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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

Those long shots of Manhattan are absolutely incredible - one huge smoke cloud.

I keep expecting to see Bruce Willis in a grubby vest run past..! :eek: :mad: :eek:
Bush is gonna take the first available target and wipe it out.

What staggers me (beyond the death and destruction) is the sheer audacity, logistics and timing of this.
There is no way I in any way condone the murder of innocents, this is a tragedy of epic proportions, but think for a moment of the orginisation necissary to carry out the events of today, there are still reputedly hijacked planes in the air.
the highjackers all died for what?
imagine the desperation of a people that they would resort to suce extreme measures.
being bombed, shot, starved and even submitting to genocide, with an unfair playing field and no means for expression to a deaf world.
what is so sad is that citisens from most of the 1st world will be affected by this and the backlash will probably do more to damage mid east relations and foster support for the isralie facist state, the complete opposite of its intended effect?
The last time I remember feeling like this was when the Gulf War started :eek: - don't be too scared yet folks, it seems to me that that was a much worse crisis, when we were blatantly at war. Wait and see...
Although terrible indeed for the innocents, maybe (and I'm just speculating) this'll force the States to also tread carefully in the Middle East. After its bombed the hell out of it of course.

Plane crash outside Pittsburgh.

Logistics and timing - blimey!
Yesterday an anti-talaban leader was feared dead, an american offical stated if he was dead, then it was a sad loss to the anti-talaban cause.
possible connection?
another plane heading towards washington on the attack?
Just seen it all on News24 at work, bloody hell. This could cause a war. Could it be some hard core anti capitalist organization?(and I don't mean RTS!)
or Koran v. Bible?!
Many connections.

Arms fair today for example.

BTW - Yasser Arafat has just offered his condolences and expressed his shock and horror. That was sorely needed.
They are talking on Sky about threats made by Abdul Bin Lahden (sp?). Anyone know more about this?

After its bombed the hell out of it of course

I fear you may be spot on there mate.
I am sitting here in tears, my aunt and her nephew are in downtown New York. I hope whoever is responsible will be caught and killed instantly. I cannot believe this has happened!
This whole series of events is just shocking, and one feels that it will be weeks before we actually know how many people have been killed.

Everyone is fearing a backlash from Dubya, but I hope - for his sake and that of innocent people everywhere - that he restrains himself, and turns to a re-evaluation of what was probably the catalyst for this disasterm the mother of fuck-up that is US foreign policy.

For until the US is able to look at the middle east objectively, this situation is going to get worse before it improves. Their walkout at Durban just did not help, nor is their continued support of the Israeli government and Ariel Sharon...
i tell what. I am a man rarely upset and shaken by tragic events. But this....well this is evil. 50,000 people. Im at work and REALLY dont want to be. Im damn near close to tears. And appartently the plane on the way to wahington has a F-14 following it. Imagine if that pilot is ordered to shoot on a plane full of innocents? This is truly sick
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