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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

FTSE plummets 250 points, brent crude price rockets, Euro rises against the dollar...
One woman who was in the trade centre has just said that people were jumping out of windows to their death, at this point it has brought it home, this has bought me to tears.
Fucking hell! This is gonna get bad, real fucking bad. Dubya's gonna kick off big stylee and that fuckwit at number 10 will follow.

Fuck Man! Just watcjing the piccies on sky news, one of them towers has definatly gone.

celebrations in Palestine?

they should be digging in...

Another car bomb outside the state dept?

this is full-on, beyond terrorism they are trying to bring down the US

i can't get in to any websites either...

this is insane...
Car bombs, rockets, half-a-dozen planes - a little bit beyond Tim McVeigh-types, no?

Probably a good move buying up oil shares though... : :eek:
Just seen the film of the tower coming down. Oh Fuck this is bad, don't know off the deaths yet but apparently there were 50,000 people in these towers.

Talk of deaths in the hundreds so far.
I almost cannot think of something to say, watching as i write, unreal...it's like an action movie

And now a car-bomb outside the whitehouse...

Too many dead to think about....

Apparently some palestinians are celebrating in the streets - grr....

I mean, i think a lot of us would agree that attacks on these sort of organisations is not a totally bad thing, but i am not into the death of innocents.
I think this is just the opportunity that Bush has been waiting for, and he going to grab it with both hands.

Today the was not the end of the loss of innocent lives.

:( :( :( :(
Your U75 hack on the spot:

I'm in DC at the moment. The whole place is going nuts - an unimaginable number of people work for federal government and the military here.

Now they're saying a plane from DC to LA was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon - there are also reports that keep getting announced and then cancelled as false that there are car bombs going off all over the centre of the city: FBI, State Department (Diplomatic). Other tower of WTC has collapsed: fuckin' ell.

Expect Middle East and George Bush to go absolutely apeshit, tough US responses and a huge cheque for the US military industrial complex.

Scariest of all: loads of people rubbernecking and traffic jams from everyone being sent home from work. Jeeeesus.
I feel really really sick.

Which is worse - the deaths of thousands of innocents in Manhatten or what Dubya will do to thousands of innocents in Palestine?

Dubya - one hell of a dangerous man.....
Governments just will not learn, will they. Capitalism is killing and oppressing millions.

Eventually someone with the required firepower will say "enough is enough!!!".
That happened today.

I was sure many months ago that the economy was going to crash late this year.
This is the beginning. Just look at what's been happening to stock markets these past few weeks, and how this has influenced today's trading.

However, can I make one small statement of positivity out of all this. Maybe this is what was needed to make a change for the better??? It was only a matter of time.

100% sympathy to the wage-slaves trapped in and around those buildings, but not to the corrupt murderers who created and support this system...

This seriously looks bad for the wole world.
I don't like the good old USA but I do love people of any country or race. This is uncomprehemprapble And un-spelleable to think how many people will die as a result.
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