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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

so if, say, you were sought for a driving offence you'd say that it'd be racist to say white man sought for serial running red lights.

But no media outlet would say that, would they?

Why not? Because when white people commit crimes, their race isn't considered relevant.

Do you really need me to tell you why that is?
It's racist to make their "appearance" an issue at all.

If, as the article seems to imply, the attackers were all recently arrived as refugees, then it certainly is newsworthy given the community tensions we all know exist in Germany. Ignoring that aspect of the story just gives more strength to the likes of Pegida, who thrive off of the idea that the 'PC Brigade' (or German equivalent) are leading the country to the dogs. The only way to dampen such tensions are to stamp down hard on the perpetrators, regardless of race.
i still don't think we should speculate on their ethnicity though, i mean it may be possible that some of a particular race and not others. And the police could be talking shit.

if it's confirmed the far right will make a huge big deal out of this. very worrying :(
i still don't think we should speculate on their ethnicity though, i mean it may be possible that some of a particular race and not others. And the police could be talking shit.

if it's confirmed the far right will make a huge big deal out of this. very worrying :(
according to deutsche welle many of the women attacked described their assailants as of north african appearance: tbh that genie's likely out the bottle.
Wouldn't they? Surely if someone is being sought by police in connection with a crime, their race would be part of the description issued?

A white person's race wouldn't be mentioned in the media's reporting of a crime though. Non-white people are much more likely to be identified by race, because the media assumes--and tries to inculcate the assumption--that their race was a contributory factor to their committing the crime.

This is a textbook example.
A white person's race wouldn't be mentioned in the media's reporting of a crime though. Non-white people are much more likely to be identified by race, because the media assumes--and tries to inculcate the assumption--that their race was a contributory factor to their committing the crime.

This is a textbook example.
In Germany the vast majority of the population is white therefore any perpetrators would be assumed to be white unless reported otherwise.

We all love a racist conspiracy on Urban though, don't we ? That's far more important than any thought of the perps being brought to justice and any further sexual assaults prevented.

I'm surprised you can't see it.

By mentioning the alleged race of the attackers--apparently on the basis of their "appearance"--the media are inculcating the idea of a causal relation between their race and the crime. People will conclude that they attacked the women because they are North African.

And if you can't see why that's racist, you're beyond my help.
I'm surprised you can't see it.

By mentioning the alleged race of the attackers--apparently on the basis of their "appearance"--the media are inculcating the idea of a causal relation between their race and the crime. People will conclude that they attacked the women because they are North African.

And if you can't see why that's racist, you're beyond my help.
no they're not. perhaps you should read the rest of the article too, which seemed to me to be quite fair.
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