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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

Yep; they were, very obviously, anything but 'crap'. What a nonsense comment.

If they remain at large, they probably aren't crap. If their speedy unmasking was unplanned, their homes have been raided and they have been nicked (as your little chum from Bristol suggested) they really are rather crap. Especially if they were traceable through the car.
Liberation reporting that they've possibly been arrested but no confirmation yet from the Ministry of the Interior.

21h30. Les trois suspects ont bien été identifiés. Il s'agit de Saïd K., né en 1980 à Paris, Chérif K., né en 1982 à Paris et Hamyd M., né en 1996. Tous trois sont originaires de Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine). Ils auraient été interpellés mais aucune confirmation officielle n'émane pour l'heure du ministère de l'Intérieur.
Liberation reporting that they've possibly been arrested but no confirmation yet from the Ministry of the Interior.

21h30. Les trois suspects ont bien été identifiés. Il s'agit de Saïd K., né en 1980 à Paris, Chérif K., né en 1982 à Paris et Hamyd M., né en 1996. Tous trois sont originaires de Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine). Ils auraient été interpellés mais aucune confirmation officielle n'émane pour l'heure du ministère de l'Intérieur.
le police francais ne piss about pas.
....sounds a bit remeniscent of the Tsarnaev brothers type of set-up...

Cohn-Bendit, "" Charlie "is the anticlerical radicalism, that's why they were killed"

INTERVIEW For him, it is "one of the last forms of the spirit of May 68 who was murdered."


Dany Cohn-Bendit, former leader of May 68 and fellow band Charlie wrote the preface to a book Cabu in 2006.

How do you react to the barbaric attack against 'Charlie Hebdo' and the assassination of several designers?

This is our generation is the generation of cartoonists, one of the last forms of the spirit of May 68, which was murdered.

There is a Islamofascism does exist. This is not Islam, they are fascists, do not beat around the bush. As there has been a came fascism of Western civilization, there is a fascism came from civilization of Islam. Must be good now. We always said: "Fascism will not pass." It's hard but we must be clear in his head and not mix everything. What is attacked there, that is the right to the radical critique of all religions. Charlie Hebdo is the anticlerical radicalism, that's why they were killed. Our civilization, what we want to defend is the right to this radicalism.

You were a close Cabu and Wolinski?

Wolinski came to the celebration of my 68 years in June. Cabu was a boyfriend. I wrote in 2006 in a preface to one of his books, Cabu not afraid of anything. He has his radicalism to him. What is extraordinary is that when I see my speech of May 68, they are tacky, but his drawings to him are not tacky. The Cabu anticlerical, anti-authoritarian militarism was one of the incarnations of this radicalism. He walks tall.
If they remain at large, they probably aren't crap. If their speedy unmasking was unplanned, their homes have been raided and they have been nicked (as your little chum from Bristol suggested) they really are rather crap. Especially if they were traceable through the car.
Whilst no-one is in a position to know how the perpetrators planned to exit from their 'mission', it is obvious that they achieved their objective with ruthless, and some observers have said "professional", efficiency. I fail to see what is gained by pretending that these killers were "crap". Why would you want to maintain such a preposterous position?
Indeed, but, the frequency of attacks is increasing. I would actually accept the concept, that those people are not Muslims, just as I do not regard the people who blow up abortion clinics as being Christian. On reflection, my previous remarks were a bit 'knee-jerk'. I do reiterate though, my antagonism is re Islam, which is not a race. If being antagonistic towards Islam may be regarded as racist, then so are comments derogatory to Christians. The subtext is obviously 'Most Muslim people are brown', well, the vast majority of Christians are non-white.

Sorry for sporadic replies, nephew visiting.
you call demonising and hating a whole faith "a bit 'knee-jerk'" ? :hmm:
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Whilst no-one is in a position to know how the perpetrators planned to exit from their 'mission', it is obvious that they achieved their objective with ruthless, and some observers have said "professional", efficiency. I fail to see what is gained by pretending that these killers were "crap". Why would you want to maintain such a preposterous position?

Well, the observers weren't professional trainers or assessors of assassins. We know they were ruthless, we know they were well equipped. That's all we really know.

If you make the effort to escape and abandon your car, it's a bit surprising to have left yourself in a position where you can be apprehended so quickly. Don't you think?
why i am surprised they were masked -

1 a lot of terrorist attacks combine suicide missions - why cover up if you going to be blow up, or shoot yourself?

2 they were expecting, i am sure, the cops to show up sharpish and start popping away, surely they knew there was a massively high chance of being shot dead by the police?

in other words, i am surprised they didn't combine their own deaths wiht the attack

which implies they forsaw a future - one of being on the run, or one of eventual death, but more carnage to follow.
It doesnt take much skill to use an ak on a guard then murder room full of aging lefties then kill another copper.
Ffs airsoft teams use hand signals.
Police sources saying they and their whereabouts have been identified.

If that's accurate then they are hardly going to go quietly are they? So now we have more death and pain for the French to look forward to.

I try not to think like this but fucking hell, humanity really can be a big bag of steaming cat shit.
If you make the effort to escape and abandon your car, it's a bit surprising to have left yourself in a position where you can be apprehended so quickly. Don't you think?

"Surprising", so not "crap"?
As I said, we none of us are able to know the exit they envisaged, but I'd imagine that they undertook the 'mission' well aware that it might end in their own deaths, so apprehension might not have been such a large consideration.
It does indeed. However, Christianity seems to be considerably more tolerant. I cannot recall a single incident of an attack on the offices of the film company with semi-automatic weapons as a result of the film.

Muslims do not seem to realise that they are no longer living in medieval times, society has moved on, but they are still stuck some centuries behind.

As the list of Muslim atrocities lengthens, the excuses of their apologists become increasingly thin.
You are sometimes amusingly curmudgeonly, Sass, but you are not very bright and you are too opinionated in your stupidity to be tolerated as kindly as you might be.

Fuck off.
Would be extremely useful for scaring the shit out of people. I'd probably hide under the desk and poo my pants if someone walked into my office brandishing one.

It did cross my mind that if I was going on a suicide mission and had a rocket launcher I'd probably take with me because - why not?

Depressingly it looks like these folks are still at large.

Google has the caption as:

Were identified by the police the three authors of the attack to the weekly Charlie Hebdo which caused 12 deaths. It 'a report in the newspaper' L'Union - The Ardennais', according to which the investigation would be concentrated in the area of Reims and Pantin and one of the bombers would be right in Reims, where they awaited the special forces of the French police. In this photo the document Said Kouachi

Where's it say Syria?
"Surprising", so not "crap"?
As I said, we none of us are able to know the exit they envisaged, but I'd imagine that they undertook the 'mission' well aware that it might end in their own deaths, so apprehension might not have been such a large consideration.

Yes, that's fair. But it all suggests that the planning was rather open-ended. The only point I was trying to make is that a gang of three people identified only as Islamist terrorists, who might pop up anywhere, taking out Rushdie one day and Jerry Falwell the next with ruthless and unstoppable efficiency, is rather more scary, and breeds more Islamophobia, than three chaps in custody. That's reasonable, surely?
Google has the caption as:

Where's it say Syria?

Here's the article it refers to, I think:


ATTENTAT. D'après les dernières informations, la traque des criminels présumés s'orienterait à Reims et à Pantin. Les trois individus auraient été indentifiés... L'unité du RAID serait sur place.

La traques des criminels présumés - auteurs de l'attentat dans les locaux de Charlies Hebdo - s'orienterait à Reims et à Pantin. L'unité d'élite de la Police serait à Reims. Les services de la Police Judiciaire sont également sur place. D'après les informations de L'Union, confirmées par TF1, les trois individus auraient été identifiés et l'un d'eux serait Rémois. Des perquisitions seraient en cours à Reims.

According to the latest information, tracking down suspected criminals would be orientated in Reims and Pantin. The three individuals were indentified ... The RAID unit would be there.
The hounding of suspected criminals - perpetrators of the attack on the premises of Charlies Hebdo - to orient in Reims and Pantin. The elite unit of the police would be in Reims. Judicial Police services are also on site. According to the information of The Union confirmed by TF1, three individuals were identified and one of them would Reims. Searches are underway in Reims.
Well, the observers weren't professional trainers or assessors of assassins. We know they were ruthless, we know they were well equipped. That's all we really know.

If you make the effort to escape and abandon your car, it's a bit surprising to have left yourself in a position where you can be apprehended so quickly. Don't you think?
We know a little about the attackers. We know that they were accurate with their weapons, apparently calm, and they successfully escaped. Some are drawing conclusions from this, e.g. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/07/gunmen-charlie-hebdo-training-al-qaida

Regardless, this - preparedness and lack of suicide - is only really unusual in the context of contemporary terrorism in the West.
We know a little about the attackers. We know that they were accurate with their weapons, apparently calm, and they successfully escaped. Some are drawing conclusions from this, e.g. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/07/gunmen-charlie-hebdo-training-al-qaida

Regardless, this - preparedness and lack of suicide - is only really unusual in the context of contemporary terrorism in the West.

From your link: But others were more cautious, saying the attackers did not appear to have completed a thorough reconnaissance of their target or gathered much intelligence about it. Instructors from al-Qaida have long told volunteers to prioritise both. According to witnesses, the three men initially went to the wrong address before finding the proper one, only gaining access by chance and going up the wrong staircase. They also had to ask the whereabouts of targets.

I'm not wedded to the idea that they were crap, but these were no Jason Bournes. The media's go-to security analysts, of course, earn their living and their status by being prepared to speculate about Al Quaeda or ISIL's terrifying capabilities and immediate plans for carnage. So they'd be likely to look out for signs of competence, rather than the reverse.
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