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Has the Queen died?

As of today she is now the second longest serving monarch ever, behind Louis XIV. Needs another 2 years or so to beat his record. Based on that picture she won’t make it.

However judging from the picture she’s taken action to stop Charles getting his hands upon the crown by removing them!
Louis XIV was only 4 when he came to throne so he had a good head start on Brenda. I can't say or think King Louis without finding myself humming "I'm the King of the Swingers, a Jungle VIP, I've reached the top and had to stop and that's what bothering me"
It would appear that something has died looking at this photo from today.

And now it's on camilla's head?
The very public and bitter feud between the darling in her eyes Andrew the Nonce, and William and Charles must be very stressing and a weight on Brenda’s old ticker. Just saying, like.
I recently read a biography of louis quatorze. One of the stories that struck me in it was this one. During the early stages of him renovating and increasing Versailles there was a large forest nearby. Inside this forest lived a kindly man, on his own in a humble shack. Over previous years many people had become lost in the forest or in danger or injured, and were helped by this kindly man and by all accounts he was a wonderful person. One day, a person on the Kings staff who had been helped by this kindly man mentioned the stories to Louis. Louis requested that he be shown this man and shown where he lived in the forest. He was shown. Louis had him executed.
My Gran was quite looking forward to hers but didn't quite make it, a couple of the other residents did. They are very good quality I'll say that for them clearly not bought in bulk from Clintons.
I recently read a biography of louis quatorze. One of the stories that struck me in it was this one. During the early stages of him renovating and increasing Versailles there was a large forest nearby. Inside this forest lived a kindly man, on his own in a humble shack. Over previous years many people had become lost in the forest or in danger or injured, and were helped by this kindly man and by all accounts he was a wonderful person. One day, a person on the Kings staff who had been helped by this kindly man mentioned the stories to Louis. Louis requested that he be shown this man and shown where he lived in the forest. He was shown. Louis had him executed.

I am unsure of the point of this story, but I don't believe it. By which I mean that not only do I not believe the fairytale story of the kindly man in the forest who comes to the attention of the king, but I doubt that there is a biography of Louis Quatorze that claims this happened. I'm prepared to admit I'm wrong if someone can produce chapter and verse.
I am unsure of the point of this story, but I don't believe it. By which I mean that not only do I not believe the fairytale story of the kindly man in the forest who comes to the attention of the king, but I doubt that there is a biography of Louis Quatorze that claims this happened. I'm prepared to admit I'm wrong if someone can produce chapter and verse.
It is in The Sun King by Nancy Mitford. I read it 6 months ago.

I can assure you that it is in there.

The point of me posting the story was to give an example of why there shouldnt be a monarchy.
OK, maybe it is there -- as the book isn't online, I can't check. But the story sounds awfully mythy, and reviews of Mitford's biographies do not give me the feeling that historical accuracy was high on her list.
Yes, I just found that bit. So a political enemy, which is a tad different from killing a nice forest dweller for shits and giggles.

Though either way, it's an odd thing to bring up as an example of why the monarchy is a Bad Thing. Monarchs with actual power have done cruel things, as indeed have many non-monarchs in positions of authority. This isn't terribly relevant to the question of retaining the current crop of parasites.
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