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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

Just saw a guy from the Food Standards Agency being interviewed on Day Break. He seemed to be defending the companies who have been selling us horse meat.

Its weird that, I thought they were supposed to be protecting us.

Trying to stop a massive vomit-a-thon when people realise they've been eating winalot/kitekat all this time.
Correct. I made that point way up the thread when this first broke but was drowned out by people saying "what wrong with eating horse?". Nothing. But that isn't the point. There's first the point that people need to be able to choose which type of meat they want in their shopping basket today - beef, pork, lamb, horse - and be confident that they've been given the one they asked for. But more importantly, there's the points about having a traceable chain (post BSE etc) and about fitness for human consumption. If horses were raised for human consumption in Ireland or Yorkshire, then there should be a traceable chain, and there should not be chemicals and medicines harmful to humans, and certain hygiene standards should be met.

But it turns out that we just don't seem to know where this meat is coming from, whether it might be powdered meat, whether it's from Yorkshire, Ireland, Poland, France.

Hmmm....LFTB :eek: (would add little green 'vomit' emot if it were available)
And ultimately it is those on the tightest budgets that suffer most.

Just another form of class war – the poor get loaded with toxic debt, toxic food, toxic housing. The whole horsemeat affair is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Also – Veggies can stop being smug, just wait til you find out that your precious greens have been sprayed with Plutonium Oxide :p
Where do they get all these horses to substitute for beef? Cattle are farmed for beef and there are lots of them on the fields far more about or more than 20 times the horses on fields, and I thought even they are not reared for meat.

I also wondered where they get all these wood chips for chipboards in the market. Nearly all modern furniture is made of chipboard and even houses and buildings are built with chipboards.
I also wondered where they get all these wood chips for chipboards in the market. Nearly all modern furniture is made of chipboard and even houses and buildings are built with chipboards.
The craze for tree ferns in the UK is partly because the bulk of the trunks went for chipboard when they were clearing land in Tasmania.
Just another form of class war – the poor get loaded with toxic debt, toxic food, toxic housing. The whole horsemeat affair is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Also – Veggies can stop being smug, just wait til you find out that your precious greens have been sprayed with Plutonium Oxide :p
oh fuck off
so that won't affect meat eaters too of course as they don't eat veg
grow up

a letter sent by Findus to UK retailers on Monday (4 February) stated the company was told by its supplier on Saturday that it could not guarantee exactly what was in its beef lasagne. "Further, at least one supplier told them they couldn't guarantee the conformity of the product they were supplying from as early as August last year"

everything was going fine till August then a horse fell in.
Whipped this up this morning. Someone had to do it :)

5livr debate jumped straight to "is there anything wrong with eating horse meat", no "what the fuck is going on here". Says it all about how they frame these things. Then cue a load of fannys who have never touched findus food saying they would not have a problem with it.

Eventually an ex EH officer called on and got stick in: UK only.country objecting to processed mechanical meat recovery in EU. Shocking standards, massive cuts etc.

That whole debate has not been framed in this way says it all. Instead its just a laugh for folk.who report it, but arent affected.

And where is unison, this is an open goal for them they 'represent' thousands of EH officers, all at risk of redundancy now and in yrs to come
What are the possibilities of suing Tesco,, Aldi, Findus etc? Perhaps a class action. Might be an opportunity for a nice little earner at the expense of corporations
What are the possibilities of suing Tesco,, Aldi, Findus etc? Perhaps a class action. Might be an opportunity for a nice little earner at the expense of corporations

Sue for what? Damages from eating horse meat? I don't think it'll be worth it.
Anybody else think the real scandal lies in that the horse meat was pet food horse meat, from factories with less hygiene standards than non pet food meat factories. It doesnt make sense that the 'scandal' is just putting meat from a different animal in a burger.

The media isn't going to able to manage that level of subtlety.
Id say we need to tighten up regulations but that would be shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted
Sue for what? Damages from eating horse meat? I don't think it'll be worth it.

Depends on where the horse meat came from, its hardly likely to have come from a reputable source seeing as its destination was low end market products and the shifty way it was used. I think its come from the pet food industry, its widely used there and very cheap for the gack it'll end up in.
Sue for what? Damages from eating horse meat? I don't think it'll be worth it.
False advertising. If I sell you a GI Joe and you open the box on Xmas morning to find a Barbie, you would be most upset.

(Equestrian Barbie obviously)
and the words 'Farm Shop' and 'Butcher' leap into the public discourse.

one is very much reminded of, IIRC, Spooky Franks' assertion that meat comes in many shapes and sizes, but that none of them are grey...

while i have some sympathy with the wailing and nashing of teeth about horsemeat being in processed food, i have to ask quite what people thought was in it to produce the colour and texture the processors have 'achieved'. the old jokes about such food being 'bollock, hoof, ear and arsehole' were only ever half a joke, it seems to me a bit precious to happily accept that your pasty was made from a cows special places, but howl in protest if its got a bit of horse in it as well.
How about for false advertising? The label says beef, it contains horse.

The ASA might give them a stern word.

Trading standards might fine them £5000

A private prosecution attempting to gain compensation for mental anguish due to eating the wrong kind of meat would be pointless for everyone except the lawyers.
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