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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

Thank you, LD. I am okay and feeling calm. As I said, I'm not near any government buildings or probable targets. I'll try to keep you posted, but I want to avoid participating in the culture of fear, which is gradually overtaking my workplace.

I managed to reach my grandmother who is trying to reach my parents (neither of whom have much to do with the WTC).
Thanks Joe. I am thinking about the children. Schools were very close to both buildings.
Thank fuck you're OK D!

I have nothing constructive to add except that my thoughts go out to all stateside U75-er's, their families and all other innocents involved in this. Take care of yourselves guys.

'kin hell...looking at some of the other subject discussions here really does put it into perspective
Nice one D -- unsubstantiated rumours are dangerous (I've been going along with too many of them). Hope you stay safe.

Internet -- what rubbish. You can't get in to any of the vital websites when you need. A TV is the only answer (no doubt some TV channels are also peddling dodgy rumours too, though).

W of W
UK airports my be shut down according to Sky.

All thoughts with the U75's in the US.
popbitch.com notice board run and posted by journos and media slags, seems to know whats happening b4 the rest.
"FBI, MI5, CIA, Mossad, SIS, satellites, USAF, you have failed us."

Hmm...gonna really need that Son of Star Wars now, aren't we? These fuckers aren't too cynical to use this as an excuse to write themselves a cheque.
I can't beleive some of you are making jokey remarks - "looting anyone?" for instance.

[ 11 September 2001: Message edited by: hatboy ]
"saudi dissendents recently spoke to arab journalists and promised "spectactular attacks of the kind never seen before" on major American and British targets."
sod the bloody financial markets, what's important is peoples' lives and international peace being maintained.

Just listening to the news again now....

Frightening stuff. God, all flights in the world to USA have been cancelled...
Emergency hotline for anyone with relatives in America:

0207 008000

Please only call if necessary
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