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How low can the Tory's get?

Actually, I have suggested before that they use military barracks.

No, I appreciate your idea in this era of austerity, but putting MPs into barracks is unfair on the servicemen living there, why should they have to put up with low life skivers? No a fair compromise would be to give MPs a board and substinance allowance equal to the cost of a mid range premier inn with evening meal and breakfast included.
I notice you haven't replied to my earlier suggestion, don't you think it was a fairer solution? Win win for IDS, whey not totally, he wouldn't be raking back an average £14 per claimant. but then again surely the original idea was a fairer distribution of social housing was it not? The costs to claimants was just an oversight that could be quickly remedied, don't you think?
Like most policies, it seems to be a deliberate attempt to break up poorer communities, push people off old 'assured' tenancies, keep people mobile and on their toes. It won't save money, but it will make the jobless feel insecure and isolated, with increased cost for mental health services, crime (significantly higher in more transient areas than settled ones).

The fucking obvious solution of building more housing, at a time when the cost of government borrowing is still stupidly low, and when there are a lot of people not working that could be employed building this housing, is somehow non-obvious to the Bullingdon rabble. The cost of borrowing this money would be offset by increased taxes (and lower benefits) from increased employment, and from the reduced housing benefit bill achieved by taking people out of expensive private accommodation and placing them in new build accommodation. What's stopping them? Idiocy or ideology?
What happened to all the money that was raised through the right-to-buy scheme? Where are those houses?
What happened to all the money that was raised through the right-to-buy scheme? Where are those houses?

What happened to all the money that was raised through the right-to-buy scheme? Where are those houses?
Historically or now? In the current right to buy scheme the local council can spend the money locally rather than give to central governement if they do it quickly.

There is still a cap on local government home building. And their ability to borrow to finance it.

Chancellor urged to let councils boost growth and build homes

LGA media release 11 March 2013
The LGA, speaking on behalf of 370 councils in England and Wales, is calling for the Chancellor to scrap the cap and instead let prudential borrowing rules regulate councils' housing investment. Sensible borrowing within these rules would enable councils to fund the construction of up to 60,000 homes over the next five years.
That would be a drop in the ocean.
The fucking obvious solution of building more housing, at a time when the cost of government borrowing is still stupidly low, and when there are a lot of people not working that could be employed building this housing, is somehow non-obvious to the Bullingdon rabble. The cost of borrowing this money would be offset by increased taxes (and lower benefits) from increased employment, and from the reduced housing benefit bill achieved by taking people out of expensive private accommodation and placing them in new build accommodation. What's stopping them? Idiocy or ideology?

The need for profitable building and housing firms - they have land banks and build carefully and modestly, otherwise the profit would be massively reduced - capitalist land economics. Labour will do the same.
The need for profitable building and housing firms - they have land banks and build carefully and modestly, otherwise the profit would be massively reduced - capitalist land economics. Labour will do the same.

and the 'need' to maintain property prices and profit margins for buy-to-let merchants.
How many of the front bench of all three parties are landlords and landowners?

Many. They'll also move in circles where there are many. It's endemic in certain parts of the middle classes, even the 'liberal' ones, and they'll reinforce each others' justification for buying into this racket to the point that they believe themselves harmless and even noble. We can't expect a reasonable perspective when Parliament is formed from such a narrow social band.
Many. They'll also move in circles where there are many. It's endemic in certain parts of the middle classes, even the 'liberal' ones, and they'll reinforce each others' justification for buying into this racket to the point that they believe themselves harmless and even noble. We can't expect a reasonable perspective when Parliament is formed from such a narrow social band.
Yeah and they'll never give up their titles and privileges. And so many people want to join them.
Let me play Devil's Advocate. Why should she have a two bed flat? Would you not rather a family that needed a two bed flat had it?
Why don't you throw yourself off a tall building you disgusting cunt.

And don't try to pretend you're just playing devils advocate, this is what you think. It's why you still support the LibDems, it's behind all the free market garbage you spew, it's why you claimed that Cameron was a socialist.
Tory policies are having a very bad effect on my life (although not nearly as bad as they are others to be sure), I don't want to say too much here because it's my stuff but Quartz I will just say you are an idiot, there is a reason nobody takes you seriously on here and your posts on this thread prove it. I don't normally say this type of thing but it is late at night and your post has really pissed me off.
Cameron lives in a fuck-off big house that we are funding, too. Anyone know how many bedrooms he has? IBS and Osborne too. It ought to be a general rule for MPs really since they all voted it in and all have their snouts in our trough.
Many. They'll also move in circles where there are many. It's endemic in certain parts of the middle classes, even the 'liberal' ones, and they'll reinforce each others' justification for buying into this racket to the point that they believe themselves harmless and even noble. We can't expect a reasonable perspective when Parliament is formed from such a narrow social band.

One of the most revealing elements of this part of the landlord class is when you look at the noticeboard of your local vegetarian restaurant/café, health food shop, even peace centre, etc and notice the rooms/flats available, say 'No DHSS allowed....
Let me play Devil's Advocate. Why should she have a two bed flat? Would you not rather a family that needed a two bed flat had it?

Of course, but given there's not even enough flexibility in social housing stock to permit people to be housed in wholesome homes, let alone in size-appropriate homes, then any system predicated on rehousing rather than evicting won't function - it can't function.

So, all in all, your advocacy is meaningless within the current system. :)
One of the most revealing elements of this part of the landlord class is when you look at the noticeboard of your local vegetarian restaurant/café, health food shop, even peace centre, etc and notice the rooms/flats available, say 'No DHSS allowed....
i hope you remove them or complain to the owners?
Does continuity mean nothing to you? Should they be forced to move at every change in circumstance, or every whim of a government official? And what - if is clearly the case - there are no suitable smaller flats to move to?

Yup. You'd need to actually have an excess of social housing stock in order to operate a system that would allow a decent "mouring period" before moving people on to a more size-appropriate property.

Like that would ever happen under neoliberalism!
One of the most revealing elements of this part of the landlord class is when you look at the noticeboard of your local vegetarian restaurant/café, health food shop, even peace centre, etc and notice the rooms/flats available, say 'No DHSS allowed....

i kind of agree with "left leaning" landlords i've had one who was a fucking nightmare but to be fair the landlord might just be sticking up notices on whatever shop they see, it might not have anything to do ideologically with what the people working in the shops think if you see what i mean

and health food shops are more conspiraloon than leftie if you see what i mean ... creeping fascism lol
One of the most revealing elements of this part of the landlord class is when you look at the noticeboard of your local vegetarian restaurant/café, health food shop, even peace centre, etc and notice the rooms/flats available, say 'No DHSS allowed....
Sometimes insurers won't let out to DSS tenants.
I remember Cameron spouting on, when he became leader of the Opposition, about how he wanted a new kind of politics - one where it wasn't all adversarial and combative, but about constructive engagement and consensus. Look at him now.

He copped that line wholesale from Bush II and his wanky "compassionate conservatism" sack of bollocks, and it was about as meaningful. Sham compassion so that the liberal end of Conservatism (what the Evil One used to call "wets") voted Tory, and then once in power, the mask was off.
like so many of the other policies it's not like this even saves the govt money.

Because like the other welfare reforms it's never been primarily about saving money. I know it's been sold as doing so, but as you've noticed, if you "do the math", it doesn't add up, does it?
Because like the other welfare reforms it's never been primarily about saving money. I know it's been sold as doing so, but as you've noticed, if you "do the math", it doesn't add up, does it?
Of course they're not interested in saving money or getting people work - their actions are proving the complete opposite. More people to demonise and more free labour for big businesses.
No, I appreciate your idea in this era of austerity, but putting MPs into barracks is unfair on the servicemen living there, why should they have to put up with low life skivers?

Can you imagine how full the guardhouse would be of squaddies on punishment for filling in an MP?

No a fair compromise would be to give MPs a board and substinance allowance equal to the cost of a mid range premier inn with evening meal and breakfast included.

Nah, equal to the cost of a local homeless hostel and a cuppa and bun from the Sally Army.
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