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George Monbiot on "Wales' unreported revolution"

I've a Catalan friend who votes ERC. Her grandparents were actual 1930s anarchists, and I think she leans the same way herself - and if she votes ERC, they must be doing something right.

All this suggests is she is just as muddled in her thinking has the anarchists in the 1930's.
You're some kind of middle class dreamer living in a fantasy world where all the "workers" raise their fists in solidarity with your singular beliefs, aren't you?

Meanwhile, in the real world, Welsh people will continue to wave flags in celebration of their country and not as a "fuck you" to the rest of the world, Plaid will continue to pick up votes from people who would be hard pressed to describe themselves as hardcore Welsh Nationalists, and you'll continue to post up daft shite here.

And maybe - one day - you'll learn how to use the 'quote' function here properly too. Well, I can dream.

No I'm not 'middle class' if they exist that is. I'm dependent on Pension Credit and living in a valleys council house which by my reckoning places me firmly in the working class with nothing to celebrate in regards to owning even a small part of Wales. So waving a flag of any description holds no joy's for me.

But I do enjoy a good game of rugby - whoever wins!
'Fashionable nationalists' they gave their lives against Franco FFS for the Republic.

They are socialists who want a Catalan state.

They are to the left of the PSOE.

Socialist seek to get rid of the state not perpetuate its existence. And socialists are not part of the left wing which is a mirror of the capitalist political structure.
gravedigger said:
'Fashionable nationalists'

I've got this vision of 'gravedigger' shouting this at one of those old catalan peasant women being dragged off of a bus in catalonia, beaten and facing jail for the 'crime' of speaking in the only language she knows in Franco's Spain.

Any step towards the 'abolition of the state' - at least any step led by the mass of the population - can only come as a result of sensitivity to, understanding of, respect for and unity with fully understandable minority national group concerns - especially when those same minorities have faced years of repression from the very state one wishes to abolish.
Socialist seek to get rid of the state not perpetuate its existence. And socialists are not part of the left wing which is a mirror of the capitalist political structure.
Can I just say that dogma-spouting, normal person-repelling, smug, ultra-dry, humour-free po-faced politicos like you were the very reason I started urban75 and the original Footie Fans vs the CJA campaign?

That is all.
I've got this vision of 'gravedigger' shouting this at one of those old catalan peasant women being dragged off of a bus in catalonia, beaten and facing jail for the 'crime' of speaking in the only language she knows in Franco's Spain.

More fashionable nationalists?


Louis MacNeice
Have a look at 'Capitalism and other kids stuff ' which puts my case in a nutshell. I'm sure you will find it funny and serious.


I'm dissapointed now; you said you'd 'glady' do it, now you're trying to fob me off with a link to someone else's work. You're just another dishonest politician afterall; promising so much and delivering so little. And I thought you were going to be different; I thought you had principles.

Shame on you Gravedigger - Louis MacNeice
Can I just say that dogma-spouting, normal person-repelling, smug, ultra-dry, humour-free po-faced politicos like you were the very reason I started urban75 and the original Footie Fans vs the CJA campaign?

That is all.

Yes its hard trying to take the 'P' out of politics. Its like trying to ignore the reality of everyday life.
He's not to everyone's taste, but Monbiot's take on rural radicalism in Wales is exactly the same as the perceptions I had when, as a non-Welsh speaking urbanised person, spent time in rural Wales amongst Plaid circles for the first time.

Excellent article which demonstrates Plaid's thinking and the progress that is being made here. The people commenting on a previous thread who thought Plaid were 'neo-liberal' like the SNP, and that weren't familiar with the Welsh situation, could do worse than read this article.

For the past few years a quiet but momentous revolution has been taking place. That this has passed largely unnoticed in England reflects the media's lack of interest in Wales. English progressives know more about the political transformation in Bolivia than the similar shift happening over the border. Perhaps this is just as well. The Welsh have been left to get on with it, and nobody in England cares enough to try to stop them.

It was Plaid Cymru that led the attempt to impeach Tony Blair over the invasion of Iraq. It opposed the conflict in Afghanistan from the outset. It wants to scrap Trident and cancel the aircraft carrier and Eurofighter contracts. It would break up the banks, ban short selling, tax foreign exchange transactions, raise capital gains tax, raise income tax for the rich while reducing it for the poor. It would set a maximum wage and give workers seats on corporate boards.

It seeks to renationalise the railways and curb the power of the supermarkets. It wants a living pension for everyone over 80, to raise benefits in line with average earnings and to scrap tuition fees. It would abandon ID cards, stop detaining asylum seekers and shift sentencing away from prison and towards restorative justice.

Such policies are widely held to make parties in England unelectable. But in Wales they are considered mainstream, and not just among Plaid supporters.


Fine and dandy. There's just one problem: they want us all to speak Welsh.

They can fuck right off with that.
Fine and dandy. There's just one problem: they want us all to speak Welsh.

They can fuck right off with that.
Nope. They're just after parity.

Even its Welsh language policy looks pretty modest: it seeks not primacy but equal status with English. This is good politics: there are, if it can reach them, plenty of votes to be gathered among the goodlifers who have drifted over the border.


I dearly wished I'd been taught Welsh when I was a kid and I suspect I wouldn't be so shit at other languages now.
I'm dissapointed now; you said you'd 'glady' do it, now you're trying to fob me off with a link to someone else's work. You're just another dishonest politician afterall; promising so much and delivering so little. And I thought you were going to be different; I thought you had principles.

Shame on you Gravedigger - Louis MacNeice

No this is not someone else's work. It was a collective effort and no man is an island, despite the fact I happen to live in Wales. I gave a hand in the pre-production, provided advice on the humour and background visuals and also wrote the review.

Take a gander it may well provide some insights on why nationalism is not so funny!
No this is not someone else's work. It was a collective effort and no man is an island, despite the fact I happen to live in Wales. I gave a hand in the pre-production, provided advice on the humour and background visuals and also wrote the review.

Take a gander it may well provide some insights on why nationalism is not so funny!

In a few short posts you are transformed from honest (if dull) internationalist into the SPGB's very own Peter Mandelson; how do you sleep at night/keep a straight face?

A very disillusioned Louis MacNeice
No this is not someone else's work. It was a collective effort and no man is an island, despite the fact I happen to live in Wales. I gave a hand in the pre-production, provided advice on the humour and background visuals and also wrote the review.

Take a gander it may well provide some insights on why nationalism is not so funny!

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