krtek a houby
Kick me again Jesus
Speaking to people face to face does get mixed results, it depends on the environment and how hostile or not it is. An example (albeit not in the UK) but recently speaking with far right Americans in both Tokyo and Dublin on neutral ground (the pub) where the atmosphere is uplifting.there are for me many similarities and crossovers between the way in which anti-immigrant bollocks is pushed and the way in which incel / toxic masculinity nonsense is pushed. but among the difficulties we have is that 'the left' has proved poor in using the internet and social media in the way that jihadis and fascists have - this is not a call to emulate them, but to try something different. should we as people on 'the left' continue as we are, where there are few innovative ideas about pushing ideas over the internet? or perhaps try what some people have already done and speak to people face to face - some anarchists have tried speaking to people at syl rallies, and report mixed results.
i don't have a solution for this but i think new things need to be tried, not in isolation but in concert. every year you see swp posters which clearly take their inspiration from punk images of the 1970s. have there really been no new ideas in political communication since jamie reid?
One Texan man said that he could see where I was coming from. Another man (Texan also!) could only see to the end of his big hat. In both cases, both men were the instigators of the conversation - both loudly made statements that could be deemed as offensive.
In some ways, it was more useful than the many "discussions" have had with fash online over the years which have left me exhausted. Dunno if it did any good, of course.
Obviously the atmosphere would be quite different at rallies and dangerous at flashpoints.
And would question the use of words like "axiom" in such cases...