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HS2 motion detector with Northern Irish accent shouts at passers-by in England


The fuck is this thing?!

A walker in England has been left furious after a HS2 perimeter intrusion detection system apparently reported her to police for walking on a public footpath.

Marian Allder and her husband were walking their cockapoo between Berkswell and Ballsall Common when they encountered a rather strange experience. The area between Coventry and Solihull is popular with walkers due to its picturesque scenes and general tranquillity.

However, their pleasant Sunday morning stroll turned into anything but when ear-splitting sirens and an authoritative voice with a strong Northern Irish accent blew away all hope of a peaceful walk, Coventry Live reports.

Play video here:

Haven’t heard of the siren things but a number of public pathways round by me are currently diverted to this fucking monstrosity.
There's one of these next to a bit of remote-ish cycle path in Edinburgh that goes through an old industrial estate that apparently had a problem with fly tipping. I absolutely shat bricks the first time we went past and set it off
first mentioned here:

They have one next door; builder's merchant that kept getting broken into. Used to get misfires quite frequently, but seems to be quieter these days.

I feel sorry for her granddaughter. Poor kid looks like she's had to sit there while many an outraged phone call has been made.
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