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How will you vote if you want neither FPTP nor AV

What's your vote?

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Ah, but you wouldn't be able to rank them, which is of course the key component of AV :p
The poll choices would have to be:

- Shakira 1, Bob Marley 2, Spongebob 3, House 4.

- House 1, Shakira 2, Bob Marley 3, Spongebob 4.

- Spongebob 1, House 2, Shakira 3, Bob Marley 4.

And so on. Given the 12 vote limit, it may take several threads to achieve, but it's do-able.
Eh? can I assume you mean AV here? :confused:

No, I meant there is no result in this poll - no way of voting - that makes it look like people really wanted PR. A low turnout with any result = people not interested in voting reform. A massive YES vote means hurrah for AV. A massive NO vote means hurrah for FPTP.
Except, it doesn't. The question reads:

Answering no is not the same as saying hurrah for FPTP.

I'm not saying it literally means hurrah for FPTP, but that is how some will try to spin it. There's no point pretending that there's a magical combination of Yeses, Noes, and abstentions that will cry out 'We want PR!'
Maybe if someone had started a 'spoil your ballot to register support for PR' campaign (needs catchy name) and millions of people had done it then a message could have been sent that would have been picked up by the media, but I daresay it's too late for that. All the 'progressives' and 'pluralists' and 'centre leftists' have thrown their lot in with the YES campaign because they want FAIRER VOTES.
I support PR, but since that's not on offer in the referendum I'll be voting Yes.

AV is not the best system, but it will likely increase the proportion of MPs who do support PR and other necessary democratic reforms (like finally tackling the Lords) by returning more from outside the Labour/Conservative duopoly.
A successful No vote sticks us with FPTP, no matter what fraction of the no-voters actually endorsed it vs what fraction didn't want to endorse either FPTP or AV.
how is AV going to return more from outside lab/con, considering AV will only benefit the lib dems and they're fucked anyway?
AV is not the best system, but it will likely increase the proportion of MPs who do support PR... by returning more from outside the Labour/Conservative duopoly.

No it won't. It will funnel votes to these two parties.
Was gonna vote Yes to AV. Now I'll probably write give me PR on the ballot paper and spoil it because while AV might be a little better it's still (in my opinion) unacceptably shit.
how is AV going to return more from outside lab/con, considering AV will only benefit the lib dems and they're fucked anyway?

Voters who have historically gone Lab/Tory just to keep the other side out will be able to vote for who they really support as first preference without fear of letting the greater of two evils in on a split opposition vote. That's where these extra 3rd party MPs will come from.
The collapse in Lib Dem support is separate issue. If most of those voters go to Labour maybe it'll balance to a net gain for them. But those voters will be ditching Lib Dems whether we have FPTP or AV at the next election.

The Greens have apparently been doing well at picking up ex-LDs in the run up to the Scottish election. Can only hope they do likewise UK wide.
I'm not saying it literally means hurrah for FPTP, but that is how some will try to spin it.
Indeed, but the lie will only work if it is allowed to.

The thing is, if you say: "I'm currently raping your wife. Would you rather I killed her instead?", the headline next day should not be "Man votes for ongoing rape of own wife".
i'm quite baffled that most people who don't want either will be voting AGAINST AV , as it is a small step in the right direction. If the Tories get their way and AV isn't voted for, then we're stuck with FPTP forever probably....
AV will only benefit the lib dems and they're fucked anyway?

They mıght recover enough to benefıt from ıt one day. If ıt goes down though, they wıll never recover--whıch ıs exactly what they deserve. Clegg should go down ın hıstory as the man who destroyed hıs party forever.
i'm quite baffled that most people who don't want either will be voting AGAINST AV , as it is a small step in the right direction. If the Tories get their way and AV isn't voted for, then we're stuck with FPTP forever probably....

after all the threads and posts you still don't get it :facepalm:
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