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World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, 11th September 2001

Utterly tragic, devastating and apocalyptic. I am reminded of those terrible disaster movies Hollywood churns out - I never thought I would see something like that in real life.
I really cannot think of much to say. It is times like this when capalism seems a small problem compared to horrendous terrorism and the loss of innocent human lives.

My thoughts are with all the American brothers and sisters. I hope we all pull through.


At the risk of sounding like a ranting leftie, Capitalism is NOT a small problem compared to what we have seen today. The events in NY and Washington are utterly, utterly terrible...but so is what millions of people face every day because of the deliberate economic policies of the elite of the Western world. This is just the US getting a taste of that terrible cost...and god forbid it ever happens to them again, because I wouldn't wish it on anyone, let alone innocent civilians. All life is sacred.

Matt, i understand what you are saying. This whole thing and other wars etc are fueled from capalism and goverment control.

It is just the loss of innocent human beings that angers me and makes me feel physically sick.
I'm scared.

[ 12 September 2001: Message edited by: torsten såår ]
I just heard from top pentagon officials, that the bombing in Afghanistan was *not* carried out by the United States. They attribute it to the ongoing civil war in that country.
In school all we did was look at the TV in horror and shock. It's been a tragic day, I hope the worst is over.

Gas over here is supposed to go up in price. My friend just told me to go and fill the tank now because it'll be $6 per gallon...

In whatever way we retaliate, I pray we think it through and it's the best decision with the least repurcussions(sp?).

Thanks for everyone's support through all of this ;)
i can't imagine what it would be like to be living in the us right now...
i hope this isn't going to become 3rd world war....canada..(woohoo go canada) would be fighting in the war with the usa...ahhh...
who would have the sick mind to want to do all this?
My thoughts go out to all those imediately concerned in all this.
The loss of parents, grandparents, children, the people left behind to deal with all the loss.
i weep for you
If this statement isn't a direct attack against Afghanistan I don't know what is.
Bush quote "...we will make no distinctions between terrorists or those that harbor them." I think he is just stopping short of uttering Bin Laden's name.
I've posted another thread giving the email addresses of the letters pages of the UK papers. I would suggest that people write in to urge the government not to back revenge attacks.
Ok,As I'm in the center of all military action, VA, I dont think they'll be having school tomorrow. (Thats good but I'll mis field hockey.) Anyway, to get rid of rumors here I go---- the 4 planes were hijacked, 2 went to the WTC(estimated 30,000 inside at the time), one went to the Pentagon (estimated 24,000) and one, headed to camp daivd crashed en-route. An estimated 80 NYC policemen and 200 firemen were inside when the tower collapsed, no word on their condition. There is an estimated 200 dead at the Pentagon and in the towers numerous bodies have been found but it is too soon to tell. Other building the WTC buildings 5 and 7 have collapsed due to the damage by the fire that spreaded. No one was inside but many are concerned for thw workers on the ground who had little warning. Despite rumors the US HAS NOT bombed any plane, person or country. The ships of the US Navy are moving not to attack, but to provide space for treatment facilities (as the hospitals are packed)There are no planes in the sky except for millitary patrolers. Will will know more in terms of numbers in the morning (EDT)Good Night all.
Sorry, haven't read the entire thread. Anyone got any news on the 'missing 5th plane? There's still been no footage of the fourth that crashed somewhere near Pittsburgh. All's gone quiet on the 5th since someone revealed that the US Airforce were preparing to 'take it down' before it hit it's (assumed) target of Washington. There are reports of people who are still alive under the rubble in New York...Ruby, I'm with you there. This must not be an excuse for war. Enough lives have been lost.
havent't heard - and i've been transfixed to the media with shock since it happened.

by the way sheofthe, if u r up and want to chat i'm in the room - maybe i can persuade u i am not fat mike!!
surfin, what a time for a chat. I CAN'T chat. I'm on a set top box, But you're ok, I know you're not fat mike :). This missing plane is begining to obsess me though.
This isn't terrorism it's an act of war

Surely if any one cares to look at this from an Arab perspective they have been under attack/at war with 'the evil empire' for a very long time.

Within days of Bush becoming president he bombed Iraq 'just to show them who's boss'

This surely is shocking news, and my sympathies go out to all those who lost loved ones and who have been injured, BUT it really isn't that surprising.
It was only a matter of when it was going to happen.
I, for one, didn't expect it so soon and on such a huge scale.

We really are in for a rough ride ahead!!(Just to state the obvious)
Well I must say the weirdest part of it all is that the Palestinians and the Lebanese have been having street parties to celebrate this happening.... the US Secretary of State has said to them " we are watching you and we can see its not just the children celebrating"
I'd say it's quite an assumption that all palestinians and lebanese are celebrating. That last quote has really eerie undertones...
sheo- its not an assumption there is TV footage of them celebrating in the streets of East Jerusalem etc... you can see it on CNN and BBC World, Sky etc etc they were showing it but not too much as its not really something you want to show the world as people are dying....

US Intelligence says they have very strong information that it is Osama Bin Laden but nothing for sure yet...

aparently the planes were highjacked using knifes!!!

aND survivors are calling from there cell phones....
I don't think it exists sheo,(Bermuda Triangle?) at one point there were reports of eight planes being hijacked.

spliff xxx
Sorry, the assumption I was on about was the vague implication that it was the palestinians and the lebanese as a whole, rather than some, which surely isn't a great surprise (although I'm not condoning it in any way) and I certainly wouldn't call it the weirdest thing that had in the last few hours...
Apparently the people on the one of the planes were moved to the back of the plane and were told that they could phone their loved ones as they were going to die that day.

The terrorists on board had plastic knives and they had already killed 2 members of the crew, they were reported to be of 'Arab' nationality by one of the passengers.

5 'Arab' men have just been arrested, they were found with flight path details and one was a pilot, this was reported in an american newspaper and the details have been picked up by Fox news.
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