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Has the Queen died?

She probably just doesn't want to go to church. I mean fawning over some person born many years ago on account of who their father was...
Shirely not when your title is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".
The 90-year-old monarch has not been seen in public for 11 days since she and Prince Philip fell ill with what was officially described as "heavy colds".

The Queen and Philip are believed to have spent most of the last week staying indoors together at Sandringham House in north Norfolk. It is thought the Queen has not been seen going around the 20,000-acre Royal estate in Norfolk as she often does when in residence.
Simple explanation for all this.
I'm not having all this LIZard stuff...

Much more likely to be a turtle


Leslie Grantham? I missed that detail.
Fill me in by PM if you must.
ETA: I don't even know who Leslie Grantham is. But sense that I should.
Well, she's not really all that much worth seeing, really, is she?

I reckon she has had a stroke and they're waiting to find out whether she'll recover enough to do demanding heavy work like sitting in
a car and waving one hand.
I reckon she has had a stroke and they're waiting to find out whether she'll recover enough to do demanding heavy work like sitting in
a car and waving one hand.

You could be right. Charles has said if he's not made regent he'll fuck shit up.
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