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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

I will read that article but at the same time I think this is clearly bollocks. No one uses that word in that way anymore and I doubt they have for a fucking long time. And btw the words imbecile and idiot were used in the same way - idiot being the most extreme (and used in relation to IQ)- yet no warning for those who use those words on these forums (includiing against me) and those words aren't used in that way anymore either . I do agree that the concepts of IQ and intelligence are basically a crock of elitist shite and are no doubt tied to eugenics, but I still find this ridiculous and it strikes me as an attempt to shut down different views (including my views) being expressed, or simply a way to generally police language.
I don't think everyone weaponises it that way.

In fairness that kind of language is used a fair bit on here, and I don't think it's fair if you've been singled out, especially if you were called an imbecile(?) first, which I think was the case.

If people who're part of a marginalised group/class say that something's offensive, I think it pays to listen. I have multiple disabilities and didn't know until recently that some of these words are problematic. It's not a huge effort on my part to try not to use them, and tbh, now I know more about the history, I'm happy to try and bin them off. I'm probably gonna slip up sometimes, but I don't think it's OTT idpol or political correctness to try not to hurt people who are already shat on.

I like you AA and honestly while I think some of the criticism is fair or just different opinions, I think some people pile on you or wilfully misinterpret you. I'm glad you didn't stop posting and I'd be sad to see you go.
I don't think everyone weaponises it that way.

In fairness that kind of language is used a fair bit on here, and I don't think it's fair if you've been singled out, especially if you were called an imbecile(?) first, which I think was the case.

If people who're part of a marginalised group/class say that something's offensive, I think it pays to listen. I have multiple disabilities and didn't know until recently that some of these words are problematic. It's not a huge effort on my part to try not to use them, and tbh, now I know more about the history, I'm happy to try and bin them off. I'm probably gonna slip up sometimes, but I don't think it's OTT idpol or political correctness to try not to hurt people who are already shat on.

I like you AA and honestly while I think some of the criticism is fair or just different opinions, I think some people pile on you or wilfully misinterpret you. I'm glad you didn't stop posting and I'd be sad to see you go.
Not so long ago, was rightly put straight about the word "dumb".

Didn't double down on it, and was appreciative for it being calmly explained.

Think it's good to learn the origins and possible offensive usages of words.

Urban is a good place to learn new things/ideas etc


Actually, looking back on it, kinda did dispute it at first, so fuck you, krtek, you fibbing knob
I thought the word dumb meant 'mute', but a quick Google has disavowed me of that, at least etymologically speaking.
Mr Orang Utan put it in context for this self

There's a tension between history, etymology and current usage too.
A lot of people (mostly older people ime) use 'dumb' for 'mute'.

Though def best avoided in front of the mute person (by which I mean I think most people would steer clear of that - everyone knows the other meaning).
There's a tension between history, etymology and current usage too.
A lot of people (mostly older people ime) use 'dumb' for 'mute'.

Though def best avoided in front of the mute person.
Reckon if someone takes the time to explain why something may be an issue or offensive, and context is provided, it's a good lesson in the constant evolution of language. And what it means to various peoples...

People who moan about how they're not allowed to say xyz anymore aren't really interested in learning. Imho, obviously.
Reckon if someone takes the time to explain why something may be an issue or offensive, and context is provided, it's a good lesson in the constant evolution of language. And what it means to various peoples...

People who moan about how they're not allowed to say xyz anymore aren't really interested in learning. Imho, obviously.

I think most people don't want to cause anyone any grief with their choice of words, but a degree of fatigue can creep in with the frequency that things can change these days.
Tbf I think GB News would be all over the question "why can't I use the N word," though they'd probably balk at the angle being taken.

Indeed. They would frame it in the terms of victimhood and having their "free speech" attacked by the "woke élite".
I thought the word dumb meant 'mute', but a quick Google has disavowed me of that, at least etymologically speaking.
That is the etymology of it. But it's had its other connotation for a long time - just not commonly used until the 1800s.
I like the way you dismiss the the experiences and feelings of people living with disability as ‘petty’. I suppose we should be grateful to be allowed to participate with real people at all. You talk the talk of a revolutionary vanguard but if people challenge your discrimination they are ‘insulting’ .

You showed your antisemitism when you completely disregarded the arguments and feelings of Jewish people. Now you are showing exactly the same behaviour in relation to people living with disability. Seems you just plough on regardless. To me that seems the behaviour of a bigot.

( For people unaware this is the horrible behaviour I am referring to - the whole thread BTW not just this one post.)
As the thread referred to here has been dragged up again from last year and again getting attention ( attention that can only be negative) I feel I should comment on it.

I do not think I should have really posted anything other than expressing sadness for what happened, especially regarding the deaths of children. However my post was worded completely wrong, probably due to me not being fully awake after waking up (coupled with the effects of my medication which make me drowsy and unable to think properly etc, especially after waking up) and then I was banned from the thread and so not allowed to delete or edit my comment - which is why it is still there for people to get upset about.

But if I had worded that post correctly it would have read something like this -

"People dying is usually sad, especially when its children, but would so many people be upset if something like this happened to the Taliban or Islamic State or a group like that?"

I can't guarantee that there would be no one that would be offended by that question, something always offends someone (and I've just discovered that that includes the word moron) and as I say I should probably either have posted nothing or simply expressed sadness for what happened (because what happened was tragic). But I do think that wording would have been better and much better expresses what I was trying to say at the time.
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That is the etymology of it. But it's had its other connotation for a long time - just not commonly used until the 1800s.

I think we're talking at cross-purposes here, but I took a closer look and the etymology seems complicated, with both meanings being in different branches of the evolutionary tree.
I caught a brief excerpt of the Esther McVey & Hubby show today, where she said she wanted to "bulldoze through countless government efficiencies". It's a novel idea, I'll give her that.
Not the sharpest part of the Hunt "dream ticket" that never was.
As the thread referred to here has been dragged up again from last year and again getting attention ( attention that can only be negative) I feel I should comment on it.

I do not think I should have really posted anything other than expressing sadness for what happened, especially regarding the deaths of children. However my post was worded completely wrong, probably due to me not being fully awake after waking up (coupled with the effects of my medication which make me drowsy and unable to think properly etc, especially after waking up) and then I was banned from the thread and so not allowed to delete or edit my comment - which is why it is still there for people to get upset about.

But if I had worded that posted correctly it would have read something like this -

"People dying is usually sad, especially when its children, but would so many people be upset if something like this happened to the Taliban or Islamic State or a group like that?"

I can't guarantee that there would be no one that would be offended by that question, something always offends someone (and I've just discovered that that includes the word moron) and as I say I should probably either have posted nothing or simply expressed sadness for what happened (because what happened was tragic). But I do think that wording would have been better and much better expresses what I was trying to say at the time.
Methinks the Agitator doth protest too much.
if his rant about the elite that has all the money not taking everything including the land underneath us all

this is the Scottish fella who says he proud to be British and remarked he liked the status quo at last Scottish indy ref

he is slight fucking confused
Flaky Emma is making an interesting case.
Neil is not happy..

Uh oh, Evil Emma has joined forces with Flaky Emma.

Time for an ad break…
The other day I watched a strange Owen Jones podcast with him and Peter Hitchens.
Peter Hitchens seems to know much ,ore about Marxism than Owen Jones

Hitchens lived in the Soviet union in the 80s so saw it all fall apart up close.
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I think we're talking at cross-purposes here, but I took a closer look and the etymology seems complicated, with both meanings being in different branches of the evolutionary tree.
The scholastic interpretation I've always seen is that, prior to the 1800s, dumb's primary meaning is "mute" and that's how it started out as far back as Old Saxon. However, mute people have always been treated like idiots by the able population and that definitely creeps into the meaning. It's not something you can easily separate out, because people have been mean to "different" people for forever and a day.
The scholastic interpretation I've always seen is that, prior to the 1800s, dumb's primary meaning is "mute" and that's how it started out as far back as Old Saxon. However, mute people have always been treated like idiots by the able population and that definitely creeps into the meaning. It's not something you can easily separate out, because people have been mean to "different" people for forever and a day.
Surely "dumb" as in stupid is an Americanism? Is there not an Americanism thread for those concerned about language purity?
I see Speccy TV now has an hour-long weekly? show called "Women with Balls"
As befits the gimmicky title the visual intro is snap snap snap unlike GB News where they all sit about on sofas looking bored, or Talk TV where you get the view from or of the cab.

Loath to post examples as some have been offended (in the past), but there is a long profile of and interview with best selling author and Channel 4 privatiser Nadine Dorries whose career as an NHS nurse lasted long enough for her to set up her own private home care business. Upped in April pre the latest Boris/Rishi/Truss cock-up.
Watch and weep
I see Speccy TV now has an hour-long weekly? show called "Women with Balls"
As befits the gimmicky title the visual intro is snap snap snap unlike GB News where they all sit about on sofas looking bored, or Talk TV where you get the view from or of the cab.

Loath to post examples as some have been offended (in the past), but there is a long profile of and interview with best selling author and Channel 4 privatiser Nadine Dorries whose career as an NHS nurse lasted long enough for her to set up her own private home care business. Upped in April pre the latest Boris/Rishi/Truss cock-up.
Watch and weep

Initially I thought "women with balls" was some transgender debate clickbait😳
I'm sure the inventor of that slogan realised it has two interpretations.

I know there isn't a lot of love here for these new upstart news providers like GBNews, but surely people accept the standard bearers - like the BBC - have blown it in the neutrality stakes and these new channels simply at worst counter balance them.
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