Around the election we were told loads about social movements and 'from below' but ever since there's been a vacuum where reports of how that's working out ought to be.
There are social movements that Syriza supported by dribbling funds to them. From my experience of working at a local group for two years, it had turned into a depoliticised charity that attempted to shield those hit hardest, the ones the state abandoned or didn't even know or wanted to acknowledge existed. Its initial focus was well intentioned, helping people and hoping to politicize them as a result so that they would help back (kind of like how I understand solfed operates). It ended up becaming a volunteer group that consisted of collecting food outside of supermarkets and then redistributing them, as well as helping immigrants (my area has a very large registered and unregistered immigrant population) with various issues, from tutoriing Greek, to helping their children with schoolwork etc. Last I heard they were feeding around 2000+ people every fortnight.. This is of a group of around 10-15 'core' people..
Aside from that, there are a few underfunded NGOs working with addicts and the homeless, but the brutality of the police and the difficulty of providing any, kind of semi-permanent link to those who require help, as well as the state providing zero factilities (and actively moving them around every other day, beating them, detaining them etc.) has made it difficult to really improve their conditions. The increase in unemployment and the destabilizing of relations with the state have produced a surge in these two categories. As a side note, in Exarchia there was a neighbourhood movement to kick out drug dealers that the police had pushed into a block of Exarchia. They were successful which was a nice victory!
Politically, imo, a lot of energy was put towards anti-fascist and anti-racism groups, nearly every neighbourhood (in Athens) has an antifa group and they vary in openness, effectiveness, activity etc. The GD have been generally quiet for a while, there was an attack again (in collusion with the cops) a few weeks back, and reports of them leafleting again.
In addition, environmental, anti-privatisation, strike support, free-clinics, prisoner solidarity, squat/social space solidarity (and fight back after the cops went on a rampage shutting them down), public sector shutdown (e.g. ERT, public universities, the cleaners) movements have popped up all over the place in the last few years and again, their effectiveness has varied quite a lot. Scant victories leads to burn out and disillusionment. A lot of time and energy was also spent hanging outside of police stations waiting for comrades/supporters to be released, providing support at courthouses, raising money for the ones that were severly beaten by cops and then charged with something to absolve the cops etc...
Thats a crap summary, but it'll do.