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Griffin and BNP strategy


love and rage!
Article by Griffin is up on their website. I think it is important reading not only as they just polled 300k votes in local elections but it clearly states their strategy .. worrying reading, not just as this startegy is working but that the left seem incapable of understanding how and why it is .... obviously not going to link but not hard to find full article .. heres alot of it .. sorry for cut and paste ..

p.s. this is the same strategy as hamas, as the Liberal Focus, as SP, as SF, as iwca .. it works .. it may in the bnps and many cases be cynical .. but it is working

"Election 2007 – BNP leader Nick Griffin assesses the big picture and sets out where we must go from here.

( first para was lots of nonsense based on something Wellington said!:D )

Moving up a level

So here’s the bottom line: Several years ago our improvements in our own electoral machine caught our opponents off guard and gave us the string of victories that made us the story of successive elections. But the shock and humiliation of losing to the BNP forced the other parties to up their game. So from shock firsts we’ve been forced down to good but shell-shocked seconds. And that is where, by and large, we will stay unless we learn the lessons of May 2007 and take our game up a level as well.

Labour and the LibDems have learnt to concentrate on mobilising their own core vote (the elderly, ethnic minorities and the local functionaries of Brown’s welfarist empire), while their leftist allies combine expensive smear sheets and phone calls targeted at especially at postal voters to depress our vote. This is why, from key seats up and down the country we got reports of sitting Labour councillors trudging round the streets putting out their election addresses by themselves. Their activists weren’t sitting on their hands, they were manning telephone banks to identify pro- and anti-BNP voters and work on them accordingly.

In our best areas our people easily ‘won’ the traditional battle of the leaflets, often dropping three or four to every house in a ward for the single one put out by Labour. And our leaflets were good, clearly winning the political argument every time.

But that’s the problem. We’re assuming that the public are as interested in political issues as we are; that they can be won over or mobilised by political concerns about the long-term big picture.

Some can, which is why our vote (more than 300,000 in total in the English District and Borough contests, an average of 14.7% of the electorate) is so substantial and held up well even though we were fighting so many more seats in so many frankly weaker areas. But the majority are left cold by party politics, which is why nearly two-thirds of the electorate didn’t vote for anybody.

Our politicised hardcore may well grow with external events, but even so we’ll be very lucky under remotely ‘normal’ circumstances if our core vote comes to exceed that of Labour and the LibDems and the minorities combined – and, make no mistake, that is what we’re up against.

And since trusting to luck is never a good policy, we are not going to. Over the last few days I have been in frequent and lengthy discussions with a number of our key election experts and organisers. Together we have analysed these elections, worked out how we have been pegged back and why in some places we bucked that trend and won, and begun to design an even better election-winning machine for the future.

More will appear on this subject in the new editions of Identity and Freedom, and much more will be rolled out at training seminars around the country and at the Summer School.

Grass roots upwards

For now it is enough to point to the fact that all our wins - bar one or two where the effort of keeping us out of Ward A simply left Labour unable to stop us in Ward B – came in places where our candidates and a handful of local helpers have been particularly effective at getting involved in real grass-roots community politics, and in using local newsletters to tell everyone in the ward that we are a ‘Good Thing’ for them and their area.

It is now crystal clear from these experimental operations that seeing our people do good and practical things for their community not only reinforces the willingness of our politicised supporters to go out and vote BNP, and undermines the effectiveness of the anti-BNP smear sheets, but also mobilises on our behalf an additional section of the essentially non-political population.
This, then, is where we have to go from here – rolling out the experience from these successful experiments to become the norm for every BNP branch, group and even lone activists.

Perhaps we should not have had to wait until such hard pounding forced us to take a long hard look at the shifting balance of power in the conventional political arms race between us and our opponents over the last year or so. After all, there is nothing new in defeated opponents learning new tactics to turn things around. Neither is there anything new in viewing the role of the organised nationalist movement as a sort of school that moulds first individuals, then groups, then entire communities, remaking them and turning passive, selfish consumers and observers into active citizens building a better future.

But being aware of this point in theory, and setting out to turn it into practice are two different matters. For the last few years we have been fortunate enough to be able to win seats while directly indulging our passion for politics and political argument. Until Brown’s ‘economic miracle’ heads South and other ‘events’ change the political landscape, those days are gone.

Electoral progress can and will be made over the next couple of years, but only by those who model what they do on our winners this time around, and not on what we did to win over the previous few years.

The first step will be raising the profile of, and the value placed upon, community politics work. We are already working on ways to do this, and they will be rolled out in the months ahead. Just to give one example, Martin Wingfield and I have already agreed that, from now on, Freedom will not be carrying reports of internal meetings, except occasionally in new areas or if there is something particularly unusual such as a huge collection for an especially useful cause.

From now on, if you want to see your branch or group’s name in lights and photographs in Freedom or on the regional news pages of the website you will have to press your Organiser to arrange a community clean-up or celebration, or one of a hundred other ostensibly non-political things that can be done to improve the lives of local people and the standing of our future candidate in one of our target wards. If you want to be in our headlines, if you want me to spend a day in your area, then you’d better plan to get me in overalls and high-viz jacket. We’re going to roll up our sleeves and get covered in mud!

The conventional politics won’t go away, of course, indeed it is our aim to step up the internal education process which turns protest vote new recruits (and there are plenty of those to be signed up over the next month or so, provided they are contacted and visited promptly) into fully-fledged and well informed nationalists. It is only what we are going to be doing with those new activists and older ones alike that is going to change:

Less about politics, more about people – for it is by serving the people that we will secure enough extra votes to keep our bandwagon rolling towards the power we need to have a serious impact on politics and the future.
I remember reading a quote from Griffin somewhere (said about 10, 15 years ago?) saying that the w/c have been abandoned by Labour, and the BNP need to fill that left wing gap. Does this ring any bells durutti?
mk12 said:
I remember reading a quote from Griffin somewhere (said about 10, 15 years ago?) saying that the w/c have been abandoned by Labour, and the BNP need to fill that left wing gap. Does this ring any bells durutti?

yes absolutely mate .. there is just a continuation of that .. and look how they have done in those years!:mad:

i get the impression though that much of the left still do not realise this!!

p.s.s do you know of a link to the afa doc that lead to the IWCA ( something about " ........ vacuum'' ??? .. i can't find a live link
durruti02 said:
yes absolutely mate .. there is just a continuation of that .. and look how they have done in those years!:mad:

i get the impression though that much of the left still do not realise this!!

p.s.s do you know of a link to the afa doc that lead to the IWCA ( something about " ........ vacuum'' ??? .. i can't find a live link

yea i thought i read that on an iwca/red action site. ill have a look.
MC5 said:
Respect beat the BNP in 11 out of 16 wards, and Ukip in 5 out of 7.

durutti02 has finally convinced me...

Respect are shite and nothing compared to the undefeatable rising BNP under the great strategic leadership of Nick Griffin who incidentally is absolutely right about the need to curb immigration and end multi-culturalism. I just can't see why the left can't see that Griffin is right. You can't beat the fascists unless you understand just how right they are on all the key issues, and just how prefect their strategy is. Until the left understand this they are doooomed1!!111!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Just a bit confused as to why the BNP themselves (ignoring their website) are so downheartened by it all (except perhaps in Wales). If only they would listen to duriti too and they'd realise they were unstoppable! :rolleyes:

I'm off to post fifty anti-immigration threads now :D
MC5 said:
Respect beat the BNP in 11 out of 16 wards, and Ukip in 5 out of 7.

respect got some very good results .. particularly in Preston but overall respect got how many seats and votes as against the bnp???

have you actually checked out the seats where respect beat the bnp???? many in brum like sparkbrook! i doubt the bnp even put out a leaflet tbh ..

respect did not even try to stand against bnp in any 'bnp areas' .. now that would have been interesting
Groucho said:
durutti02 has finally convinced me...

Respect are shite and nothing compared to the undefeatable rising BNP under the great strategic leadership of Nick Griffin who incidentally is absolutely right about the need to curb immigration and end multi-culturalism. I just can't see why the left can't see that Griffin is right. You can't beat the fascists unless you understand just how right they are on all the key issues, and just how prefect their strategy is. Until the left understand this they are doooomed1!!111!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Just a bit confused as to why the BNP themselves (ignoring their website) are so downheartened by it all (except perhaps in Wales). If only they would listen to duriti too and they'd realise they were unstoppable! :rolleyes:

I'm off to post fifty anti-immigration threads now :D

muppet :rolleyes: :D .. i want to help create / be a part of a strategy that destroys fascism .. your strategy is just boosting it ..
mk12 said:
christ groucho, i expect better from you :(

I've just got no time for pseudo anarchists who spend all their time bigging up the BNP* on the one hand and relentlessly campaigning against immigrants on the other

*and no I don't underestimate the threat either
Groucho said:
I've just got no time for pseudo anarchists who spend all their time bigging up the BNP* on the one hand and relentlessly campaigning against immigrants on the other

*and no I don't underestimate the threat either

Which anarchists campaign against immigrants?:confused:
they are getting votes because they are feeding on peoples fears , There is a open door policy on immigration in this country until that is sorted they will keep using it as one of there tools to get more and more votes .
Kid_Eternity said:
Which anarchists campaign against immigrants?:confused:

durruti02, although named after an Anarchist he actually claims to be IWCA doesn't he? who are not Anarchists - he will claim his anti-immigration stance is not anti-immigrant.
durruti02 makes a good point. The strategy that Griffin suggests is exactly what the Lib Dems have been doing for the past few years in their target wards, often if wards where lazy local (usually, but not always) Labour councillors have got complacent.

And indeed it is the strategy that all the effective councillors from political parties use to secure a good vote. In many respects there is nothing wrong with the strategy - being seen to be active in grassroots community activities (such as community clear ups, fixing broken street lights, campaigning for kids' playgrounds etc) that might not be sexy in terms of grand political ideology is no bad thing. These are things that matter to communities and why shouldn't those people who work hard for their communities seek to stand as a councillor?

The only problem is when parties like the BNP do it as a cover for their nasty bigoted views. All it says to me is that if the BNP are going to be stopped opposition parties need to engage in grassroots campaigns too.
I'm a bit unsure as to why this article has been seen as a good thing, durrati?

Firstly, it's all about the BNP's losses since last time. Griffin blames an increase in tactics by those opposed to the BNP rather than the pathetic councilors they had elected last time. He says that to gain more votes next time, they should emulate the work done by those who have beaten them this time. I don't think this is such a great strategy for changing people's lives for the better. It's core message is, "we'll give you what you have now, but with nationalism." Which means, what, no darkies? Hardly earth-shattering stuff from the Fat Fascist.

All the way through the article he talks of getting covered in mud, and community 'celebrations' as if this is some big deal. It's the superficial politics of New Labour but with added nastiness. The tone of the article is power, power, power. Nothing about really improving people's lives in the long term. Just a vague hint at what would happen should they ever get in a position of power - creating "fully-fledged and well informed nationalists."

Hardly a strategy I'd be looking towards for help.
Fez909 said:
Firstly, it's all about the BNP's losses since last time. Griffin blames an increase in tactics by those opposed to the BNP rather than the pathetic councilors they had elected last time. He says that to gain more votes next time, they should emulate the work done by those who have beaten them this time. I don't think this is such a great strategy for changing people's lives for the better. It's core message is, "we'll give you what you have now, but with nationalism." Which means, what, no darkies? Hardly earth-shattering stuff from the Fat Fascist.

All the way through the article he talks of getting covered in mud, and community 'celebrations' as if this is some big deal. It's the superficial politics of New Labour but with added nastiness. The tone of the article is power, power, power. Nothing about really improving people's lives in the long term. Just a vague hint at what would happen should they ever get in a position of power - creating "fully-fledged and well informed nationalists."

I think this is good analysis of Griffins article, not perfect certainly, but a more informed dissection than I have made publically available so far. I think anti fascists seem to have been 'doffing their cap' at Griffin-'ism' a bit too much. He hasn't got any original insights, he's not that great a thinker (that article was based upon concversations with several senior party members), he doesn't write brilliant articles, he's what I would call a 'good enough-ist', its just 'good enough' to improve the BNPs chances...

I think the problem actually stems from historical inadequacies within the anarcho and Marxist opposition. Unfortunately, the New Left (1950s and 1960s) didn't put down enough long term and innovative roots to reproduce itself and dynamic thought/groups. Instead, the Leninists dominated the parties and Marxism in the UK, in the Universities, Charities, etc. and that led to conservative thought patterns, politics and organisations. It is from this position of historical weakness that we are now trying to emerge. And why our movement appears disperate, sectarian, individualistic, unfocussed, and without serious strategic thought. It is a shame that others on these boards cannot see this and try to lift discussions beyond the inadequate political form of bulletin boards like these... I try to at least and will continue to try...

The anarchists Marxist and autonomist opposition now need to get thinking about oppositional forms 5, 10 and 20 years from now, and how best we can go about trying to build such movements...
Attica said:
I think anti fascists seem to have been 'doffing their cap' at Griffin-'ism' a bit too much. He hasn't got any original insights, he's not that great a thinker (that article was based upon concversations with several senior party members), he doesn't write brilliant articles, he's what I would call a 'good enough-ist', its just 'good enough' to improve the BNPs chances.....

Not only should you know better, having (I presume) read a couple of my articles on the Griffin BNP, let's consider one basic fact: at 50 councillors, the GRiffin BNP has more than every previous fascist group (including the Tyndall BNP) put together, by a factor of at least 5. Don't you think Left groups would kill (metaphorically) to get circa 14% of the vote in elections?

The problem here, I fear, is you have an a priori dismissive analysis of Griffin's strategy, not based on historical empirical or strategic evidence, and applaud posters who concur with your premises. Were the matter not so serious, it would be amusing.
Well Larry we disagree don't we. I am not impressed at all with 50 seats out of 20K and what percentage of the vote that is, is questionable to say the least. If we include all of the UK it drops dramatically from your figure. You and others have an apriori position of 'Griffin' worship, although I am prepared to admit in your particular case Larry I could be wrong and I would be prepared to read relevant chapters of your PhD where you prove this to be wrong. However, I do think RA work from very flimsy evidence and their reflection theory of what anti fascism should look like (reflecting what the BNP are doing) is simplistic to say the least.

We also disagree about what counts for empirical evidence in this case and strategic evidence. You are an anti fascist specialist, I am somewhat but still a minnow when compared to somebody with a PhD in it. BUT I do have plenty of empirical evidence and strategic evidence from arena's not confined to the anti fascist ghetto, and progress will be made by people with anti fascist NOT STAMPED on their forehead like you, RA, or antifa.org (although you have plenty of very interesting things to say).

Were the matter not so serious it would be amusing that anti fascism in this country is in a pathetic state, like the left/a as a whole. I for one try to break it (anti fascism) and politics as a whole out of its 'ghettoised' (sectarian, closed, reductionist) forms. I am sure history will applaud these efforts.

PS - If you look at what I wrote I said he was a 'good enough ist', which means that I give him a degree of competance. BUT I know he is not that clever from what and how he writes. The growth of the BNP is based in the space on the right that has opened up, due to the decline of the big parties, an imperialist media and the debris of the British empire. Given these wider conditions which worked in the BNPs favour, and the fact that the fascists have been particularly thick in Britain in the past meant they too operated from a position of historical weakness. Griffin has played catch up to where the fascists should have been in the 1970s and 80's. At the minute anti fascists seem to be running scared, like the elephant from the fat mouse which is Griffin. We (anti fascists as a whole) need to calm down; take stock, treat each other with more respect, network, meet, conference, operate beyond traditional group, tactical, and strategic boundaries, set new agendas, work openly etc... In short, go beyond the shite politics of the past.
Soul On Ice said:
durruti02 makes a good point. The strategy that Griffin suggests is exactly what the Lib Dems have been doing for the past few years in their target wards, often if wards where lazy local (usually, but not always) Labour councillors have got complacent.

And indeed it is the strategy that all the effective councillors from political parties use to secure a good vote. In many respects there is nothing wrong with the strategy - being seen to be active in grassroots community activities (such as community clear ups, fixing broken street lights, campaigning for kids' playgrounds etc) that might not be sexy in terms of grand political ideology is no bad thing. These are things that matter to communities and why shouldn't those people who work hard for their communities seek to stand as a councillor?

The only problem is when parties like the BNP do it as a cover for their nasty bigoted views. All it says to me is that if the BNP are going to be stopped opposition parties need to engage in grassroots campaigns too.

That said, it isn't exactly "news", is it?
The Pious Pawn said:
they are getting votes because they are feeding on peoples fears , There is a open door policy on immigration in this country until that is sorted they will keep using it as one of there tools to get more and more votes .

What "open door" policy? I keep hearing this but I see no evidence...particularly when I see detention camps like Campsfield going up in flames.

I would suggest that this "open door" line comes directly from the tabloid press and Tory Party Central Office.
Groucho said:
durutti02 has finally convinced me...
You can't beat the fascists unless you understand just how right they are on all the key issues, and just how prefect their strategy is. Until the left understand this they are doooomed1!!111!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

durrutti is asking people to examine what the strategy is not to agree with it. you have in griffins article, in black and white, what they intend to do over the next 12 months. griffinaccepts that the past strategy has failed- and we are getting 12 months notice that if we go into the 2008 elections we will not be facing a 2007-style BNP. Unlike, say the left up here in scotland who are currently in a bickering contest, they are analysing why they failed- and planning what to do about it. they will learn from their mistakes in 2007
nino_savatte said:
What "open door" policy? I keep hearing this but I see no evidence...particularly when I see detention camps like Campsfield going up in flames.

I would suggest that this "open door" line comes directly from the tabloid press and Tory Party Central Office.

Nino, there may not be an official 'open door' policy and the treatment of genuine asylum seekers is a scandal but speaking of my experience in B and D there are many people, possibly even a majority in the borough whose negative experience of the demographic changes leads them to believe that the is an 'open door' policy and that they are 'second class citizens in their own country'.

You and I both know how difficult it is to legally get into the UK but people who have never experienced this and are under extreme pressure with jobs and housing and who have demographic change forced upon them can't get their heads round this and are more likely to vote for those parties like the bnp who offer the prospect of change.

However, I agree that the tabs have a lot to answer for in this.

The answer is a non racist party / grouping using localism to build. It will take a long time but this sort of org must be started now to beat the bnp in the future. This future peoples party must take steps to exclude the failed left dogmatists, autoritiarians etc which ime make up a large part of the left as well as the communitiarians such as Respect if it is to survive and thrive and genuinely challenge the fascists.
This is just a matter of resources and organisation, and also leadership. The BNP has a wide activist base and no rival far-right parties or splits (at least, none that contest elections). They have a known leader who can send a message to the party telling its members what to do.

Take the far-left though, there are about 127883752 tiny sects who disagree on far-out theoretical positions that have no impact on people's daily lives whatsoever. I know alot of people on this forum are involved in far-left politics, maybe your factions should put their differences aside and form one electoral front, get involved in your communities, clean shit up, instead of standing on the high street selling socialist workers (or whatever the SWP does nowadays).
Once you prove yourself as a hard worker in your ward, you can then insert the politics where appropriate.
The BNP are posing as a mainstream party, and the far-left must do this as well if they want to counter the threat. Any political party can make short-term gains if they get involved in the community. That's what Plaid did in the valleys, unfortunately it went to shit organisationally, Labour woke up and annihilated us with a mad propaganda campaign. But we're still there and still the natural second party in those areas, with the chance to win them back next time.
There should be a single socialist party in each UK country, like the Socialist Alliance was.
The BNP have discipline and organisation. If the convenor of an imaginary Socialist party that emerged sent that message out to his members, the dozens of sects would start bickering over what the message meant and whether it complied with theory etc.
Until the far-left gets serious, it will have to keep on telling people to vote Labour (or Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid whatever) to keep the BNP out.

For my part, i'm with Plaid and am confident we can beat the BNP in any ward in any part of Wales, with considerable ease.
lewislewis said:
This is just a matter of resources and organisation, and also leadership.

Couldn't agree more. The various phonebox sized left sects couldn't organise their way out of a paper bag with an exit sign at the open end.
lewislewis said:
The BNP has a wide activist base and no rival far-right parties or splits (at least, none that contest elections). They have a known leader who can send a message to the party telling its members what to do.

That is partly what is missing from the left is a central authority (not the vanguardists and other poseurs and plastic revolutionaries but a genuine leader)
lewislewis said:
Take the far-left though, there are about 127883752 tiny sects who disagree on far-out theoretical positions that have no impact on people's daily lives whatsoever.

Spot on. If the left sects disappeared overnight who would miss them? nobody apart from left trainspotters.
lewislewis said:
I know alot of people on this forum are involved in far-left politics, maybe your factions should put their differences aside and form one electoral front, get involved in your communities, clean shit up, instead of standing on the high street selling socialist workers (or whatever the SWP does nowadays).

In otherwords bugger all. Also the presence of swp and others of the theoretical and non practical left in an area under pressue winds people up.

lewislewis said:
Once you prove yourself as a hard worker in your ward, you can then insert the politics where appropriate.


lewislewis said:
The BNP are posing as a mainstream party
, and the far-left must do this as well if they want to counter the threat. Any political party can make short-term gains if they get involved in the community. That's what Plaid did in the valleys, unfortunately it went to shit organisationally, Labour woke up and annihilated us with a mad propaganda campaign. But we're still there and still the natural second party in those areas, with the chance to win them back next time.
There should be a single socialist party in each UK country, like the Socialist Alliance was.

I agree but it must be democratic and avoid domination by one particular groupuscule.

lewislewis said:
The BNP have discipline and organisation. If the convenor of an imaginary Socialist party that emerged sent that message out to his members, the dozens of sects would start bickering over what the message meant and whether it complied with theory etc.

I've got disullosioned over the years with the left / tu's partly becuase of this 'Peoples Front of Judea-ism'
lewislewis said:
Until the far-left gets serious, it will have to keep on telling people to vote Labour (or Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid whatever) to keep the BNP out.

Which is a pointless foot shooting excercise as part of the reason for the bnps success is the fact atht they are seen as a credible alternative.
Fruitloop said:
Jesus wept.

Whats that supposed to mean? You can't honestly be calling the current left strategy a success can you?

the BNP have got to be beaten at their own game and the game is community poltics not lefty theoretical wanking and intellectual point scoring.
Why is it the job of the far left to defeat the BNP? Are people really voting BNP as a supplement for an electorally viable far-left alternative to fascism on the issue of economic migration? 'Cos we're completely fucked if that's the case.

Fortunately I think it is not so.
Fruitloop said:
Why is it the job of the far left to defeat the BNP? Are people really voting BNP as a supplement for an electorally viable far-left alternative to fascism on the issue of economic migration? 'Cos we're completely fucked if that's the case.

Fortunately I think it is not so.

No but they're voting BNP because they're disillusioned, there's a huge amount of people whose votes are up for grabs and the BNP will take them if they're the ones putting the work in at ward level.
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