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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

The Taliban are holding a press conference in the next hour, according to R4. Dubya looks and sounds more useless than ever juxtaposed with real people and real tragedy...It's appallingly obvious that he will react to this with more weapons, more violence, more of the same macho bullshit which is scarier than the original attack.
I don't know what Bin Laden said 3 weeks ago but I know he's called upon all muslims to kill Americans (civilians or not) whenever and whereever they can and as far as I can ee his is the only terrorist organisation I can think of that could manage something as huge as this (other than FARC but that's very idle speculation and I think it unlikely that they would do this). What the fuck is going to happen?
Watching the towers collapse today;
the need to escape
So, how long till this comes here?
What can we do?
My initial response, well violence never cures, but I cannot help but feel it.
Unfortunatly this will mean the Feista For Life and the issues it raises will be completely ignored, and the arms we (the UK) sells kill many more people every year than this will, although this doesn't detract from the sheer horror and disgust of this attack.

pretty much any day is going to have a significance if you look hard enough for it.

Bin Laden is *constantly* saying that he's going to bring havoc, so 3 weeks ago thing is not especially significant (IMO).

US radio highlighting fact that "thousands of Palestinians celebrating on West Bank". Israel/US military lobby to cash in - Palestinians fucked.

How come all the phone lines are jammed when nobody's doing any work in the office? :confused:
The sad thing is that people across the world will be cheering these images and plotting to carry on the war that they will feel these people have started.

Lets hope it doesn't come to Britain.
Stavros is right:

Fiesta for life and upcoming campaigns against World Bank/IMF in DC in Sept will be totally locked down.

Washington DC radio already blaming Osama Bin Laden. "They killed innocent people and we have to do what we have to do to stop it". Backlash.
Phone lines are jammed because the system is overlaoded with people trying to find out if their friends and families are alright. Mobile phones don't work because the aerials were all on the WTC.
I've just been told that there's a plane been hijacked from amsterdam and is heading for London... (from CNN)
Regarding the hijacking & US airport security. I have been talking to a friend who recently made several internal flights within the US. He said that he could not belive the lax security. On one flight some chap got on with a gun. Which he then told the flight staff about & they just held it for him until the flight landed. In Europe we tightened up airport security after Lockerbie. But in the US where internal flights are used like buses. They minimise the turnround time (unloading/loading), so to minimise this time they scimp on security. It will be shaming if it comes to light that this disaster could have been avoided with tighter security, albeit resulting in less fights per plane/day, but in pursuit of the bottom line. :confused: :mad:
these guys are fucking well organised, a force to be reckoned with!! "We'll fight them on the beaches" - best of luck everybody. I'm loosing any sence of what's going on
W of W, I'm sure the NRA would argue that if the rest of the passengers had had guns, the terrorists wouldn't have stood a chance.

No confirmation yet on the Amsterdam hijacking...
Abdul Bin Lahden APPARENTLY said (approx. 3 weeks ago) thathe was going to do something to America and it's going to be spectacular.
I don't know much about this guy but is this something he says often?

And what is this about a plane from Amsterdam on it's way here? I'm getting the hell out of London if that's the case, but guess where I live? 6 miles or so from Porton Down!
Fair enough, Andy, but I think there might be a connection, however let's save that discussion for another thread once things have calmed down, if they do.

NRA = Internationally prescribable terrorist organisation (again to be postponed til that other thread).

W of W
Well, a friend of mine has told me on MSN messenger that it's on CNN at the moment, the Amsterdam thing.
Hasuma Bin Laden threatened both the US and the UK.
A 'terrorism expert', Paul Rogers, on the BBC, just said that the loss of life would be comparable to Nagasaki and that it demonstrated the vulnerability of modern urban/industrial society.
The Afgan's reckon Bin Laden has nothing to do with this,
It's even more worrying when you don't know who the fuck is doing this.
If a plane from Amsterdam had been hijacked and sent to London - it would have hit before we ever found out about it. (Shit I hope my logic is right on that one).
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