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Immigration. Is it time for the right, to REALLY piss off the left?

TonkaToy said:
So when a rightie complains about lefties accusing the right of generally being racists...it's "Hysterical" ... when a rightie JOKES about a leftie being racist, it's time to make him feel insecure about his user account here....
Sorry, you have lost me again.

I am sure this probably makes some kind of sense to you, but I fail to see the relevance to this thread. Maybe you would like to discuss the issue on the thread in quesation where I can follow your points and posts more better?
And to be fair, I speed read TB's article, I didn't quite catch this at the bottom.

"But Tebbit, now believing he holds the authority of a seer proved correct, doesn’t want complex analysis, he wants to know how to resolve a dangerous situation. And again, although the message matches Davis, his tone is more open and Powell-like. “We’ve got three choices,” he insists. “One. The UK decides to become an Islamic republic. I wouldn’t recommend that. Two. All non-Christians are removed. I wouldn’t recommend that either. Three. Britain’s minority populations decide themselves to begin the process of integration. And they are well justified in asking that we must change ourselves to begin accommodating some of their moral views. Continuing with what we have at the moment, that is not an option.”"

TB does the non OB / pro Heavy immigration control argument a disservice when he talks like this. I don't believe we need to shut down immigration to a trickle in order to tell the God bothers (No matter which religion they be) to fuck off.

All I would ever argue for, is receprical one in for one out immigration policy between all countries outside the EU.

For inside the EU, I would just insure that we have the same agreement as our partners. If our partners don't accept newer EU immigrants, then neigther should we.

Fairs fair.
TonkaToy said:
I said nothing wrong in that, but then it's like you coming with something like "Aha but he fucks defenceless children!"
Way to go in derailing a thread.

It's paedononce time!

Are you sure you're not Layabout?
TeeJay said:
Sorry, you have lost me again.

I am sure this probably makes some kind of sense to you, but I fail to see the relevance to this thread. Maybe you would like to discuss the issue on the thread in quesation where I can follow your points and posts more better?

It's relevant because I was accused of being hypocritical. Anyway, I think you'll agree we're all doing a good job of calming down, so I want to move away from the personal shit..I'm sure you do to.
TeeJay said:
Way to go in derailing a thread.

It's paedononce time!

Are you sure you're not Layabout?

Oh come on. You know what I mean. Dark and dangerous bogeymen like Norman Tebbits more innocent views being used with his darker views to batter those that simply agree with his more moderate views.

I know plenty of people here would not see "Immigration slowed to a trickle" as a moderate view - heck I don't even agree with it, but the point I'm making is that his more unreasonable views are being used to batter those who happen to agree with his moderate views.

That doesn't make those who agree with his moderate views, right, but accusing such people of being racist and bigoted because they happen to share views with people who are - is a bit below the belt.
TeeJay said:
don't support immediately tearing down all border controls in real life, not least because a logical result would be states (with all their IMO useful and desirable functions) would/could in effect cease to function: for example, without any controls or agreement how would police stop anyone from running across the nearest border (that didn't actually exist)? If borders didn't exist, where would one government's power stop and another's start? The world would either simply be one big country or have no functioning states at all.

I see where you're coming from (and I probably agree with most of it) but control of migration isn't the only defining factor of a country's existence.

One need only look back to before the First World War to find that countries exercised little or no control over the movement of people. Passports (the most basic of control documents) were a useful accessory, but not generally essential for international travel.

The first modern passports in the UK were introduced in 1915. It was only in 1921 that international agreement was reached for their widespread adoption. I doubt it would be possible to argue that countries like the UK and Spain did not exist before then :)

In a more up to date parallel, the Schengen Agreement countries have effectively open borders without it bringing about a withering of the French state (though some Euro-sceptics might have you believe that).
cybertect said:
I see where you're coming from (and I probably agree with most of it) but control of migration isn't the only defining factor of a country's existence.
"Country" doesn't equal "state" tho'...

...it is the *functions* of state that would become more or less impossible, in that they need by definition some kind of area of authority and application.

If a state provides education, health, a police force and system of laws and courts, if it regulates a whole list of activities and provides a whole list of services, collects taxation and so forth ... all of this is applied to an area or region, which becomes 'de facto' part of that state's geographical manifestion.

To simply say that there should be 'no borders' also logically impacts on the state. Has the state disappeared or spread? If functions continue and they have a geographical extent then there are still 'borders' or the state has spread to 100% of places that people live.

It is true that there currently exist areas where the state has in effect collapsed and/or where local people have in effect their own 'tribal' government or system that provides functions, but there is still a border between these kind of areas and areas where a more formal state exists.
OK, lets phrase it another way: What are the benefits of anti-immigration laws, and explain to me why capital is free to cross borders, whereas labour is not?
riot sky said:
OK, lets phrase it another way: What are the benefits of anti-immigration laws, and explain to me why capital is free to cross borders, whereas labour is not?

No. I think what you meant to ask "What are the benefits of immigration CONTROL?"

Anti-immigration implies being against immigration, most people who want immigration CONTROL are not against immigration.

So are we all agreeing that there is some sensible (but hard to define) middle ground - a "middle way" between "no immigration" and "no borders"?


Now all we need to do is agree where this is exactly.
TeeJay said:
So are we all agreeing that there is some sensible (but hard to define) middle ground - a "middle way" between "no immigration" and "no borders"?


Now all we need to do is agree where this is exactly.

Why does there have to be a figure?

A reciprical one for one policy sounds exactly right to me.
TonkaToy said:
Why does there have to be a figure?
I never mentioned a figure.

A 'sensible middle ground' could simply be a policy - a set of criteria for example.

A bit like we have at the moment in fact, maybe with a few tweaks and changes (for example we could let refugees work).
TeeJay said:
I never mentioned a figure.

A 'sensible middle ground' could simply be a policy - a set of criteria for example.

A bit like we have at the moment in fact, maybe with a few tweaks and changes (for example we could let refugees work).

We know the reason why they can't, but having said that, I would like a different approach to refugees, in particular to those that come through countless countries to get here. That's not fleeing for ones life, that's economic migration.
TonkaToy said:
economic migration.

Ah economic migration...

I feel that globalisation will have serious effects for the us in the not so distant future. Businesses will continue to distribute throughout the globe with manufacturing centered in areas of cheap labour, administration will also be carried out in areas of cheap labour (such as Indian call centres) and all that will be left in the west will logistics. This is couples with the advent of the internet and consumers becoming more confident on buying online; the consumer will eventually be used to dealing with the international market. The world is shrinking.

Another problem is that enforced employment laws will have no or little effect - companies will just move on to new ground. Immigration relies on capital to fullfill a social role and provide wealth for them, a bitter pill to swallow for some of us perhaps... The west is a victim of its own success. A total open door to immigration has problems: those who have the skills to compete in the new global market can only continue to exist if the costs of their labour is reduced.

So what do you suggest? Because I don't have a clue.
riot sky said:
OK, go ahead and enlighten me...

Well.......I don't mind genuine refugees working here, but there would have to be safeguards that would ensure that normal economic migrants don't wang the refugee card in order to circumvent any system of reciprical migration..

...and I think you would agree (and most probably have been saying yourself) that better foreign policies aimed at cutting down refugees in the first place, would be in order.

On the home front, more organisation against arms companies along with lobbying against arms companies would be great. I'm not blaming the left per se, but there is an awful lot of people who make presumptions about what people on the right think, when it comes to the arms trade. I really have been wanting to my little bit against the global arms trade, but I feel alienated by those who bring along 56 zillion other causes along to what really should be a single issue. Of course problems and issues are linked, but everyone has differing opinions on how they are linked. Also, it's not fair that I'm photographed and headcounted for some perihperal cause that I might not support.

Numbers at all manner of protests would absolutely swell, if people just learnt to stick the original fucking reason why they are protesting!

Sorry if I went off on one....
TonkaToy said:
We'll think of some way to make it all better. <With working class white money of course>
Working class white money? Is that stored and taxed separately from all the working class black money then?

I didn't even know that money had race and social class, to be honest. I'm really fascinated by this now.
In Bloom said:
Working class white money? Is that stored and taxed separately from all the working class black money then?

I didn't even know that money had race and social class, to be honest. I'm really fascinated by this now.

He was taking the piss...I hope :D
riot sky said:
Ah economic migration...

I feel that globalisation will have serious effects for the us in the not so distant future. Businesses will continue to distribute throughout the globe with manufacturing centered in areas of cheap labour, administration will also be carried out in areas of cheap labour (such as Indian call centres) and all that will be left in the west will logistics. This is couples with the advent of the internet and consumers becoming more confident on buying online; the consumer will eventually be used to dealing with the international market. The world is shrinking.

Another problem is that enforced employment laws will have no or little effect - companies will just move on to new ground. Immigration relies on capital to fullfill a social role and provide wealth for them, a bitter pill to swallow for some of us perhaps... The west is a victim of its own success. A total open door to immigration has problems: those who have the skills to compete in the new global market can only continue to exist if the costs of their labour is reduced.

So what do you suggest? Because I don't have a clue.

Tell me about it. Most of the money that I'm counting at the moment, isn't even UK pounds...it's US dollars. The only way I can make what I make, it's convincing Americans, that I'm cheaper than Americans, but can provide a better service than the Indians. It doesn't matter what any of us like, not even the yanks can stop globalisation now - that's the way things have happened.
In Bloom said:
Working class white money? Is that stored and taxed separately from all the working class black money then?

I didn't even know that money had race and social class, to be honest. I'm really fascinated by this now.

No, I was taking the piss out of a certain type of leftie.
TonkaToy said:
Tell me about it. Most of the money that I'm counting at the moment, isn't even UK pounds...it's US dollars. The only way I can make what I make, it's convincing Americans, that I'm cheaper than Americans, but can provide a better service than the Indians. It doesn't matter what any of us like, not even the yanks can stop globalisation now - that's the way things have happened.

I aint agreeing with you!! I merely think that is the way things are heading and I hope I am wrong.

How do you provide a better service than those provided by India :confused:
riot sky said:
I aint agreeing with you!! I merely think that is the way things are heading and I hope I am wrong.

How do you provide a better service than those provided by India :confused:

I never said I did. It's about CONVINCING Americans that I provide a better service than some random Indian outfit. I'm not going to try and convince you, that I can provide a better service than every Indian firm out there. This is a just a messageboard, it's not like I'm just about to give you a quote for a contract now, is it?
Over the years debate on here about race and immigration has become more and more incoherent. From the left and the right. But this thread takes some beating.
TonkaToy said:
Layabout? Might as well ask me if I'm Lord fucking Lucan. As much as I know, Layabout was banned was he not?

The answer is no, I'm not Layabout.

How interesting. I've been here over a year and I've barely even heard of him - he was gone before I joined. And yet you seem to know exactly who editor is talking about. Hmm ...
trashpony said:
How interesting. I've been here over a year and I've barely even heard of him - he was gone before I joined. And yet you seem to know exactly who editor is talking about. Hmm ...

Well apparantly, I even know the cunts shoe size now. Every third thread I post on.....

...but hey, it's my fault for having similar views.

danny la rouge said:
Over the years debate on here about race and immigration has become more and more incoherent. From the left and the right. But this thread takes some beating.

Thankyou for your contribution. I look forward to your next post in 3 months time, but hey, if I've dragged you out from lurkerville, it's at least some achievement.
TeeJay said:
"Country" doesn't equal "state" tho'...


To simply say that there should be 'no borders' also logically impacts on the state. Has the state disappeared or spread? If functions continue and they have a geographical extent then there are still 'borders' or the state has spread to 100% of places that people live.

I think you're going to have to define what you mean by 'no borders' because I've a feeling you've created a bit of a straw man. :confused:

I don't think anyone (perhaps outside a very few ultra-internationalists, if they exist) is advocating that national boundaries should be totally erased from the map.

I was addressing the question of the abolition of border controls which you mentioned.

There are no border controls to prevent me moving from, say, Scotland to England. They both have different legal codes and taxation regimes, but there's no suggestion that either of them has disappeared or ceases to be able to deliver services as a result.

Equally, to use your example of a criminal on the run, it's perfectly routine for Scottish police to arrest someone wanted for a crime committed in England.

There would be nothing preventing a similar arrangement between the France and Belgium - which is exactly what the Schengen agreement is about. Nobody in their right mind would suggest that the French state has melted away in consequence. :D

Abolition of border controls doesn't require the abolition of the concept of citizenship, merely that citizens of one state may pass through and live freely in other states. What status you confer on those foreign citizens once they're resident is a separate issue.

If it's necessary to establish citizenship for some purposes, such as access to education, welfare services or the ability of an individual to serve in the armed forces of that country, removal of border controls doesn't change anything. A birth certificate or naturalisation papers (or even a National Identity card :oops:) should be sufficient to do that job.
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