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Gun nut fruitloop Alex Jones goes completely bananas at Piers Morgan on TV

Am slightly surprised that Farage was on the alex jones show though, you would have thought his PR team would have more sense than to encourage him to go on a programme where all that sort of dog-whistle anti-semitism is going on.

Have you read any stuff around the web from UKIP supporters. They are cut from the same cloth; right wing neo-liberal conspiracy theorists.

Here Farage's deputy Gerard Batten is asking questions in the EP about the Bilderberg Group world government plots (zionist banking cabals are never far away either), a favourite subject for tin foil hatted nutters-

Have you read any stuff around the web from UKIP supporters. They are cut from the same cloth; right wing neo-liberal conspiracy theorists.

Here Farage's deputy Gerard Batten is asking questions in the EP about the Bilderberg Group world government plots, a favourite subject for tin foil hatted nutters-

cheers for that. i also get the feeling that they're trying to appeal to an anti-islamic (and probably supportive of the Israeli government) vote among disillusioned tories tho, altho you can be both those things and still believe in that shite tho
it amazes me that people can still think supporting the EU is an intrinsically left-wing thing given all that's happened with Greece etc

It is intrinsically a centrist consensus project whose founding fathers were mainly right of centre Christian Democrats.

Unless you listen to the likes of UKIP then its all a quasi-Marxist plot to enslave us to a centralised socialist bureaucracy.
Is that where a load of rich Republican frat boys go out in the woods burning a giant owl or something?

That's exactly it! :D

(except it's not so much frat boys as a bunch of old geezers these days)

I reckon we should have an Urban expedition and gatecrash it next year.
Here Farage's deputy Gerard Batten is asking questions in the EP about the Bilderberg Group world government plots (zionist banking cabals are never far away either), a favourite subject for tin foil hatted nutters-

Shirley Williams was a Bilderberger, they are all around - can't be too careful!
That's exactly it! :D

(except it's not so much frat boys as a bunch of old geezers these days)

I reckon we should have an Urban expedition and gatecrash it next year.

Thought it rang a bell. Jon Ronson has already done it in Secret Rulers of the World. And guess who is his guide?

A certain Brixton-based Green Party member still keeps shunting nutbobbins 9/11 nonsense our in press releases. :facepalm:
That is the thing, Farage is good value, I am a pro european, at least a pro single marketer but Farage's repeated speeches are making me question my europeanism.

Which one?, most of his speeches in the last three years are about the imminent Euro exit of Spain, Portugal and Greece.

Not a bad punt but he even got that one wrong. He is now reduced to making daft remarks about the Euro being 'held together by political will.'

I suppose elected governments not bending to the will of global market dictats is irksome for an ex City trader.
Not sure what you're trying to do when the other person is just creating a wall of noise.
I don't care how Piers Morgan performs. What I meant was I was wishing for a genuine person actually interested in the issues, rather than a highly paid circus clown who exudes twattishness and insincerity.

Did this actually throw any light on the issue of mass shootings or broader gun crime? No, it was an artificially polarised spectacle, designed to get people tweeting and emailing the show. It was 7 minutes of showbiz. If anything, it pushed genuine debate further out of reach.

Some of you may know that I live in Dunblane; I know people who lost children in the tragedy. I had relatives, friends, children of friends in the school that morning. I remember very clearly waiting for news that day. This, for me, is not a suitable topic for opportunist entertainment.
People have jones all wrong, the bloke is hilarious.Reminds me of chris farley of tommy boy and black sheep.In this radio interview he roars like a free caveman. at a about 5.20
I don't care how Piers Morgan performs. What I meant was I was wishing for a genuine person actually interested in the issues, rather than a highly paid circus clown who exudes twattishness and insincerity.

Did this actually throw any light on the issue of mass shootings or broader gun crime? No, it was an artificially polarised spectacle, designed to get people tweeting and emailing the show. It was 7 minutes of showbiz. If anything, it pushed genuine debate further out of reach.

Some of you may know that I live in Dunblane; I know people who lost children in the tragedy. I had relatives, friends, children of friends in the school that morning. I remember very clearly waiting for news that day. This, for me, is not a suitable topic for opportunist entertainment.

Fair point (would have clicked 'like' but under the circumstances didn't feel appropriate).
That is the thing, Farage is good value, I am a pro european, at least a pro single marketer but Farage's repeated speeches are making me question my europeanism.

From what I've heard of Farage his opinions are not far out whackiness, I actually agree with his soundbites anyway because I think bloated neo-liberal super-states undermine democracy. However I think it's safe to assume UKIP are a goggle of rightwing fuckwits generally speaking. It's a shame, if I were a tin-fedora-sporter my stare-eyed theory would be that UKIP was created to discredit the opinion that there is an alternative to the EU being a vast and remote Bankers Super-State.
I don't care how Piers Morgan performs. What I meant was I was wishing for a genuine person actually interested in the issues, rather than a highly paid circus clown who exudes twattishness and insincerity.

And whats more this clash was a result of Piers Morgan's previous berating a pro gun lobby spokesman in the manner of Fox News (but a liberal version) instead of feeding a rational debate on his points.
Here he is with Doug Stanhope. If you dont have the stomach for it go to the end bit. 'Armchair revolutionaries' are mentioned

I remember very clearly waiting for news that day. This, for me, is not a suitable topic for opportunist entertainment.

Are you saying that it's ok for people to laugh and makes jokes about fatal events in which they did not directly suffer a connection to loss of life?
No he isn't.

Why do people manipulate things so much on urban? Crowbar things into their own agenda.

I don't have an agenda, I think he didn't mean to say that but effectively implies it.

"He was a lovely child, always happy and always smiling and helpful, he certainly didn't deserve to be found in a shallow grave like that"

Are you saying that annoying little brats that nobody likes do deserve to be found in a shallow grave?

I didn't mean to be tactless and apologize to danny if I was, it's something like when you automatically check someones grammar.:(
He was saying he does not feel comfortable with CNN, Morgan or Jones using such an event as a vehicle for their viewing figures and self publicity.

Yeah, welcome to media and politics, where tragedy and injustice are bacon an eggs.
From what I've heard of Farage his opinions are not far out whackiness, I actually agree with his soundbites anyway because I think bloated neo-liberal super-states undermine democracy. However I think it's safe to assume UKIP are a goggle of rightwing fuckwits generally speaking. It's a shame, if I were a tin-fedora-sporter my stare-eyed theory would be that UKIP was created to discredit the opinion that there is an alternative to the EU being a vast and remote Bankers Super-State.

And most anti EU voices around Europe who come from a leftist or Guallist position do find the UKIP view that the EU is too Socialist and not free market enough as far out whackiness
So Alex Jones's ranting is his schtick and can calm down and have a sane conversation

Yeah, its all a put on for the camera. That apoplectic rage isn't real. It seems to be one of the styles that's popular on right ring radio. If you listen to Michael Savage, for instance, he goes off on rages that have little to do with sanity and everything to do with ratings too.
I don't think it's necessarily always put on, I just think he doesn't give a shit about what people are saying if they don't agree with him so he fills the airtime with bluster.

I don't think he actually believes his own shit either. It's all about the money. Some of these guys get daily rides to work in a limo as part of their contract.
I don't think he actually believes his own shit either. It's all about the money. Some of these guys get daily rides to work in a limo as part of their contract.

I think he broadly believes it, but that his schtick is also consciously a performance. I certainly think if he 'found some research' that was damning to his show's sponsors then it would be curiously deprioritised.
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