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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

While we were all away;
Two hit NY
One hit Washington
One south of Pittsburg
Now is the time for Jihad
Christ this is bad.
this is horrific, the thought of missiles flying back and forth does not make me happy would like to express deapest condolences to those who have suffered the wrath of these criminals. Hope lives can be saved. Hope doctors and other emergency services can limit the atrocity. I've never really believed in a god, but god save us all. :( :eek: :confused:
Un-fucking-believable...have been watching it on TV....*very very* disturbing :(

I am lost for words!!!!!!!

The potential ramifications are mindblowing!!! :(

Glad to hear D is OK....let's hope it stays that way.......too late for so many others! :(

Israel are withdrawing all their diplomats from USA (apols if this has been said already)
Can someone please give an update on the fourth plan that was suspectedly heading towards NY, or was that cra from the beginning? (sky.co.uk reported rumors)
Concrete shit:
The Eurobrokers office, on the 84th floor of the second building hit;
All are out, well 2 unaccounted for, otherwise they are ok
This bodes well for others
I saw them - was walking on the beach - I can see the tops of the towers from there - or at least I could. Sorry, shaking so bad -can't think straight. Have no TV - never had cable installed and the transmitters were on the towers. My sister-in-law works there. She has three kids. I can't stop shaking. We always cringe because the planes seem to get so close to each other and the buildings. I thought the first one was an accident - but then the second one - this is too awful.

Be careful D - be safe. Everyone - be safe.

Here's the report from our news:
plane crashed into tower 8:45 shortly after 9am 2nd plane into 2nd tower.
Another plane crashed into Pentagon an hour later. Gov't biuldings evacuated, white house, state and federal, etc. All aircrafts grounded ~ 10am EST

Shortly after 10am one of the world towers collaspe. The first plane believed to be hijacked American Airline fight #11 from Boston headed for LA.

Car bomb outside state dept

10:30am 2nd tower collasped.

All roads in NYC closed.

A few minutes ago NPR was reporting "rumors" of a hijacked plane in Pittsburgh, Pa. Then shortly afterwards a plane crash, not sure if any are true, confirmed or related to other events.

I'm in upstate and Fed, State, adn schools are closing.

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.--

Julius Caesar

i make no bones about admitting that this is the stuff of nightmares and my heart sinks at the prospect of what is to come
Oh my god Cat, hope you're sister is ok, and you're fine too.

Just to echo others sentiments to people with connections out there :(
I know for sure;
The second building was being evacuated at the time of the impct
Not sure on how many out, but they had started b4, got this from geeze with 2 bros in there, he has talked to em both
Edited because I just posted a really long post, just pasted in from another site. Pointless Everyone knows how horrible it is.

My thoughts are with all those involved.

[ 11 September 2001: Message edited by: RookieLee ]
Yeah Cat my thoughts go to you too and your family, this is so terrible!

Now part of the Pentagon has collapsed aswell!
I really can't comment on the situation other than to offer my sincere hopes that all our american posters and their families are safe.
Take care of yourself Cat Baloo, i hope everything ends up ok with you and yours.

Take care all, see you tomorrow. Going offline.

Peace All

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