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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

GB News is fast becoming the broadcasting wing of spiked/spikedonline. Over the past 24 hours we've had James Heartfield, Andrew Doyle (who has a regular show) Joanna Williams, Fraser Myers. GB News pet conteoversialists clearly
And tonight yet another wee outing for the spiked tribe... Their guru Frank Furedi, Tom Slater and Rob Lyons...... In house controversialist cunts...
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I can watch TV, and BBC News 24 on my broadband connection, but not GB News, trying to watch GBN is like being back in dialup days, spooling spooling, a bit of video back to spooling.

I don't know exactly what they are doing wrong but they are doing something wrong that is certain.

Still, didn't really want to watch it anyhow so no loss. :) :(
I can watch TV, and BBC News 24 on my broadband connection, but not GB News, trying to watch GBN is like being back in dialup days, spooling spooling, a bit of video back to spooling.

I don't know exactly what they are doing wrong but they are doing something wrong that is certain.

Still, didn't really want to watch it anyhow so no loss. :) :(

Gonna put forward a theory on this. I had the experience of organising a leased line broadband internet connection to a large building once. Leased line is proper grown up commercial level internet, straight from the local exchange. We had to wait 18 months and there was no way of skipping the queue. Can't remember how long ago GBN was announced but it wasn't that long. If it is in a commercial building it may have commercial level internet already but upload broadcast level? Could be wrong but it's a possibility.

Might just have a shit IT team. :D
Gonna put forward a theory on this. I had the experience of organising a leased line broadband internet connection to a large building once. Leased line is proper grown up commercial level internet, straight from the local exchange. We had to wait 18 months and there was no way of skipping the queue. Can't remember how long ago GBN was announced but it wasn't that long. If it is in a commercial building it may have commercial level internet already but upload broadcast level? Could be wrong but it's a possibility.

Might just have a shit IT team. :D
My bet is that someone decided to just sort out a bunch of ADSL lines and hoped that would be OK.
Someone: Mediability selected by GB News to build its HQ in Britain - Mediability

"Oh the ADSL will do for now Sven, we'll get the big connection in soon, surely can't take long in 21st century Britain."


Knut A. Andersen, CCO in Fonn Group, says:

“We are of course very proud to play a key role in the birth of a 24/7 news channel in the UK market. Conceptually, we believe GB News will set a new global course on operating models for news channels.”

Sadly, Knut didn't waffle on about Brillo-jeebies turning the tide of British Broadcasting
Just been looking at the comments 🤣 core audience is raging 🤣 threatening to stop watching . I'm not aware of any presenters on any other news stations taking the knee , so GB news by default is now the official taking the knee station.
After wobbling in their defence of free speech, they've finally caved in to the baying mob.

Knees up GBNews


Business editor Liam Halligan and former Labour MP Gloria De Piero attracted no measurable audience to their show between 1pm and 1.30pm on Wednesday afternoon. During the same timeslot the BBC News channel attracted 62,000 viewers, while Sky News had 50,000 people watching.

GB News’ audience again briefly dipped to zero at 5pm, during a late-afternoon programme co-hosted by ex-BBC presenter Simon McCoy and former Ukip spokesperson Alex Phillips.


This bit made me chuckle.

Oliver’s plea for open debate and tolerance had limited impact and he was then bombarded with even more negative messages from GB News viewers pledging to boycott the channel. This included suggestions that GB News should feature itself on the channel’s nightly “woke watch” segment which highlights incidents perceived to be examples of preposterous behaviour on “culture war” issues.


This was the bit that surprised me the most.

Andrew Neil, the face of GB News and chair of its board, told viewers earlier that he was taking leave after just two weeks on air after what he described as a “rocky start” but would return “before the summer is out”. The presenter is understood to have gone on holiday to his main residence in the south of France but there is no public return date for his flagship 8pm show.

A cunt who loves Great Britain so much that his main residence is in France. :hmm:
This is going to be like when Farage left UKIP isn't it? Fashy but establishmenty enough elder statesman who offered the mirage of respectability fucks off. And the likes of Paul Watson and Count Dankula turn up to fill the void.

I do wonder if Murdoch is waiting in the wings ready to buy it up for peanuts, close it down and relaunch it as his previously planned evenings only 'News UK' channel, use the daytime hours for a general entertainment channel (directly run or just hire out the airtime), with tele-shopping overnight.
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