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Gun nut fruitloop Alex Jones goes completely bananas at Piers Morgan on TV

One of the things that may sometimes be missing from a UK appreciation of this sort of thing is the history of late night talk radio in America. I'm not going to go on about it too much now, but I will say that Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM is perhaps the classic example.

His Elvis Hotline was a classic. He must have had 30 Elvii call in.
I mentioned that Alex Jones clip to the resident conspiracy theorist that I work with and the worst thing he could say about him was 'He's a bit of a showman'. :D
Piers Morgan on newsnight about this in a bit

Kah, what a dick, you don't like their stupid dangerous laws you shouldn't have moved to their stupid dangerous country, tosser.

He chose to move to America, now he can stay there an swivel.:D
Kah, what a dick, you don't like their stupid dangerous laws you shouldn't have moved to their stupid dangerous country, tosser.

He chose to move to America, now he can stay there an swivel.:D

You really should pay less attention to the fearmongering in the press. The US is in the middle of the lowest crime rate in decades. If you listen to news, you'd think we all live in bunkers. We don't.

You really should pay less attention to the fearmongering in the press. The US is in the middle of the lowest crime rate in decades. If you listen to news, you'd think we all live in bunkers. We don't.


Apparently your lack of (or lessened) filling people with lead is because of less breathing in of lead.

Yes, lead poisoning could really be a cause of violent crime
It seems crazy, but the evidence about lead is stacking up. Behind crimes that have destroyed so many lives, is there a much greater crime?

I really hate it when I hear radio freaks telling people not to vaccinate their kids. It may make them money, but there's a cost:

Except, the recent outbreak cannot possibly be blamed on the radio:

Health experts do not know why the outbreak is so large this year, especially as vaccination for whooping cough is at record levels.
One theory is that the bacterium which causes the infection, Bordetella pertussis, has mutated.
Another idea is that tight control of whooping cough is part of the problem. Repeated infections of whooping cough used to naturally boost people's immune systems.
However, after years of low levels of whooping cough the whole population may be more vulnerable to the infection.


It used to be the case that the youngest babies would have passive immunity from breastfeeding, from mothers who had been exposed to the virus. But because any immunity from vaccination wears off, mothers today are unlikely to pass this crucial protection on.
I think vaccination debates are serious science forum business that deserve their own thread, rather than being tacked-on to some fuck-bubble bollocks involving Alex "Blowhard" Jones and Piers "Don't-Come-Back" Morgan.
Except, the recent outbreak cannot possibly be blamed on the radio:


It used to be the case that the youngest babies would have passive immunity from breastfeeding, from mothers who had been exposed to the virus. But because any immunity from vaccination wears off, mothers today are unlikely to pass this crucial protection on.

Actually what happened was they changed from using live virus to killed virus to appease the anti-vaccination nuts. The new vaccine isn't quite as effective as the old vaccine.
Actually what happened was they changed from using live virus to killed virus to appease the anti-vaccination nuts. The new vaccine isn't quite as effective as the old vaccine.
Indeed the live virus vaccine was particularly dangerous. Held as the most dangerous vaccine there is. But the date of the change seems to have been the 1990s.

I don't think anyone can reasonably deny the fact that mothers who had developed real, lifelong immunity to whooping cough by being exposed to the disease and not vaccinated would pass on that immunity to their babies for the crucial first two months.
Before the whooping cough vaccine what were the infant mortality rates due to whooping cough? What are they now after the vaccine?
What, no mention of immigration and all the lovely occurrences of diseases?

Alex Jones was great. He beat Piers at his own game.
Indeed the live virus vaccine was particularly dangerous. Held as the most dangerous vaccine there is. But the date of the change seems to have been the 1990s.

Yes, they made the change in the 90s. Vaccines arn't permanent fixes. You have to give boosters about each decade or so. The old vaccine started wearing out, about the same time you saw the rise in the rates of disease in the last few years.

Vaccines work by having a core percentage of the population vaccinated. Once the number of people with immunity drops below that threshold, it leaves the entire population more vulnerable. With the newer vaccine, you'd need a higher percentage immunized to get the same level of population protection. Fearmongering makes that much more difficult.
Alex Jones is nuts, but he plays to his audience very well. I bet he was overjoyed at getting airtime on CNN. It reeks of a 'lets get the crazzy gun nut to rant on Piers Morgan's show' rather than 'lets get a balanced debate on gun control' type of piece. Mass market telly for the right on who think CNN is the anti-Fox News & publicity to benefit nobody but Piers Morgan and Alex Jones.
In the States it's not possible to have a "balanced debate" on gun control.
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