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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Feel sorry for the woman here. Not just being pawed by the bloke, but having her image crop up again and again on social media. And she has no say in the matter.

She's probably disappointed that the much republished Private Eye photograph is all that she's remembered for, given her claim back in the eighties that:

The city would grind to a standstill if I spoke out, but it would cost a million pounds for me to tell who I have loved and bedded," one tabloid quoted her as saying. "What I could reveal would make Scandal (the just-released film about the Profumo affair) look like a teddy bear's picnic. My amazing secrets could also bring the Government down - just like Christine Keeler did."

At the time, she was not notably publicity-shy and very keen to sell her story.

Pamella Bordes' sexual escapades with high and mighty rock British establishment

The hunting of Pamella Bordes: archive, 4 April 1989

She's now a photographer living in Goa and can be found in the National Portrait Gallery collection as well as the inside pages of Private Eye.

Pamella Bordes - National Portrait Gallery

Are half of the viewing figures made up of people off urban? :confused:

Whenever l flick on the news section on my telly, Gammon Bollocks News is at the top of the list, so l always get a few unwanted seconds. Was amused that the NZ guy who used to be on Lorraine is on and he's shed all his daytime TV fluffiness for what l imagine the thinks is a resolute, no-nonsense approach.
For all the waverers, like me, out there...I suppose there's always the chance that someone or something might just tip you over and persuade you of the merits of the great Brexit project.

Tip : trying watching to end for this little gem from Biggins:

I do think we're a wonderful country. I think we've bred some wonderful people, er...wonderful actors...wonderful politicians...
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She's probably disappointed that the much republished Private Eye photograph is all that she's remembered for, given her claim back in the eighties that:

At the time, she was not notably publicity-shy and very keen to sell her story.

Pamella Bordes' sexual escapades with high and mighty rock British establishment

The hunting of Pamella Bordes: archive, 4 April 1989

She's now a photographer living in Goa and can be found in the National Portrait Gallery collection as well as the inside pages of Private Eye.

Pamella Bordes - National Portrait Gallery

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Wikipedia, citing British Journalism Review, says that the woman in the Neil photo isn't Pamela Bordes, but "an African American make-up artist with whom Neil was once involved".
She was certainly a chum, whether she was a client or not is in the realm of allegation.
Sure, no reason newspaper editors can't just happen to be close chums with high-society sex workers.

But, yes, I don't know if he has said anything to clear up the confusion, so it's possibly no more than an allegation, which is why I used the word "alleged".
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would not of said it mysel, but appears he might be a thristy bell end

and who will have him

"that guy killing himself really messed up my career of shouting at chavs"
Sure, no reason newspaper editors can't just happen to be close chums with high-society sex workers.

But, yes, I don't know if he has said anything to clear up the confusion, so it's possibly no more than an allegation, which is why I used the word "alleged".
It was a strange story involving several ambitious and shady people: Neil, Bordes, Adnan Khashoggi, Donald Trelford, Colin Moniyhan. She has claimed that Neil was a personal project rather than just another client:

Pamela Bordes tells the story of her high-flying but sordid double life
Neil Oliver's latest monologue was his usual nonsense, anti-lockdown, anti-vax for the under 16's, and generally being a covid twat.

Needless to say he got some support on twitter, but these are the replies that made me chuckle.

Dr Russ Jackson wrote: "On one side - Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Candace Owens, Calvin Robinson, Neil Oliver, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young, David Icke, Tom Wootton, bot-accounts, selfish individualism & the desire to do whatever the f**k you like. On the other - experts, science & collective responsibility."

Iain Dear said: "Even David Icke would call Neil Oliver f***ing mental Bookworm Siars added: "I trust the epidemiologists & experts in vaccinology over Neil Oliver, Denise Welch & Bev Turner (never actually knew who the latter two were before they started spouting off). If I want my car repaired I’ll go to the mechanic not the dentist. These three all have paranoia issues."

Another who decribed himself as Brexit Buster added: "Neil Oliver, a bloke with an undergrad degree in archaeology (basically digging in s*** to find dead and broken things) suddenly becomes an expert commentator on epidemiology, immunology and world history. Journalism pays better than digging."



That headline & description grabbed my attention, and I am glad it did, it's a classic piss-taking piece, as it's behind a paywall, I've put the whole article in a spoiler, as it's worth reading in full. :D

Take Mark Dolan, “in for Dan Wootton”, whose obvious audition for the channel was cutting up facemasks live on his radio show one year ago almost to the day, because masks were “scientifically empty” and “useless” and… wait, was Dolan saying he was a mask?

I pop GB News on maybe once a week for ten minutes while I’m waiting for something to boil.

I shouldn’t. I should just hit Netflix. I watch not for the opinions, but for the same reason I used to watch You’ve Been Framed. You’re never more than a moment away from someone getting hit in the metaphorical balls, and at £250 a clip, this station could bankrupt You’ve Been Framed in an hour.

But I don’t know where Andrew Neil is. He’s only managed eight out of the 52 Andrew Neil shows so far, perhaps proving Dominic Raab’s point when he co-authored that book saying Britain is a nation of idlers. Despite this, Neil has regularly insisted he is GB News’s flagship presenter. I have now written two pieces for this newspaper, so as its flagship columnist, let me say this: I don’t think he knows what flagship means.

Brexit led to GB News, but I never thought it would lead to an Andrew Neil shortage. Maybe if they’d said that, they’d have got more than 52 per cent. Or perhaps it’s down to the lorry driver crisis, and there was just no one left to pick him up from his EU home. Imagine the extra delivery charges. He’d spend most of the month in a depot.

And now we’re told he might not return at all. First the milkshakes, now this! Still, he’s largely been replaced by ex-Sky man Colin Brazier, a man I always imagine sitting in the same carvery every Sunday looking disappointed by almost any meal he’s served.

Former war reporter Colin’s done his best, shaking his head in disbelief at the “woke” brigade and shrugging at the couldn’t-make-it-up madness of probably fine but misrepresented health and safety guidelines, and from this week the channel will also funnel Isabel Oakeshott, a woman who is like a drawing of what you’d get if you had to describe a posh woman to an alien quite quickly.

It is generally impossible to know who is doing a show, who even has a show, or who is doing someone else’s show. And what fascinates me about GB News is how lumbering it still is, given changes could be made in, like, one meeting. They keep saying, “we’re a start-up!” – but this isn’t some Shoreditch lavender ketchup company launched by two crazy TikTok tomato/lavender fans still raising finance. The genuinely weird decisions this well-backed operation stand by are so interesting.

Take Mark Dolan, “in for Dan Wootton”, whose obvious audition for the channel was cutting up facemasks live on his radio show one year ago almost to the day, because masks were “scientifically empty” and “useless” and… wait, was Dolan saying he was a mask?

Anyway, Dolan – a born-again Brexit enthusiast who proudly voted Remain and whose pro-immigration and anti-Brexit jokes are still on YouTube – is to be fair probably only following orders when he welcomes his “all-star panel” to the studio. It is an all-star panel in the same way you might describe complete strangers at a bus stop as an all-star bus stop.

But here’s what I find so odd: he asks them a very powerful question (eg “Is something bad or isn’t it?”) and then simply refuses to look at them. Instead, he stares down the barrel of the camera and makes a deeply concerned and worried face. The kind of face you might make if you’d just realised you were in for Dan Wootton on GB News. His three guests are all expected to stare down the lens just like Mark, because it would be weird if they didn’t, and also implies they are very serious Fox News people in very different places, beamed in at high expense from remote locations, satellite vans or villas in the south of France waiting for their lorry to the studio.

But no. We all know they’re all in the same room. We probably saw them arrive. They’re all lit the same and have near-identical backgrounds. And now they sit, elbow-width apart, looking at us from their little pointless boxes, but never at each other.

Sometimes you can even see everyone together, sitting there in the reflection in the glass behind them, pretending, all staring in different directions like some weird parlour game called “Act Like You’ve Never Seen TV”.

But not Dolan. Dolan stares straight ahead importantly, nodding imperceptibly, staring into your soul, perhaps wondering what it is. Maybe angrily tearing apart a mask under his desk. Watching his own important and darkening face reflected back to him in the lens, just behind the important words on the important autocue, the ones that say “Up next, answering your questions – Bucks Fizz.”

And then before I know it, whatever I’ve been boiling has boiled. And I take the rest of the evening off, just like Andrew Neil.
We got off the train at Paddington last Monday and went up to the canal for a snack. We hadn't been in the city ten minutes when Patrick Christys came over with a Mic asking what we thought the biggest problem facing the country was. I declined quite politely due to the 5 year old being there and took the opportunity to waste his time and ask a few questions. Turns out he wanders the streets doing this everyday.

Keep 'em peeled.

Do they do similar appeals for white rape suspects? I can't say I've noticed any. I also wonder if GBnews are concerned about the racists who follow them on Twitter
Dan Wootton has a rant in this morning's Mail. This is just the headline:

DAN WOOTTON: Boris's Corbyn-lite agenda has proved he's a Tory In Name Only and if his Cabinet want to prove they aren't too they need to grow a backbone and tell him his plan to raise National Insurance is a total non-starter​

Obviously (as you can tell from that headline) Channel Four being still publicly owned is one of the things that is wrong.
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Dan Wootton has a rant in this morning's Mail. This is just the headline:

DAN WOOTTON: Boris's Corbyn-lite agenda has proved he's a Tory In Name Only and if his Cabinet want to prove they aren't too they need to grow a backbone and tell him his plan to raise National Insurance is a total non-starter​

Obviously (as you can tell from that headline) Channel Four being still publicly owned is one of the things that is wrong.

What? They actually let him write things? :confused:

As an aside, he was born in a place called Lower Hutt, which could make one wonder about nominative determinism.. :hmm:
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