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Has King Charles III died?

force everyone to use electric cars and not put any infrastructure in while socialising with more shady leaders and such
It's a small table and yet you kinda get the impression that the Queen would never have acted like that. The internet isn't going to do him any favours.
Honestly, and I know I'm not going to make any friends here with this, but I'm happy to have a committed environmentalist as our head of state.
Better than having some elected ex-politician like Blair as the president of the Republic of the UK.

Until someone comes up with a better system I'm happy enough with a ceremonial head of state who is constitutionally unable to interfere in government.
I'm not a royalist but I am a constitutional monarchist.

I'll get my coat...
Honestly, and I know I'm not going to make any friends here with this, but I'm happy to have a committed environmentalist as our head of state.
Better than having some elected ex-politician like Blair as the president of the Republic of the UK.

Until someone comes up with a better system I'm happy enough with a ceremonial head of state who is constitutionally unable to interfere in government.
I'm not a royalist but I am a constitutional monarchist.

I'll get my coat...
The solution is quite simple. It involves the people and guns or guillotines.
Chucky isn't a "committed environmentalist", he just yearns for the days when common oiks sweated in the fields without the help of modern chemical agronomics and machinery to reduce the burden of fattening the larders of their betters.

I wouldn't like Blair as President either, but I still want to be able to actually vote for someone instead of having no choice but to suffer with inbred creeps like Andrew.
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