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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

I bring you a rather technical concern here.
A few days back Darren Grimes had a threesome with Gavin Ashenden and Rev James Treasure.
Purpose of the conversation (from GB News point of view) was to slag off the Archbishop of Canterbury for being "too pollical" or as we used to say "politically correct".

Dr Ashenden is always introduced as "former Queen's Chaplain". In GB News' eyes he is now a former Bishop (of the Continuing Anglican Church - a US break-away church which does not acknowledge women priests).

Ashenden is a paid up Brexit party adherent and Farage fan.
Rev James Treasure - an Oxford evangelical clergy team-leader, presumably put there for balance.

I don't think it right that GB News introduce right wing pundits as "Bishop" when they bishop of a misogynist splinter group.

The other extraordinary thing was Darren Grimes started bashing the Archbishop of Canterbury for closing all the churches during Covid. HE (Darren Grimes) has to go to a Catholic church to receive communion, because his church was shut.

That is a pretty odd thing to say actually. The Catholic Church are not in communion with the Anglican church for the very good reason that "communion" means totally different things in those churches.

Apart from which - did Catholic churches not shut during Covid? Frankly any Catholic priest who saw Darren Grimes mincing down the aisle to take communion should have given him guidance.

I don't believe Darren Grimes ever took communion either in an Anglican or Catholic church for the last 10 years - never mind covid. He is just stirring the pot in the usual GB News/Boris Johnson kind of way.

"mincing"?? - unbelievable Jeff.
Funny that. I suffer from bipolar I disorder and the first time I became 'involved' with religion was also during psychotic episodes. I also lived in Paris and started the catechumenat to become baptised in the Catholic Church. I was rather unwell at the time and became super religious. I remember going to a Church near St Lazare area where I worked. One day I went up to the priest asking for a blessing (rather than take Communion) as I hadn't been baptised. I believe a blessing is often given in the Anglican Church as an alternative to taking Communion. The Catholic priest hadn't a clue what I was going on about and abruptly told me to go away. On another occasion, I went to confession and was told by Catholic priest that I couldn't be forgiven as I had not been baptised. See what I mean? Very exclusive. When I returned to the UK, I went to a local Anglican Church and our local priest would always say all are welcome at the table of Christ whether baptised or not. I suppose in the Anglican Church it depends on each Church and the priest. Whether it's high church or not.

My ex's brother is a Catholic priest and he said that you should not take Communion if you are not baptised in the Catholic faith, apparently.
Many RC churches offer a blessing for children, or those new to faith and yet to take First Communion. But I can imagine there are old-timers who aren't into that. It certainly wasn't a thing when I was a wee lad. In theory the blessing should be only for those baptised, but who are they to know?
Has anyone burst into flame scoffing the wine and crackers without the membership nonsense?

Thought not

I'm not a Catholic so it doesn't bother me.

Apparently priests have to consume all the leftover wafers and wine from the service which have been blessed so that they are not misused.
A few years ago a conceptual artist in Spain went to mass everyday to take holy communion, but saved the consecrated wafers instead of eating them. When he had a sufficient number, he formed the word 'Paedophiles' on the steps outside a major church with the consecrated wafers. The Spanish clergy went mental, and instructed all priests to watch out when administering communion and ensuring punters would eat the wafers right away and not take them away :D

ETA: Story in Spanish, but video shows the deed. He went to church 242 times to acquire the required number of wafers

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"mincing"?? - unbelievable Jeff.
? I would have had a go at Gavin Ashenden, who hates gays - or at least gay vicars, especially if married to each other. What is Gavin Ashenden doing on a Darren Grimes show? - except to criticise the Archbishop of Canterbury.
This is typical of his outpourings I imagine (I don't have a Telegraph subscription so my guess is heuristic)

This extract from Wikipedia seems to summarise where he's at right now:

Resignation from Church of England positions[edit]​

In early 2017, Ashenden resigned from his position as Chaplain to the Queen after speaking out against a service at St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow, at which a Muslim law student read (in Arabic) a passage from the Koran that explicitly declared that Jesus is not the Son of God[17][18] and because of his views on Islam and orthodox Christianity.[19] Ashenden concluded that being a member of the Ecclesiastical Household meant he could not speak out on matters he felt strongly about and that it was his duty and calling to speak on issues relating to the integrity of the Christian faith.[18]

One of the consequences of his resignation was a variety of media engagements in several countries, including Fox News in the United States,[20] The Bolt Report in Australia,[21][non-primary source needed] and James Delingpole's Delingpole Podcast in the UK.[22]

On 17 March 2017, Ashenden lodged a deed in the High Court of London under the Clerical Disabilities Act 1870, to relinquish his orders within the Church of England.[23]

Christian Episcopal Church[edit]​

In September 2017 Archbishop Theodore Casimes of the Christian Episcopal Church announced that Ashenden had been consecrated as a missionary bishop for the United Kingdom and Europe.[24]

Ashenden left the Christian Episcopal Church in December 2019.

Catholic Church[edit]​

On 22 December 2019, Ashenden was received into the Catholic Church by the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark Davies, at Shrewsbury Cathedral. Bishop Davies commented that it was "very humbling to be able to receive a bishop of the Anglican tradition into full communion in the year of the canonization of Saint John Henry Newman."[25] Ashenden may become a priest of the Catholic Church or stay a lay theologian, depending upon the determination of the Holy See.[26]

I'm not sure about the gay issue - it seems Ashenden is unmarried. Maybe he is claiming the right to be "unsexual" (celibate) in which case good luck to him. But why do these celibates make life miserable for other people?
I'm not a Catholic so it doesn't bother me.

Apparently priests have to consume all the leftover wafers and wine from the service which have been blessed so that they are not misused.
Wine, yes. But the spare wafers go back in the tabernacle. You will notice that they're careful to capture any crumbs or whatnot and brush them into the last of the wine. You can't waste a wafer, it is purportedly the Body of Christ, but you can put it into storage. :) (spot the teenage altar slave)
? I would have had a go at Gavin Ashenden, who hates gays - or at least gay vicars, especially if married to each other. What is Gavin Ashenden doing on a Darren Grimes show? - except to criticise the Archbishop of Canterbury.
This is typical of his outpourings I imagine (I don't have a Telegraph subscription so my guess is heuristic)

This extract from Wikipedia seems to summarise where he's at right now:

Resignation from Church of England positions[edit]​

In early 2017, Ashenden resigned from his position as Chaplain to the Queen after speaking out against a service at St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow, at which a Muslim law student read (in Arabic) a passage from the Koran that explicitly declared that Jesus is not the Son of God[17][18] and because of his views on Islam and orthodox Christianity.[19] Ashenden concluded that being a member of the Ecclesiastical Household meant he could not speak out on matters he felt strongly about and that it was his duty and calling to speak on issues relating to the integrity of the Christian faith.[18]

One of the consequences of his resignation was a variety of media engagements in several countries, including Fox News in the United States,[20] The Bolt Report in Australia,[21][non-primary source needed] and James Delingpole's Delingpole Podcast in the UK.[22]

On 17 March 2017, Ashenden lodged a deed in the High Court of London under the Clerical Disabilities Act 1870, to relinquish his orders within the Church of England.[23]

Christian Episcopal Church[edit]​

In September 2017 Archbishop Theodore Casimes of the Christian Episcopal Church announced that Ashenden had been consecrated as a missionary bishop for the United Kingdom and Europe.[24]

Ashenden left the Christian Episcopal Church in December 2019.

Catholic Church[edit]​

On 22 December 2019, Ashenden was received into the Catholic Church by the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark Davies, at Shrewsbury Cathedral. Bishop Davies commented that it was "very humbling to be able to receive a bishop of the Anglican tradition into full communion in the year of the canonization of Saint John Henry Newman."[25] Ashenden may become a priest of the Catholic Church or stay a lay theologian, depending upon the determination of the Holy See.[26]

I'm not sure about the gay issue - it seems Ashenden is unmarried. Maybe he is claiming the right to be "unsexual" (celibate) in which case good luck to him. But why do these celibates make life miserable for other people?
Watch this space probably a matter of when not if some hyper-hypocritical “less than Christian” sexual behaviour is unearthed
Has anyone burst into flame scoffing the wine and crackers without the membership nonsense?

Thought not

John Paul II used to invited Brother Roger of Taize to take communion from him. Roger was a Swiss Calvinist who felt called to set up an Ecumenical Community in the South of France in the 1940s.

Anyway, his Popiness got himself himself shot and Brother Roger, a saintly chap, who once offered me a fisherman's friend, was stabbed to death by a Romanian lady.
Has anyone burst into flame scoffing the wine and crackers without the membership nonsense?

Thought not
I can confirm this

(we went to a Catholic wedding in Belgium. I was hung over and nodding off at the back, when I noticed mrs mx had joined the wine and crackers queue, so I thought I may as well join her, as neither of us understood a word of the Dutch (?) that was being spoken, and neither of us was a member. Anyway, did the business, got patted on the head with some sort of flat sceptre thing. Didn't burst into flames.)
John Paul II used to invited Brother Roger of Taize to take communion from him. Roger was a Swiss Calvinist who felt called to set up an Ecumenical Community in the South of France in the 1940s.

Anyway, his Popiness got himself himself shot and Brother Roger, a saintly chap, who once offered me a fisherman's friend, was stabbed to death by a Romanian lady.
I remember Brother Roger - for some reason "Sunday" on Radio 4 had a bit of a thing for him. R4 seemed to think that Brother Roger had been secretly received into the Catholic church - which might explain Pope John Paull II's ease of co-communing.

The Taizé thing was all the rage amongst certain Anglican churches in Brixton. Christ Church North Brixton was heavily into it, even more so St Matthews's Lilford Road. St Matthew's use the Taizé music for the liturgy to this day - except for the bit which is a Ghanaian folk melody.

As regards the unfortunate demise of Brother Roger - Radio 4 attributed this to his never turn away policy - even for troubled Romanian women apparently.

BTW note Murdered sect leader 'was secret Catholic'
I briefly flicked through the news channels last night, and caught a few seconds of (I think) Mark Dolan suggesting that women invited to Harvey Weinstein's room in the early hours probably knew it wasn't for a chat.

I may have taken this out of context, of course...
I briefly flicked through the news channels last night, and caught a few seconds of (I think) Mark Dolan suggesting that women invited to Harvey Weinstein's room in the early hours probably knew it wasn't for a chat.

I may have taken this out of context, of course...
Does anyone remember Mike Tysom and the teenage Sunday School teacher?
He used the same reasoning - and it got him several years behind bars.
BTW for what its worth Werner Herzog is a big fan of Iron Mike - not because of the statutory rape, but because Mike Tyson is a big antiquarian book collector, and has an original copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince".
I remember Brother Roger - for some reason "Sunday" on Radio 4 had a bit of a thing for him. R4 seemed to think that Brother Roger had been secretly received into the Catholic church - which might explain Pope John Paull II's ease of co-communing.

The Taizé thing was all the rage amongst certain Anglican churches in Brixton. Christ Church North Brixton was heavily into it, even more so St Matthews's Lilford Road. St Matthew's use the Taizé music for the liturgy to this day - except for the bit which is a Ghanaian folk melody.

As regards the unfortunate demise of Brother Roger - Radio 4 attributed this to his never turn away policy - even for troubled Romanian women apparently.

BTW note Murdered sect leader 'was secret Catholic'

In the 80s went to Taize, wm with a friend who later became vicar of At Matthews'. He liked the music but found the atmosphere oppressive and had a an impressive argument with the rather smug English Brother.
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tweets attacking GMB presenter Anne Diamond for left-wing bias

This is a long read, but a brilliant insight into GB News, with loads of background information on why all the cocks-up occurred, why so many have left and channel, and how unhappy some staff still there are.

Over the past four months, I have spoken to dozens of GB News employees, past and present, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity, either due to settlement non-disclosure agreements or concerns that it would impact their current employment. This article draws on hours of conversations about the highs and lows of a tumultuous year, as the channel nears its first birthday.

That speech at the Hilton was the first sign, several people in attendance told me, that the project was not all they had been promised. One senior presenter – poached from an establishment broadcaster – remembers the worried glances that went between the more experienced staff. What the hell have we done, he thought.

And, this made me laugh...

The one person who did eventually enter Ukraine was the Canadian presenter Mark Steyn. Even among the channel’s semi-autonomous hosts, Steyn is a special case: broadcasting from America, his entire production team is outsourced, leaving the channel with little oversight.

In mid-March, Steyn and his team decided to take their show to eastern Ukraine. They flew to Hungary, only to learn that Hungarian rental cars have a device that cuts the engine if you enter a war zone. Undeterred, Steyn’s team found an alternative, and were all set to cross the border, before someone pointed out the vehicle was a former Soviet police car, complete with hammer and sickle on the side, and that maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t the way to go.



Booking quality guests proved troublesome. “People just put the phone down,” one producer told me. Instead they had to rely on “the same low-rent guests rather than people with any particular expertise”. Several times a day, insiders told me, a producer would attempt to book someone, only to be told they’ve just been on a different GB News show. One presenter told me that producers had taken to booking their own parents.
As vox pops, I asked, for the person-on-the-street views?
“No,” they said, “as guests. Someone will say, ‘My mum’s got a view on this.’ ‘Has she? Is she free?’ That’s happened at least twice.”
The story that most sticks in the minds of multiple people I spoke to, however, concerns an episode on 6 September, when Phillips suspected people were stealing, incongruously, her orange squash from the fridge. Standing by the live desk, miked up and about to go on air, Phillips reportedly shouted, “Which c*** has had my squash?” Frangopoulos appeared by her side almost instantly, I’m told, before running to a Marks & Spencer to buy a new bottle, delivering a glass to Phillips during an ad break.
Yes enjoyable. Especially as a veteran of cheap arse TV production. There are genuinely a lot of things you can cut corners on and some you really can't.
The BBC and ITV are masters of wasting huge amounts of money on things just because that's how they have always done it.
The classic problem here is that they only had upper management and inexperienced production level staff. Nobody understood what was needed. Management imagined what thought and the crew didn't learn in college how to work with severely cut corners.

To save money in TV production the first cuts should be to eradicate management, hire a brilliant and experienced core production crew, let them figure out what is possible. For instance . . You never save money by hiring double three inexperienced camera men on three shit cameras, you make quadruple the work for an editor who will be then polishing turds. . . if you hired an inexperienced editor you will need more time and the turds won't be polished.
Who gave Richard Tice a programme on Talk TV 10-1 Sunday morning? Will he be appearing on Question Time now "representing Talk TV"? The Antichrist has arrived. His pasty appearance makes Christopher Lee's Dracula look like a healthy person.

No doubt Tice is honing his presentation skills biding his time until the Tory party splits into Nazi and Neofascist factions. Meanwhile Alistair Stewart is boring on on GB News about care home infections. Justifiably - he looks ready for a care home himself.
I can confirm this

(we went to a Catholic wedding in Belgium. I was hung over and nodding off at the back, when I noticed mrs mx had joined the wine and crackers queue, so I thought I may as well join her, as neither of us understood a word of the Dutch (?) that was being spoken, and neither of us was a member. Anyway, did the business, got patted on the head with some sort of flat sceptre thing. Didn't burst into flames.)
Can't resist the pull of free wine
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