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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

BARB has finally woken-up and published the June viewing figures, despite GBN banging on about beating Sky News with some of their evening shows, they remain well behind overall, in fact their figures haven't changed much over the last three months.

On these figures I would be surprised if they will continue once their original 2-years of funding comes to an end.

Impressive discussion of Salman Rushdie on the paper review just now.
Reviewers slagging each other off about whether they like or understand "magical realism"
But, from that article, they are still hiring more on-air 'talent', which is surprising,

GB News also announced it’s hired Daily Telegraph journalist Camilla Tominey, broadcaster Michael Portillo, Daily Mail political commentator Andrew Pierce as on-air talent. Tominey and Pierce will keep their positions at the Telegraph and Daily Mail.
I presume WB Discovery consider a minor news channel too small to focus on, but the new owners are presumably buying it with a view to it being worthwhile all the same.
I presume WB Discovery consider a minor news channel too small to focus on, but the new owners are presumably buying it with a view to it being worthwhile all the same.

It was Discovery that invested millions into the failing project, it was clear that after the 'merger', WB would want to get out, rather than plough more money into a dead donkey.

Hedge fund manager Paul Marshall and investment group Legatum, were share holders from the start, I would love to know how much they picked-up the other shares for, I suspect very little, and certainly at a fraction of the money that Discovery pumped into it.

Be interesting to see how much longer Paul Marshall & Legatum are able to fund it, or if Murdoch now sees a takeover could be easier with just two remaining shareholders.
It was Discovery that invested millions into the failing project, it was clear that after the 'merger', WB would want to get out, rather than plough more money into a dead donkey.

Hedge fund manager Paul Marshall and investment group Legatum, were share holders from the start, I would love to know how much they picked-up the other shares for, I suspect very little, and certainly at a fraction of the money that Discovery pumped into it.

Be interesting to see how much longer Paul Marshall & Legatum are able to fund it, or if Murdoch now sees a takeover could be easier with just two remaining shareholders.
I would have thought Al Jazeera would be a better fit. They have loads of money and they would then have a left/internationalist channel coupled with a right-wing channel for Telegraph readers (in case of planning permission issues or a dip in Harrods sales).
I would have thought Al Jazeera would be a better fit. They have loads of money and they would then have a left/internationalist channel coupled with a right-wing channel for Telegraph readers (in case of planning permission issues or a dip in Harrods sales).

I doubt Al Jazeera would be interested in a tiny & failing UK channel, whereas Murdoch could be interested in a 'merger', in the style of the Sky & BSB (British Satellite Broadcasting) 'merger', which was basically a take-over, pick out the good bits, then close BSB down, and flog off anything left cheap.
I doubt Al Jazeera would be interested in a tiny & failing UK channel, whereas Murdoch could be interested in a 'merger', in the style of the Sky & BSB (British Satellite Broadcasting) 'merger', which was basically a take-over, pick out the good bits, then close BSB down, and flog off anything left cheap.
Talk Radio TV is so "low rent" that it could not merge with GB News - in terms of format or personnel - where are the sofas? - and where are the right wing black presenters? And the right-wing vicars and former chaplains to Her Majesty? The average age of the Talk TV presenters must be 25 years older than GB News. Not complaining about age obviously, but the ambience is quite different. Talk TV seems to be aimed at former patrons of working men's clubs, whereas GB News is some weird specie of Unherd meets truth-telling anti-vaxxers. Different beasties.

I guess the Queen of TTV is Julia Hartley-Brewer - but even she is just a video radio phone in.
Piers Morgan is never there when you expect him - his agent provocateur slot seems to be being usurped by Richard Tice. The only time I ever saw anything dynamic on TTV was Piers Morgan presenting the Boris Meltdown show when resignations were coming in hand over fist. At least GB News can rustle up a (somewhat bad taste) discussion of Magical Realism in the context of Salman Rushdie's stabbing off the cuff. Bad taste because for some reason GB News employs middle aged "edgy" comedians to review "The Papers".
Talk Radio TV is so "low rent" that it could not merge with GB News - in terms of format or personnel - where are the sofas? - and where are the right wing black presenters? And the right-wing vicars and former chaplains to Her Majesty? The average age of the Talk TV presenters must be 25 years older than GB News. Not complaining about age obviously, but the ambience is quite different. Talk TV seems to be aimed at former patrons of working men's clubs, whereas GB News is some weird specie of Unherd meets truth-telling anti-vaxxers. Different beasties.

I guess the Queen of TTV is Julia Hartley-Brewer - but even she is just a video radio phone in.
Piers Morgan is never there when you expect him - his agent provocateur slot seems to be being usurped by Richard Tice. The only time I ever saw anything dynamic on TTV was Piers Morgan presenting the Boris Meltdown show when resignations were coming in hand over fist. At least GB News can rustle up a (somewhat bad taste) discussion of Magical Realism in the context of Salman Rushdie's stabbing off the cuff. Bad taste because for some reason GB News employs middle aged "edgy" comedians to review "The Papers".

That's all assuming TalkTV will continue in it's present form, I don't think it will, so assuming it's not just closed down, the only option is a total re-launch. The radio to TV format just doesn't work, hence outside the 15 hours of 'made for TV' programmes, TalkTV often gets a zero audience rating from BARB, because too few are watching to measure, they're lucky if they hit 2k in a given hour. Mind you, so is 'The Newsdesk' lucky to hit 2k, and that is 'made for TV'. :D

There's so many options, depending on how much Murdock wants his prize, and how much he's willing spend, but something like this isn't impossible.

TalkTV 'mergers' with GB News.
TalkTV & Talk Radio are separated, rebrand the TV service as TalkNews (the merged name).
Close GB News, saving transmission/platform costs, and selling off valuable bits like the Freeview slot, but keep the DAB radio slot for TalkNews.
TalkNews expands as a TV channel, bringing in the well known and better GBN presenters, to cover 6am to midnight, take Talk Radio overnight as a sustaining service.
Stick loons like Farage and Wootton on TalkRadio, where they would fit in easily with their other loons, keeping TalkNews more sane and attractive to TV advertisers.

Advantages - you get one fairly strong TV channel, TalkNews, with much more advertising revenue, because TalkTV hasn't suffered a boycott by any big brands, and all their ad breaks are 3 minutes rather than just 2 on GB News.

Plus three radio channels, TalkRadio, TalkNews (at bugger all cost), Times Radio, all aimed at different markets. Oh, of course, TalkSport & Virgin Radio too.

My thinking is that TalkRadio, whilst still losing money, has seen quarter by quarter increases in listeners, from around 450k in Sept, 2021, RAJAR's first quarterly report since before covid, to almost 700k in the June 2022, worth leaving that to grow by itself and not ruin it by putting more 'made for TV' content on it.

As I've said the radio to TV format doesn't work, however GBN has had some success putting TV on the radio, with almost 230k listeners in their first & second quarters, and clearly not taking them from TalkRadio, so that can be built on, trouble is it's losing them money, whereas it would instantly make money for Murdoch.

I've just checked GBN Radio and they still have very little advertising despite appointing Bauer Media months ago as their sales house, on TV there was 4 x 30 second ads, whereas it was one on the radio and three promos for GBN. Now Murdoch has his own radio sales team, who could easily fill all those ad slots almost over night, just bundle up the combined listeners to TalkRadio & TalkNews and sell them as a package, bugger all costs involved, but bringing in more revenue than the DAB radio transmission costs for TalkNews, instantly changing it from losing money to producing revenue for the TV side.

You knock out a competitor, you increase the combined TV advertising revenue, and you also increase radio advertising revenue, that's a 'win, win, win' outcome to me. Overall the combined operation would probably still be losing money, but it would be a lot less than TalkTV & GBN are currently losing, and you're in a much stronger position going forward.
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Imanuelsen appeared on the show to discuss the decline of birthrates in developed countries in the wake of the covid pandemic, with both men positing that vaccination may be one of the causes for lower birthrates in 2022.

pfft lower birth rates can be explained by people being forced to spend serious time with their kids and finding out they are fucking irritating little shits
Say what you think there and don't hold back lol😁

Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy on the right in the screen capture is, but I can't imagine Neil is a holocaust denier given his interest in history and concerns about how people are treated by governments-more the opposite I would imagine.
Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy on the right in the screen capture is,

Well, you could always click on the link provided and educate yourself.

I can't imagine Neil is a holocaust denier given his interest in history

No one has suggested Oliver is a holocaust denier himself, Rodney, just that he interviewed one, which is a bloody dumb thing to do, and clearly even GB News has decided it was wrong, hence they have vanished the clips of the interview.

concerns about how people are treated by governments-more the opposite I would imagine.

He couldn't give a toss about people, he's a conspiracy theorist and grifter, and you are a plonker, Rodney.
Say what you think there and don't hold back lol😁

Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy on the right in the screen capture is, but I can't imagine Neil is a holocaust denier given his interest in history and concerns about how people are treated by governments-more the opposite I would imagine.
You could have gone and found out more about the bloke on the right, rather than professing ignorance and only focusing on why Oliver (or "Neil" :hmm:) couldn't possibly be a holocaust denier.

But you didn't.
Who’s this new cunt, then?

They have made various fly-by posts in defence of GBN and their more crazy presenters, including the racist Steyn, FFS!

America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It is a 2006 non-fiction book by the Canadian newspaper columnist and writer Mark Steyn. It forecasts the downfall of Western civilization due to internal weaknesses and Muslim population growth in Western countries and the world generally. Wiki
Peter Sweden has been moaning about migration for years. GBN clearly looks on YT to see whose a popular right wing scumpundit and brings them on. No depth of course. Wasn't he involved in the Lauren Southern effort to blockade migrant boats in the Mediterranean?
A Spokesperson for GB News said: “We’ve been made aware that Peter Sweden, also known as Peter Imanuelsen, who appeared on GB News yesterday to talk about falling birth rates, has been accused of being a holocaust denier.

"As a result of this information, we have removed clips of Mr Sweden’s interview from our website and our social media channels while we investigate.

"GB News abhors anti-Semitism and all other forms of racism.” LINK

Accused? :hmm:

While we investigate. :hmm:


Still feel happy defending Oliver & GBN, Thesaint?
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