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Huge earthquake in Haiti

Haiti harrowing pic = working class troubles -> eh :confused:

Any other harrowing pic e.g. tsunami = working class troubles -> eh :confused:
It's just embarrasing, insulting too...

There's this implication that the haves and have nots are somehow assessed for burial. Does this one have a ring? How important does this one look ... like there's some kind of upper class mass grave thing going on in a woody natural place up the (impassable) road that they get transported to and buried with ceremony if they meet some kind of class corpse assessment. :facepalm:

Wtf - there's no-one there arsed with that. Bury them in mass graves to stop the spread of disease, it's awful to look at, but what other choice. Thousands and thousands of putrefying corpses. There's no fucking class analysis going on, jesus fucking wept.
The working class are given no dignity in life and none in death.

FFS. I seriously doubt if you would volunteer to go help with "proper" burrials because its more fun to whine from the sidelines. If you haven't the backbone to go there yourself and help, then you should at least have the common sense to get out of the way of people who do. Furthering your petty agenda at the expense of people who are working to save lives is one of the more heinous things I've seen here.
There's this implication that the haves and have nots are somehow assessed for burial. Does this one have a ring? How important does this one look ... like there's some kind of upper class mass grave thing going on in a woody natural place up the (impassable) road that they get transported to and buried with ceremony if they meet some kind of class corpse assessment. :facepalm:

Wtf - there's no-one there arsed with that. Bury them in mass graves to stop the spread of disease, it's awful to look at, but what other choice. Thousands and thousands of putrefying corpses. There's no fucking class analysis going on, jesus fucking wept.

Only disease with dead bodies is a great myth, a doctor said so on the radio the other day along with an aid worker....
the haiti senate got left in bodybags outside the senate building just dumped by the road probably in a mass grave now.
doubt access to a body bag counts as class privalige:(
So the only disease threat is contained to those diseases already present? Didn't know that, cheers. Mind you, with an impoverished country, I guess the incidence of disease was possibly higher anyway?
FFS. I seriously doubt if you would volunteer to go help with "proper" burrials because its more fun to whine from the sidelines. If you haven't the backbone to go there yourself and help, then you should at least have the common sense to get out of the way of people who do. Furthering your petty agenda at the expense of people who are working to save lives is one of the more heinous things I've seen here.

Indeed if you fail to read and understand behind the mask of humanitarian aid are The USA implementing an occupation? something we should not ignore and neither should we forget the nature of imperialism and the fact it is racist and that the dead and living have been given no dignity from some quaters, i find this fucking heinous and the fact humanity is placed into a grave with out any dignitary is what i was saying and yes class is an issue i do suport those working to save lives but not the agenda behind the mask of humanitarian aid the US are useing for an ocupation this has no doubt cost more lives and ceased the work of those trying to save lives.

Haven't the backbone to go help with "proper" burrials I WOULD GOTO TOMMOROW without a doubt, now i ask? are you furthering your petty agenda at the expense of people who are working to save lives?

Instead of just seeing an image read the words, and understand the nature of imperialism and the fact class is playing a part here, nither do i find myself happy in that fact when at the end of the day this is a humanitarian issue it has become nothing but for the likes of The USA.

How do the US benefit or what are they trying to acheive with 'occupation' ??
The US might be envisaging a scenario where hundreds of thousands of desperate Haitians try and made their way to the States in rickety old boats as happened in the early '90s,I presume they dont that to happen again
There the superpower its there backyard they put a massive aid effort into the tsunami .
Obama must love this its like a good war you can look dynamic and actually achieve stuff rather than politics as normal :(

haiti is like a flooded hull completely useless to anyone.
FFS. I seriously doubt if you would volunteer to go help with "proper" burrials because its more fun to whine from the sidelines. If you haven't the backbone to go there yourself and help, then you should at least have the common sense to get out of the way of people who do. Furthering your petty agenda at the expense of people who are working to save lives is one of the more heinous things I've seen here.

Its an internet bulletin board - id not get that upset.
Aid agencies have been accused of "jostling for position" and putting their own interests above those of the victims in the Haiti earthquake.

In a caustic editorial today, the respected medical journal, the Lancet, attacked the way charities and other non-governmental organisations have clamoured for attention in the wake of the disaster.

"NGOs are rightly mobilising, but also jostling for position, each claiming that they are doing the most for earthquake survivors," it said.

The Lancet did not name any aid agencies, many of which lost staff members in the disaster, but it questioned the way several have claimed to be "spearheading" relief efforts.

"Polluted by the internal power politics and the unsavoury characteristics seen in many big corporations, large aid agencies can be obsessed with raising money through their own appeal efforts. Media coverage as an end in itself is too often an aim of their activities," it said.

Worse still, it accused aid agencies of acting selfishly to the detriment of those they were supposed to be helping. "It seems increasingly obvious that many aid agencies sometimes act according to their own best interests rather than in the interests of individuals whom they claim to help," the Lancet said.
Haitian woman, aged 84, found alive in quake rubble
An 84-year-old woman has been rescued after spending 10 days under rubble following the Haiti quake. Doctors say the woman has multiple wounds and her condition is grave, but are doing all they can to save her. The rescue came as the UN said rescuers were winding down searches for survivors and focusing on relief work.
Girl found alive after 15 days :eek::eek::eek:

From Sky:

The girl was found in the rubble of the College St Gerard school in Port-au-Prince.

She was severely dehydrated and appeared to have a leg injury.
She was happy, shocked and crying, according to rescue workers at the scene.

"She just said 'Thank you,' she's very weak, which suggests that she's been there for 15 days," said Commander Samuel Bernes, of the rescue team.
It sort of bring things home when you experience your own earthquake.
here have been two here in the last 15 hours or so.
Of course they were nothing with a max 5.0 but it reminds you what could happen.

Note. You will feel a 5 but could mistake it for a heavy truck going past.

He did fly in something, some supplies of some kind...

Exactly. He stated he had four tonnes of supplies, who was on the flight, including scientologists. He even made a point of how he supplied aid after Hurricane Katrina.

It was on the news, so why are they saying a "wealthy private donor".
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