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Has the Queen died?

It's all very well to have this talk in Scotland about the Queen 'retiring'** to Balmoral ....

But not so long ago at all, there was plenty of talk about her plans to be 'Working From Home' at Windsor!

And not wanting to spend much if any time at Buckingham Palace, because she supposedly associated Windsor with Phillip so much ..

Also, where does Sandringham and Osborne fit into this league table of Royal parasitism? :thumbsdown: :rolleyes:

**'Retiring' has more than one possible definition, obviously ... ;) :D

You could as well look on this visit to Balmoral as her seeing now as her one last chance to survey 'her' Scottish estates ..... :hmm: :facepalm:

(Not that I give a fuck in reality about any of all this! < :mad: at self! :( >

Osborne was sold off decades ago. I think the council who now own it keep a couple of rooms, should they want to use them as a courtesy and occasionally some minor ones have when on other duties on the island.
Osborne was sold off decades ago. I think the council who now own it keep a couple of rooms, should they want to use them as a courtesy and occasionally some minor ones have when on other duties on the island.
Osborne House belongs to English Heritage now, Mrs Q and I visited it last August on our first ever visit to the IoW. One of the highspots of going round it is you actually visit the room where Vicky checked out.
Worth a visit to see how the other 0.000001% live
Also, where does Sandringham and Osborne fit into this league table of Royal parasitism? :thumbsdown: :rolleyes:

Sandringham's status is similar to Balmoral - Private property of the Monarch but not a Royal Residence in the owned by the Crown sense and no official/ceremonial/state purposes beyond the normal ongoing duties of any Royals residing there at the time. The Balmoral Balls and guest weekends are all private/family affairs. So if its anything like Balmoral and Birkhall (owned by Charles, who inherited it from the Queen Mother), there will be a series of complex and clear as mud legal agreements on its management by the Royal Palaces/Crown Estates people that means some money gets shuffled around to ensure the public is not seen to be paying for it beyond the military/security presence.
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Looks like the grim reaper chanced his arm this evening.
You follow that link and on the same page is this story of a woman who has survived on one meal a day for 2 months the UK press really don't do irony do they?

I found this recording of a duet I did with that guy who got sacked from the palace kitchen, I guess here is the right thread to post it
On the balcony today both Prince Michael and Prince Charles looked like they are going to let the Queen attend their funerals. William to be king by 2027 imo.

Wee George had better start learning some Welsh.
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