
The revolution will be democratic, thats the whole point- it will be the first time us, the majority, the working class people stand up against the elite.
The voilence caused will be from the 'elite' resisting the majority - by moving in their militrys, thats why i'm saying todays events are awful - there was no chance.

[ 11 September 2001: Message edited by: Minkton ]
This is unbelievable. An utterly calous act desgined to hurt innocent civilians. :mad: :mad: :mad: Most likely, thousands of people will die as a result of this thoughtless, selfish action. My fury, disgust, and shock at this attack cannot be expressed. I may hate the American government but I would not wish this upon anyone. Whoever is responsible is an utterly reprehensible bastard with utter contempt for life.

I hope all the US posters and everyone else is okay.

Pax vobiscum, Nemo :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ 11 September 2001: Message edited by: Nemo ]
Minkton. I will argue this properly some other time. Today at least though i think that focusing on the targdy is more importent then a debate.
fairy nuff dave.
DG, of course they are, not taking those innocent civilians lives into account, but rather the actual capitlaists who have been killed in this - thats why they should be given the option whether they want to continue exploiting us, or join us. thats why todays events are awful!

Yeah about an hour ago I was sitting here and heard a plane and freaked! Then I found out there are still planes landing.

latest from our local news
• NATO sent home all non-essential personnel from its Brussels, Belgium, headquarters.

• The Immigration and Naturalization Service has put the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada on highest state of alert.

• Los Angeles International Airport has been evacuated.

• All Disney parks in Orlando, Florida, and Disneyland in Anaheim, California have been closed.

dont know how many were in the building but here is some stats:
1,368-foot twin towers have nearly 10 million square feet (929,000 sq metres) of office and retail space.

50,00 people work in the WTC and 90,000 vist everyday. Hopefully isnt any where near 140,00 dead. Not good at all.
sick as fuck

whoever did it could do it again, nothing anyone can do to stop it
those pictures make me think of the roman empire and that sort of shit falling

fucking hell
whoever did this doesnt give a fuck about people. evil fuckers no matter what you think of america or capitalism
Just before i start getting flamed left right and centre, can i point out i do not agree in any way with the lives lost today, it is discusting, especially if it's on the level initial reports are stating. My heart goes out to those innocents caught up in this. A shameless attack on civilians, you can't say otherwise..
from ny mayor's website:

The New York City Mayor's Office Of Emergency Management (OEM) opened its new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in February 1999 and unveiled a state-of-the-art facility designed to operate as a stand-alone center from which New York City government would operate in a time of crisis.

Located at 7 world trade centre, the EOC was placed within walking distance to City Hall and most City agencies.
both the towers have now collapsed. a third plane hit the pentagon, destroying one side of the 5-sided building. also a car bomb has exploded outside the state department building.

all major buildings and government buildings have been evacuated, all dmoestic and commercial flights in america have been grounded, and all planes heading for america have been redirected. the stock exchange on wall street and in london have been closed, and stock prices have fallen through the floor, with a run on gold and oil.

the palestinian group mentioned has denied responsibility for the attack, as have Islamic Jihad and the Taleban

we now await the inevitable slaughtering of foreign civilians that will be carried out in the name of democracy and freedom. god bless america

Yesterday, Ahmed Shah Masood, the most effective pro-American leader of Afghanistan’s anti-Taliban movement was blown up in a suicide bombing carried out by terrorists posing as a media camera crew. This carefully planned attack has been attributed to Osama bin Laden. A day later, yet another carefully planned major attack occurs on America itself. Is this just mere coincidence?
From someone in New York

"Streets are now jammed with people walking, trying to get home but most transport not working. Bars, restaurants are packed with people gathered around TV sets. Impromptu memorials set up on the street with names of loved ones missing".
I can't cope any more right now with this news. Reiterate hopes for safety of D, Cat Baloo and all other US friends. Fingers crossed that SOME degree of sanity and calmness prevails.

Now forgive me for being an escapist but I'm off to the pub while its still possible. I'll check the BBC later.

Love to all and hope we're all able to be back here, or wherever, tomorrow.

As 0742 says ONE LOVE.

W of W
Probably already known - but update of whats happening in London from the Guardian:

The reaction in London

Tuesday September 11, 2001

• The Foreign office has issued an emergency number - 020 7008 0000 - for anyone worried about relatives in America
• All flights from the UK to America have been cancelled.

• The London Stock Exchange has been evacuated. A spokesman for the LSE said: "In response to events unfolding in the US, the LSE is evacuating Exchange Tower as a precaution. We have contingency arrangements in place which means that we will continue to run the market through to the close."

• Tony Blair has returned to London to chair a meeting of the Cabinet's emergency "Cobra" committee in No 10 this afternoon with foreign Secretary Jack Straw, home secretary David Blunkett and defence secretary Geoff Hoon.

• Alert states for Government buildings, civilian and military, have been raised in the UK. Jack Straw has also announced that: "Alert states for diplomatic posts across the world have been raised to their highest level and we are issuing travel advice to all British citizens abroad to take great care if they are living abroad in sensitive areas, to stay in their compounds, to avoid obvious areas of potential risk and to have great care for their safety."

• Earlier, the FTSE 100 Index was down 219.6 points at 4,814.6. Jeremy Batstone at NatWest Stockbrokers said: "The London market was up around 60 to 70 points before - now look at it."

• Some sections of Canary Wharf evacuated
and this side of the pond:

A state of emergency declared in DC.

And only a Fox5 helicopter overhead...
Isn’t it about land, valued as an exclusive asset owned and exploited by Israel and denied to Palestinians, rather than valued as common property to be shared by all? And behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over territorial possession, is the global system of property rights, markets and profits defended by commercial rules, judicial laws and armed force.

And as a critical supporter of Israel, the largest world economy and only superpower imposing its will on all other governments and populations, has consequently seen its foremost business and military institutions targeted by religious maniacs, brainwashed to believe their suicidal terrorism will be rewarded after death. The evil of capitalism has created and fuelled the evil of religious fanaticism and so-called terrorist “martyrs”.

Anyone disagree that capitalism’s behind this?
whoever did this really wasn't fucking about. I've been watching it all afternoon, since the first report at 2 o'clock. This has to be the most shocking thing i have ever seen happen, in particular watching the towers collapsing and knowing there were still possibly hundreds of people trapped inside them.
Since the first report it has been clear that this is a massive event in terms of the future of the world. No longer can any country protect itself from acts of war (this isn't terrorism, it is an act of war), and i sincerely hope that those in power realise what this means.
No missile defence system or any form of millitary defence can protect against this kind of attack (a point i'm sure many of us have thought about since Bush started pushing for NMD). This requires that the worlds leaders move beyond the traditional Knee jerk response and retaliation policy - which can only serve to escalate things.
The only workable defence against this type of attack is for those in power to start to really understand what motivates people to commit such desperate acts in the first place, and divert spending away from ever more sophisticated military hardware into the quest for a fairer more equal world for everybody.
I find what's happened absolutely appalling, and wouldn't wish this on anybody - my heart goes out to all those affected by this, I just hope that some good can come from this terible tragedy.
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