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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Is that verifiable? It is a very serious allegation and would blow the argument that the IDF are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties out of the water!

Our humanity leaves us hoping that beyond all else it is true. It isn't though is it? Because the 'all else' I am refering to is already inhumane. They have surpassed that point.
Forgive my ignorance but is there much of a groundswell of anger against these attacks on Gaza amongst the Israeli population? Perhaps people over there only get a diet of right-wing Israeli and American media and may know a lot less than some of the people on this thread for example.

There needs to be a peace keeping presence and a proper declaration from the world's political leaders speaking together as one that this has to stop.
Forgive my ignorance but is there much of a groundswell of anger against these attacks on Gaza amongst the Israeli population? Perhaps people over there only get a diet of right-wing Israeli and American media and may know a lot less than some of the people on this thread for example.

There needs to be a peace keeping presence and a proper declaration from the world's political leaders speaking together as one that this has to stop.
or, perhaps, a proper end to all of this as per - perhaps - s.c. resolution 242.
Forgive my ignorance but is there much of a groundswell of anger against these attacks on Gaza amongst the Israeli population?
Not according to this JP article I posted earlier.

Poll: 86.5% of Israelis oppose cease-fire
Survey says that should Netanyahu choose to end Gaza operation at this time, he would be confronting the overwhelming majority of the nation.
Why don't Hamas call their bluff and STOP firing missiles? I bet the motherfuckers still wouldn't cease their murderous campaign upon the Palestinians.
Is that verifiable? It is a very serious allegation and would blow the argument that the IDF are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties out of the water!

See page 27 (page 20 by those printed on the pages). During Cast Lead, the IDF ordered families into a building and shelled it the next day, killing 29. The surviving children were left to wander about a house full of corpses until the Red Crescent was eventually allowed in to escort them out; the house was bulldozed before the dead could be removed.
Disgusting. Fucking disgusting.

I have nothing else to say. They are exterminating the Palestinians in Ghazza. My Mrs commented to me today that the Palestinian children are being reduced to pieces of meat.

The world sits back and cheerleads from afar.


I truely believe that that Israeli woman MP who called for Palestinian mothers to be murdered in order to prevent the birth of more snakes and future terrorists either gave voice to or inspired a policy to kill as many children as possible. Why else would they DELIBERATELY target sites which they know are occupied by children and their families?
Middle East Eye reporter Noor Harazeen was in Gaza's Shejaiya district on Sunday 27 July 2014, to report on what became of the area in the aftermath of heavy Israeli shelling. The district was deemed too dangerous for journalist to cover prior a brief ceasefire

Before & after satellite photos..... They keep threatening to "expand" the operation. Hard to see how much more expansion is possible. (Move the bars in the center of the photos horizontally to get a true picture of the destruction.)
Satellite images released by Unitar/Unosat show how vast tracts of the Gaza Strip have been completely destroyed over the course of the Israeli offensive, now in its 21st day.
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