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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Say what you think there and don't hold back lol😁

Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy on the right in the screen capture is, but I can't imagine Neil is a holocaust denier given his interest in history and concerns about how people are treated by governments-more the opposite I would imagine.

Coast Guy is a Cnut, and like the original Cnut should be strapped to a cast iron throne on a beach at low tide and left to hold back the incoming surge of sewage.
Are you happy conducting your posts as per your implied username and avatar?
Get yourself sorted and leave your deep lying bitterness of life and people in general behind...you'll feel better.

What are you dribbling on about, Rodney?

The people that have deep lying bitterness of life and people in general are the extreme right-wing, racist, conspiracy theorists that YOU like to defend on this thread.
where are we getting these slightly dodgy newbies from all of a sudden
the idea that we have someone defending GB News whilst pointing out the BBC is a wokey left broadcaster

Jesus the BBC news is so neutered this day they don't have a opinion on anything and if anyone being interviewed in studio or live comments regarding the government they imminently point out that that only their opinion then apologise to the government 5 seconds after the remark is said

What are you dribbling on about, Rodney?

The people that have deep lying bitterness of life and people in general are the extreme right-wing, racist, conspiracy theorists that YOU like to defend on this thread.
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔

You are clueless, last time you popped up on this thread it was to defend Steyn, you know that lovely cuddly guy that thinks Muslim population growth will result in the downfall of Western civilization.

Now you are suggesting that Oliver is not a right-wing racist loon, despite his stated admiration for David Starkey, a well known racist, and him giving airtime to this latest loon. :facepalm:
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔
"So I ask myself"

Yeah, right.
Time for you to get cunted off here.
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist.

Coming back to this bit, 'Coast' didn't provide him with the platform to express his political and world view, sadly GBN does.

Just mentioned this to my best friend, and she commented, 'that's bonkers, it's like saying the man made famous by 'Jim will Fix-it' couldn't possibly be a child sex offender'.

She has a very bloody point there.
Coming back to this bit, 'Coast' didn't provide him with the platform to express his political and world view, sadly GBN does.

Just mentioned this to my best friend, and she commented, 'that's bonkers, it's like saying the man made famous by 'Jim will Fix-it' couldn't possibly be a child sex offender'.

She has a very bloody point there.
To a lesser extent and in a reverse direction see Michael Portillo. On rail journeys, he seems a perfectly pleasant bloke, but his politics sinks.
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔
In the same way that in no way was the sensitive man who painted this.


an extreme Right-wing racist.
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Say what you think there and don't hold back lol😁

Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy on the right in the screen capture is, but I can't imagine Neil is a holocaust denier given his interest in history and concerns about how people are treated by governments-more the opposite I would imagine.
Nobody with any concern about how governments treat people would've waxed lyrical over De Santis of Florida, as I know Neil Oliver has done more than once. His 'both sides' shtick is lifted straight from the Trump instruction manual of maintaining plausible deniability.

Hosting a genocide denier at your place of work, with your name across the proceedings, to the extent that your employer has to delete all reference to what you freely chose to do the day before is absolutely not the work of anyone with honour or integrity worth defending.

The man is a wanker. Pontificating bullshit to a dwindling band of the prejudiced and the stunned, with that grating tone of gravitas he adopts. 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt' is something Neil Oliver should've taken to heart.

Whatever else he is, he's a fraud and a fool.
In no way is the man made famous by the Coast tv series and extreme rightwing racist. A dour pessimistic overthinking Scotsman maybe but not what your now accusing him of being. There are far more extreme and dangerous people out there than Oliver FFS.
So I ask myself why would someone spend so much time obsessing over a channel, a presenter to make such inaccurate observation and accusation 🤔
The thing about dangerous people (the bit that makes them dangerous), is that others give them the benefit of the doubt until it's too late and the damage has been done. If dangerous extremists were easily spotted before their dangerous extremism took hold, before they hooked up with/promoted other dangerous extremists, then dangerous extremism wouldn't be any kind of problem - other than a private mental health challenge for the one individual.
But he ignores the gang rape victims. Their only use to him is as a stick to beat Muslims with.

As for the vaccines thing - that's a tired old trope which has been serially disproven. Yes, a very small number of people have had things happen as a result of vaccines, but it is down in the noise as far as prevalence is concerned. Reactions to vaccines are very uncommon, but an inevitable part of vaccination. I notice that the kind of people who bang on about "vaccine victims" rarely have anything to say about the vast number of lives saved or improved by the existence of those same vaccines.

You are either very, very naive, or you're some kind of right-wing racist-supporting antivaxx enabler. You choose. :hmm:
I think I've been giving Thesaint the benefit of the doubt for altogether far too long. Why is this twat still here?
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