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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Pardon my complete ignorance of TV production, but are robot cameras part of the reason why it's all descending into hilarity?

As others have mentioned, they shouldn't be, as they are wildly used in the industry, but they certainly seem to be for some reason.

The other thing I learnt is all or most of their regional reporters don't have OB vans, nor have a camera and/or sound person with them, they are literally on their own in a car with their equipment. There was one clip I saw, when they went to a reporter, who hadn't arrived at wherever he was due to be, because of traffic, and he explained the panic at having to find somewhere to pull over, set-up his camera on a tripod, clip-on his mic, and fire-up the laptop with a SIM card to connect him with the studio over the mobile phone network, rather than the traditional satellite up-link set-up. That probably explains a lot!

Which presents a challenge to urbs, if anyone encounters them on the street, give urban75 a shout out, before kicking over their tri-pod. :thumbs:
This from The National (Scottish paper)...

What followed is yet more car-crash television.

While the reporter tries to beckon fans wearing Saltires and Lion Rampants over to talk to her, they’re apparently more interested in talking to each other. Quelle surprise.

The reporter is of the opinion that these Scots won’t talk to GB News as it’s “too early, they’re not on the beer yet”.

We are of a different one.

Fucking hell! :eek: :facepalm:

Bet Andrew Neil was hoping that GB News would build an audience of affluent Times and Telegraph readers. Early days!
Well you say that but what about that small thermal exhaust port? :hmm:

That was a failure of leadership, not engineering. There were more than enough interceptors stationed on the Death Star to utterly overwhelm the small force of Rebel fighters, but due to the overwheening arrogance of the rest of the Imperial leadership, Darth Vader was only able to deploy the handful of squadrons under his direct personal command.
I feel sorry for Rosie Wright who has been dragged around the country this week trying to prove how much the London based TV station cares about everyone else - she's by far the best presenter on the channel and is buried in a Saturday morning
I guess it will probably happen at some point, but I'm feeling the lack of some genuine insider feedback from the GBN trenches...

This seems genuine, they are quoting names, but it sounds about right.

GB News staff PoliticsHome spoke to agreed Sunak's interview was a success, largely because it was not a tech-intensive operation. But as one said: “When it comes to the live TV side, it's a clusterfuck.”

They described scenes of chaos that far outstrip those creating so much mirth on social media. “There’s just shit coming at you from all sides,” said one.

One of the biggest problems they cited was the fact that the station’s operating systems don’t work with computers that use a firewall, meaning they can lose guests seconds before going on air. DiNA, a tool which should allow journalists to broadcast on several platforms at once, was also described as “horrendous”. One staffer said: “Nothing works. Then they do a reboot overnight, so all the things you thought you knew are now bollocks."

This has been compounded by logistical problems with getting guests into the Covid-secure working environment. Host Alex Phillips was heard by staff venting about the lack of story choices available as a result of all this – with a heavy focus on lockdown fallout – as “shit”.

“So you go - ok, we need to go to social,” says one member of staff: “But that’s emails from Mike Oxlong and Cleo Torres.” [The channel has been plagued by people emailing with spoof names].

Another problem has been the lack of staff numbers. It has left some members of the team working 15-hour days, some starting in the early hours of the morning.
“They urgently need to recruit,” says one staff member. "But how the fuck do you recruit if you’re drowning in things to do already?"

Audience figures are dropping off, after the interest created by their launch -

Tuesday (share of viewing)

6am – 9am
GBN = Great British Breakfast 0.046M (1.5%)
* Yesterday 0.079 (2.5%)

8pm - 9pm
GBN = Andrew Neil 0.072M (0.4%)
* Yesterday 0.153M (0.9%)

Figures from broadcast, via a third party, because their site is subscription only.

Bit of an update on viewing figures -

The average audience between 6am and midnight was 74,000 on Monday, 63,000 on Tuesday and 59,000 on Wednesday.

The station is averaging around 42,000 viewers during the day and about 91,000 during peak hours.

I assume that peak hours figures is basically the average for the Andrew Neil show, which no doubt was inflated with the Sunak's interview, and also explain the average figure on Wednesday not dropping by more.

The spoof Twitter feed GBNewsFails, meanwhile, which documents the sound disasters, lighting oddities, misspelled chyrons, misbehaving graphics, lost connections to remote guests, and confused presenters, has almost 70,000 followers and climbing - meaning that, unless those BARB figures reverse direction soon, on average more people are mocking than watching.

SOURCE: Telegraph (pay walled)
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