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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

I've just heard that the death toll is estimated at about 10,000!! FUCK this is disgusting.
I've also a feeling that the chicago and other hushed articles were simply overblown chinese whispers - just like reports of the plane that hit capitol hill at around 3:00 10 minutes later there was a shot of it that completely disproved it. i just think that all the reporters are either at the major scenes or are trying to peice together whats going on in the studios.

All i know is that the world will be a very different place from now on. :(
It clearly goes without saying that the mass killings of civilians in the US is appalling - and might change your world. But the mass killings of civilians by the US in Afghanistan, Granada or the Sudan never provoked this degree of reaction.

I doubt that for the millions of refugees around the globe, their world will not substantially change. Perhaps the horrors of today, the shock of a world turned upside down might provoke Western citizens to empaphize with those who undergo the horror of missile attacks in Iraq, the Occupied Territories (or suicide bombs come to that). But I doubt it. Oppression rarely makes the oppressed more willing to see egalitarian solutions.
knowing papers like the daily torygraph,they'll blame the mayday protesters for going to new york with
samurai swords and chopping the towers down or something
I'm just seeing pictures of the WTC now. Holy shit! :eek: :eek: :eek:. Utter devastation, it looks like bloody Dresden or something. The people responsible must be utterly depraved individuals.

Pax vobiscum, Nemo
UPDATE: The foreign office has just released a statement saying that there is a 'strong risk of further atrocities within the US.' To all the U75er's and everyone else in the US, be careful and we're thinking of you. :(.

Pax vobiscum, Nemo
You are such a small minded prat. Notice how something of this tragic enormity has to be brought back into terms that fit within your narrow definition of the world.
Toozious wrote:
Space Girl, I'm sorry you misunderstood what i was trying to say. I was referencing the people who commited this as neanderthals not you.

Maybe this is a bad time to point out that, to the best of our knowledge, neanderthals were a mostly peaceful society, and they certainly didn't fight anything resembling wars.
All I can say is terrorism can never be justified as it is innocent people who end up getting killed and injured. By they way why weren't any of you lot at todays demonstration against the arms trade in London. Only about 500 people were there and yet the event has been advanced for ages so everyone on these boards knew about it.
Yeah. Deathbringer, you sound like a fucking child. Piss off and pray none of your relatives and friends were in that shit.

Same goes for everyone coming here to chinstroke and gloat at New York's misery with anti-US sentiment.

It could be said that in this "war" against US policy abroad and capitalism in general that the Pentagon was a legitamate target, if ever there is such a thing in these extreme cases.

But to rationalise the thousands dead and mourning in NYC as a thing to be deserved by anyone is plainly fucking obscene, and twats like Deathbringer should take a long hard look at themselves.

It's horrific, and I hope to God no-one here or related to anyone here was caught up in that hell.

It's a black day for the world, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall into.

Lets just hope that Bush is restrained in his responses before dropping the rest of the planet in the shit too.

Nothing more to say, gutted, I love New York.

He had a point but not an excuse. I just saw picture on the news of someone jumping out of a 100th story window in a vain attempt to escape. Fucking horrific. :( :( :( :( :( :(.
I've been in a state of limbo since a mate phoned,to suggest i turn the news on this afternoon.

I ain't got the words to describe how i feel.
I know its horrible terrible thing to happen. But can't you help but think that Americas got a taste of its own medicine.
Can anyone believe that this is actually happening? Imagine how scary it must've been to be in there. Many people keep sayin they saw people jumping out. How?
Crashing a plane into the side of a building-how ingenius, just wish it was on a film and not in real life. :(

[ 11 September 2001: Message edited by: madrabbit ]
I've spent a lot of time over the years in New York. What has always struck me is that contrary to the image of being hardnosed, New Yorkers are actually a pretty open population - there isn't the sense of aggression on the streets that we encounter say, in London.

You just need to see a disabled or elderly person enter a building in NY to understand the extent they have put infrastructure in place to facilate the disadvantaged. In terms of racism and sexism, there is far less tolerance there than in the UK.

A few months after the last attempted bombing (1993?) I remember standing south of the trade centre building and thinking 'if anyone from an aggressor state spent time living in the US and experienced the culture, they would never want to bomb NY'

For those of us who love Manhattan, its vibrancy, its openness, its beautiful skyline, we have lost something forever. For those of you who never visited - your loss I am afraid.
What a vile day! Every skyscraper across the planet is now a potential target seeing how easily they crumbled.

The front line of NY's medical rescue was probably caught up in the collapse. There is now a massive gas fire raging, and there are probably thousands of people dead.

A friend just pointed out to me that below the Pentagon, there will be a nuclear reactor. It is to be hoped that the armour designed to withstand nuclear attack was strong enough to withstand the crash/fire there.

Even without further incidents, can it get any worse??? :( :( :(
If you haven't checked CNN has the latest list of updates. No commercial planes will fly until noon tmr, and San Fran declares state of emergency. Not sure what is up with SF, will check by email with friends...

I'm from the US, live in US, but trust me, many of us don't agree with all the gov't does. We are quite aware this is probably a reaction to our gov't playing god where it shouldn't.


My mother woke me up out of a dead sleep today to watch the aftermath of the first plane. I watched in horror as the second jet crashed before my eyes. As I continued to watch the rest of the events unfold I coudn't believe it! My god! This is fucking horrible.

All the malls, colleges, federal buildings, CNN center, and stadiums. All the schools are closed and all the airports. Atlanta is at a stand still. Our Center for Disease Control has been shut down and are getting specialists together in case of bio-chemical war fare.

There were numerous vehical accidents due to an early rush hour. I am pretty sure that Atlanta is not alone in the chaos that has spread.

Thanks to all you who have offered support for the U.S. D and Cat...I hope all is well. All we can do now is keep offering support. (There will be plenty of time for blaming and political diversity) For now lets just keep everyone in our prayers/thoughts and look for any chance we can to help in this tragedy.

Washington was defenitely NOT hit by a hi-jacked plane. The pentagon however, was. Also, a plane crashed about 60 miles outside of Ft. Knox apparently.

The towers have collapsed! Both of them! BUt you probably already knew that. Bush is hiding in Lousiana right now. He has garenteed quick retaliation, which usually means OVERKILL...

I have heard that Bush has left Louisiana. And that there is a dispute between his political advisors and the secret service. It seems his advisors want him in Washington "so as not to appear like a Weenie". The secret service wants him in the mountains somewhere safe.
Fucking appearances!
i think that was building 7 of the world trade centre complex.

a long and dark day whose shadow has a length unknown.
Fuckin' ell!
What a thing to wake up to.....
Hermine, Mama PJ, IJ.... thinking of you, and anyine else in the US....

(I'm SO not going to war, tho.... I'll tell ya that now for free)
Ok, reading this thread has really brought it home to me...
i don't know what to say
i'm almost in tears
this might have been brought up elsewhere - and it may be too much to ask, but is there anyway IP addresses can be traced to a city?
that way we can check that at least the people that post or lurk here are ok
i don't really feel like making any other comment
i just feel complete sadness
so much seems insignificant compared to this..
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