My manifesto/dictatorial wishlist for the United Kingdom:
1) Ban zero-hours contracts completely.
2) Part-time and temporary workers to get all the benefits, rights and protections of full-time and permanent workers, including paid holidays.
3) Institute a social housing program in which unoccupied dwellings are seized, renovated and rented out at low rates, with people on the housing registers having priority.
4) Mothers to have the choice of free/heavily subsidised childcare while they work, or a salary equivalent to full-time work until their youngest child turns 13.
5) G4S, Capita, Serco, ATOS, and similar parasites to have all their UK operations and assets seized and either auctioned or brought under public control.
6) A wide-ranging de-privatisation program covering the NHS, education (including universities), public transport, utilities, and telecommunications, with the long-term goal of bringing said industries under increasing rank-and-file worker control.
7) A National Universal Basic Income to go on top of any pre-existing benefits and welfare schemes.
8) All Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories, with the exception of the British Antarctic Territory, to be fully integrated into the mainland as the United Kingdom Outer Territories, sharing a legal & political status with England & Wales.
9) More powers for the Welsh Assembly.
10) Regional assemblies for England including London.
11) Abolish the position of Mayor of London.
12) An energy policy for the long term, including support for a budding native energy industry comprising both renewables and nuclear fission.
12b) Increased support for research into renewable energy (at home), nuclear fusion and thorium reactors (internationally).
12c) Ban fracking completely.
13) Reduction of police powers including the curtailment of stop & search.
14) More support for the Army Cadet Force, youth centres, and other extracurricular activities for young people.
15) Voting age to be lowered to 16, to be accompanied by political awareness programs in schools for the newly-enfranchised.
16) An entire series of industrial re-orientation projects for the whole United Kingdom, away from services and finance and towards advanced research, high-tech manufacturing, and ambitious engineering.
17) More support for cultural and artistic activities across the board.
18) The establishment of a British Space Program with the objective of developing our own capacities in space, including heavy-lift launch vehicles, manned spaceflight, orbital infrastructure (including research into asteroid mining) and the permanent and significant presence of personnel in Earth orbit and/or on other Solar system bodies such as the Moon or Mars. Commonwealth countries would be invited to participate and cooperation with the European Space Agency would be considered.
19) Abolish Trident or any replacement and instead develop a nuclear deterrent entirely under British control.
20) Withdrawal from NATO.
21) Withdrawal of any British forces currently occupying non-UK territory unless expressly asked not to by popularly-mandated authorities in the territory concerned.
22) Closure of all asylum/immigration detention centres and the offer of residence in the UK to their former inmates.
23) All newspapers to print any apologies on the front page.
24) Strict limits on the size of donations to political parties from individuals and organisations.
25) Look into ways of stamping out the influence of think-tanks.
Those are the ones I could think of from the top of my head, but it's far from exhaustive.