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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

Yeah, like war

I can't see how the US can launch reprisals against Palestine - I mean it wasn't the actions of a nation state, it was a terrorist origanisation, right? If Palestine condemn the actions (as they will do), the USA cannot justify any reprisals against them.
Terrorist attacks will not stand against the USA

Looks like GW Bush is going to war. :eek: (apparently every 20th cent. Texan president of the US has led the country either to war or recession, looks like he's about to do both)

Oh Fuck.

Fuck me! One of the Trade Towers has just collpapsed. Christ knws how many dead there must be. The BBC journalist was cut off as it happened...
Reports of another explosion at the World Trade Centre. On the Ground.
If these planes were Hijacked were there still people aboard. ??????. One of the Towers now seems to have collapsed.
Brew: the only thing you can do is keep trying to get through on the links supplied in this thread mate.

Aparantly the attack on the Pentagon was caused by a rocket. I don't know the source.
Shit, the fallout from this is going to be fucking scary. If I was a Palestinian I would be shitting myself right now, whilst it may be action of a minority I can see a whole armarda of cruise-missiles heading their way.
A senior official of the DFLP has denied that they were involved (the original claim of responsibility was made anonymously)
hmm loads of different info - from the posts does that mean as well as the three plane crashes there are bombs going off as well??
one of trades centres has collapsed


I tell you something, if we're all still around at the weekend, I and everyone else ought to get f***ing wasted like never before.

Because it might be our last chance ever.
If this doesn't erupt around the world, I'd be very surprised.

This is a major fucking historic disaster and no mistake...

Already talk of Islamic groups. Seems like the lessons of the Oklahoma bombings haven't been learned.

Expect widespead attacks on the Middle East and especially Libya and Iraq.
From Sky news

More than 50,000 workers would have been in the building at the height of the morning rush-hour.

A person who answered the phone on the trading floor at interdealer-broker Cantor Fitzgerald, located near the top of the World Trade Center, said: "We're f***ing dying," then hung up. There was screaming and yelling in the background. A follow up call was not answered.
I hope that America is not too quick to accuse the middle east, after all they did that with the Oklahoma bombing, and it turned out to be one of 'their own' and I say this with all seriousness, for the sacke of the rest of the world, I hope 'one of their own' has done this.
American foreign policy coming home to roost - and the innocent pay again.

He must cancel son of star wars and redirect the cash to solving the problems that cause this kind of hatred

Hypocritical cunt Blair makes speech with predictable bollocks that misses the point and helps no-one

and still more explosions...

one on capitol hill and at a shopping mall

fuck fuck fuck :eek: :eek:
Blair's shocked and outraged. And very sorry.

Well fancy that. Doesn't extend the same to other people of the world when they're bombed, quite deliberately.

Someone is saying it could be a Palestinian group.
I really can't believe i'm witnessing this...

There are rumours of 4 more planes hijacked (don't quote me)
This looks like a well planned and co-ordinated operation. Beyond the capability of far-right militia types maybe?
May well be used as an excuse for a wholesale assult on civil liberties and bombing the fuck out of Iran, Iraq, Palastine, Afghanistan ...

Fucking scary.

christ there must be thousands dead.
Space I agree, but a lot of time planning etc has gone into this. So many attacks in such a short time. This is an all out attack on America that has taken months of planning.
The only sad part is so many innocent familys and people will have lost. Not the Fucking Government and the regime. They are the people that should be hurt. Not the innocent.This is very sad.
zee, i'd hope that's shit, but.......after all this..........who fkn knows.

My girlfriend works for a US bank, she deals with their head office staff, on wall street, She's spoken to some of them .Apparently it's total panic, people were told to evacute, but then the smoke began to fall and now the whole of Manhatten is covered and no one is allowed to leave ANY of the buildings cos the visibility is ZERO!!!!!!!

So they're all just fucken sat THERE!!!!!!

As you can perhaps imagine, people are panicing. But i shit you not, apparently there is smoke billowing across the water and all of downtown is covered.

There's fires burning and peeps are stuck in cars trying to get away but have nowhere to drive as they can't SEE!!
Some guy on TV was just giving a horrific account of helping some guy out of the World Trade elevator with 'his skin all off' and people jumping out of windows and getting seriously fucked up.

Still, at least the business desk can erport that the Euro has risen against the dollar in the aftermath. Fuckers.
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