I've just heard that the death toll is estimated at about 10,000!! FUCK this is disgusting.
I've also a feeling that the chicago and other hushed articles were simply overblown chinese whispers - just like reports of the plane that hit capitol hill at around 3:00 10 minutes later there was a shot of it that completely disproved it. i just think that all the reporters are either at the major scenes or are trying to peice together whats going on in the studios.
All i know is that the world will be a very different place from now on.
I've also a feeling that the chicago and other hushed articles were simply overblown chinese whispers - just like reports of the plane that hit capitol hill at around 3:00 10 minutes later there was a shot of it that completely disproved it. i just think that all the reporters are either at the major scenes or are trying to peice together whats going on in the studios.
All i know is that the world will be a very different place from now on.