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Gun nut fruitloop Alex Jones goes completely bananas at Piers Morgan on TV

Ted Turner, Time Warner? Ring any bells?
Well yes I knew Ted Turner started it but isn;t he dead? I didn't look it up as it doesn't matter who owns it, it matters that it can be influenced or do you think that couldn't happen?

I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make

I said he has pissed off some powerful and influential groups
I've said I think they may use that power to get ride of someone who was already halfway out the door
(paraphrasing above)
Ironically someone started a thread about his 'meltdown' on his bizarrely labyrinthine Prison Planet forum and one of the mods immediately edited it to 'Fire in his belly'. Sorely disappointed in their insanity though, if not their abundant sense of paranoia.
CNN isnt doing very well in the ratings but that does not mean they are certain to ditch Morgan when his contract is up for renewal, since he is hardly singlehandedly responsible for their decline. Maybe they will move his timeslot.

Nor are right-wing droolings likely to have a large impact on their programming since that isnt their target audience anyway. MSNBC is the competition they are suffering against in the 'liberal' news market.
CNN isnt doing very well in the ratings but that does not mean they are certain to ditch Morgan when his contract is up for renewal, since he is hardly singlehandedly responsible for their decline. Maybe they will move his timeslot.

Nor are right-wing droolings likely to have a large impact on their programming since that isnt their target audience anyway. MSNBC is the competition they are suffering against in the 'liberal' news market.
I get far more news from the USA than I do from the UK and his show has not been doing well (it was being reported), he has also lost a lot of credibility over the phone hacking (big news in the USA as well as UK) and other stuff, now he has decided to piss off the most powerful lobby group in the USA.

He will really deserve the title Teflon-man if he is there in the summer, only an opinion not a fact ;)
Last time I ventured onto a conspiracy site (probably to see what they were saying about Savile) someone was wondering whether Bill Hicks didnt really die and instead became Alex Jones :facepalm:

That really is :facepalm: Bill Hicks was satirically sharp and funny, Jones is an utter cock.

A friend who gives credence to Jones' rubbish sent me a text urging me to watch that last night. Before I switched on I text'd him back, "This will be a good shouting match..." I wasn't disappointed. :p
Just to quickly shoe-horn my opinion into the thread (where else if not here)... I've come to believe that the NRA is actually a vital part of the solution to Americas gun situation, if I were the current Emperator of the United States instead of Obama, my strategy would be to counter-coupe the NRA and turn it into a primary agency of arms control. Guns are useless against drones anyway.

As it stands I say let the yanks have their guns, let em pack howitzers if they like, no skin off my nose. My only concern is to keep armed Americans out of the other peoples countries. Inside the US itself... I don't really give a fuck.
That really is :facepalm: Bill Hicks was satirically sharp and funny, Jones is an utter cock.

A friend who gives credence to Jones' rubbish sent me a text urging me to watch that last night. Before I switched on I text'd him back, "This will be a good shouting match..." I wasn't disappointed. :p
Nah. Bill Hicks was an utter cock who was funny. It's no great stretch.
Alex Jones is Doug Stanhope sober.

What did I say? A few hours later and this pops up.


See, am not just a pretty face!
Here Alex disusses global lizardmen tyranny with his favourite Redcoat-

Farage seems to give a pretty good account of himself there.

Jones seems relatively sane too, but then only because he actually manages to keep his gob shut for the most part.
The ad break is certainly enlightening (about minute 12-13).
Farage seems to give a pretty good account of himself there.

That is the thing, Farage is good value, I am a pro european, at least a pro single marketer but Farage's repeated speeches are making me question my europeanism.
Absolutely no love for farage but the fact that he's getting support is a symptom of how fucked the EU really is.
Am slightly surprised that Farage was on the alex jones show though, you would have thought his PR team would have more sense than to encourage him to go on a programme where all that sort of dog-whistle anti-semitism is going on.
Doesnt it bother you that Farage is a right wing fuckwit? :hmm:

I don't think issues like sovereignty are left or right issues, I am keen to be in the european single market for goods and services and people but that does not mean I am happy with all the other arrangements.
Am slightly surprised that Farage was on the alex jones show though, you would have thought his PR team would have more sense than to encourage him to go on a programme where all that sort of dog-whistle anti-semitism is going on.

I think it would be easy for his people to listen to a couple of hours of his show and not pick up any of the anti-semitic references, both because there aren't that many per unit time (though they are definitely there), and that they might go over the head of a British upper-middle class intern.
Am slightly surprised that Farage was on the alex jones show though, you would have thought his PR team would have more sense than to encourage him to go on a programme where all that sort of dog-whistle anti-semitism is going on.

I think Jones had been chasing him, there cannot have been many votes in it for Farage.
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