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in the far future there is only bonuses for everyone!


You can't park here sir

games workshop providers of high quality plastic crack give their staff a £2500 bonus admittidly that's a space marine command squad and a dozen paints :D but a company doing a decent thing for it's workers ishould fucking rare.
GW changed the names of all their Warhammer races to things they could copyright (most of the original ones were nicked from Tolkien, Heinlein etc) and the staff are now forbidden from mentioning the old names. They've even retroconned their whole fictional universe.
GW changed the names of all their Warhammer races to things they could copyright (most of the original ones were nicked from Tolkien, Heinlein etc) and the staff are now forbidden from mentioning the old names. They've even retroconned their whole fictional universe.

They are bringing it back next year because people got pissed off (also total war players wanted to play in the Old World and asked what the fuck age of smegmar was)
GW changed the names of all their Warhammer races to things they could copyright (most of the original ones were nicked from Tolkien, Heinlein etc) and the staff are now forbidden from mentioning the old names. They've even retroconned their whole fictional universe.
tbf Wrahammer is more expensive and less socially acceptable than Heroin! :D

at one point the Fluff about the god emperour of mankind had him being jesus and a certain middle eastern warlord strangley that bit of lore got retconned harder and faster than the squats cant imagine why:hmm::D
They're based in Nottingham and their HQ is near the NG2 tram stop on the Toton line. It has a huge emblem of a double headed bird of prey on the side of the building, (The symbol of the Imperium of Man apparently) It's clearly visible if you're riding on the tram and I have to admit it does look pretty awesome.
They're based in Nottingham and their HQ is near the NG2 tram stop on the Toton line. It has a huge emblem of a double headed bird of prey on the side of the building, (The symbol of the Imperium of Man apparently) It's clearly visible if you're riding on the tram and I have to admit it does look pretty awesome.
one eye blind to the past, the other looking to the future. This is because they abhor mankinds technological golden age as 'the dark age of technology' and shun complex computers in case they turn AI (abominable Intelligence).
Reminds me of the russian imperial eagle with one head looking to the east and the other head looking west
most of the original ones were nicked from Tolkien, Heinlein etc)
I was reading jack vance's Dying Earth stories last year and guess what some gribbly creatures were called? Termagants. Thats exactly the name of GW's Tyrranid shock troops, the cheap pawny units you sacrifice for strategic advantage. GW is a big magpie grabbing all the shiny bits from every sf and fantasy setting.
I was reading jack vance's Dying Earth stories last year and guess what some gribbly creatures were called? Termagants. Thats exactly the name of GW's Tyrranid shock troops, the cheap pawny units you sacrifice for strategic advantage. GW is a big magpie grabbing all the shiny bits from every sf and fantasy setting.
Michael Moorcock, Lovecraft, 2000AD loads from Nemesis the Warlock & Judge Dredd, The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe, A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller
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