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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack


Told you all the abandoned motor would turn up summat. Who's for the pub?

Wrong motor:

errrrrrr how the fuck could they still be on teh run? that's what i don't get? they'd pretty much have to disappear into thin air if they wanted to escape...bizarre.

Nope, just take off their masks and they've pretty much done all they need to do in order to sufficiently disguise themselves. You think the Gendarmes are going to stop every black-clad person on Paris streets? There aren't enough coppers to cover a single Arrondisement's Goths, existentialists and fashion-heads, let alone the whole city! :D
The Holy Quran specifically warns against racism as does Muhammad’s last sermon, no wonder you find Islam "dodgy".
The quran contains all kinds of shit, much of it contradictory, some of it very noble, some of it vile. Hence violent Islamists can use it to justify their actions, while others use it to justify living peaceful, generous lives. Much the same as other 'holy' books.

People will pick from it what serves their purposes. In that sense, I agree with Dil4 that this is as much political as religious. But the vile shit is in there, unfortunately, and it is the inspiration and provides motivation for Islamist murderers.
Il s'agirait de trois hommes âgés de 18 ans, 32 ans, 34 ans. Les deux trentenaires, de nationalité française, sont des frères nés dans le 10e arrondissement de Paris. La nationalité du plus jeune, qui serait SDF, n'était pas connue.

Le jeune homme de 18 ans était inscrit en Terminale S en 2014 dans un lycée de Charleville-Mézieres dans l'académie de Reims (Champagne-Ardennes).

French nationals in their thirties and a boy of 18, and not even capable of sustaining a getaway for half a day. So the shadowy Islamist menace terror machine recedes a bit, supplanted with three crap jihadists straight from Four Lions. Frustrating for rightists who wanted to make political capital out of this.
Sorry I couldn't prevent this. I was just down to the offy where a bit of smalltalk with the nice Polish woman behind the counter about christmas somehow exploded into her grievances with Poland, broadbased condemnation of the Vatican, the "freemasons", and why she doesn't have a tv because of all the "brainwashing" and "symbolism".
And you only went in there to get a tube of Bacofoil
Looking how clean that car is, if I was a betting man, I would be betting on them simply hiring that car.

Perhaps they really didn't give a fuck about being identified.
10m ago20:15

Metro News in France is reporting that French police have identified the attackers.

Le Monde tweets that it has confirmed with police sources that the three suspects have been identified.

The French reports do not include names. More details to come.
....just ftr...

The imam of Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, Hassen Chalghoumi, condemned the attack.

"I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this," he said.

Yes correct, extend that line of thought.

Already have. Look at the kind of people he tried to recruit with his manifesto - he didn't put any effort into finding out whether such people were Christian - he simply sent it to anyone that he bumped into on facebook, that ever critisised Islam.
I don't have any answers really. I got it very wrong about the UK. Twenty years ago, I assumed that the second and third generation Pakistani British would turn out generally less religious and more secular in their outlook than their parents and grandparents. I was wrong.

I don't think you can simply say you were wrong about that. Evidence churned up due to 9/11 and subsequent events are only giving us a few angles on the real picture. Some benchmarks that could be used to measure levels of religious thought and outlook secularity might actually indicate that you are at least less wrong than you think, but such possibilities don't come with bloody reasons to pay attention to those angles.

Although one apparent reason why your prediction may have been flawed is that there is some evidence to suggest that quite a bit of the drop-off in easy to measure things such as mosque attendance actually happens to the people who come here, rather than not happening significantly until future generations.

On a related note I'm interested in the subject of what faith ends up meaning to people in thought and deed in two contrasting groups - those whose religious indoctrination and faith has been fairly constant and stable thought their lives, and those who are faithless or lapsed at some or all points in their lives until they are 'born again'. This is of interest to me not least because we may find yet more stuff in common with Christianity and Islam to talk about. And also because this topic can offer an explanation as to why your original prediction could have been right but this scenario actually lead to more extremism rather than less - more people growing up 'more secular' on at least some fronts, but for a minority of those whose lives happen to go wrong when on this path, a bloody fundamentalist rebirth on offer.
French nationals in their thirties and a boy of 18, and not even capable of sustaining a getaway for half a day. So the shadowy Islamist menace terror machine recedes a bit, supplanted with three crap jihadists straight from Four Lions. Frustrating for rightists who wanted to make political capital out of this.

So according to the French thing (not sure where it came from), two brothers in their 30s, French nationality, from the 10th arrondissement of Paris (so close to the Charlie Hebdo offices which are in the 11th). The nationaility of the youngest, who is possibly homeless, isn't known. The 18 year old was previously in (the equivalent of) sixth form at a lycee in Rheims (Champagne).
So according to the French thing (not sure where it came from), two brothers in their 30s, French nationality, from the 10th arrondissement of Paris (so close to the Charlie Hebdo offices which are in the 11th). The nationaility of the youngest, who is possibly homeless, isn't known. The 18 year old was previously in (the equivalent of) sixth form at a lycee in Rheims (Champagne).

Ah, from Metronews on the Libe website. Details match those in the image (though no mention of the Rheims lycee thing).
Shit will always happen. 100 year ago and more it was anarchists and Fenians blowing shit up, from the '70s to the '90s it was the PIRA. Now it's occasional nutty religionists. It's unavoidable given the world we live in.

Indeed, but, the frequency of attacks is increasing. I would actually accept the concept, that those people are not Muslims, just as I do not regard the people who blow up abortion clinics as being Christian. On reflection, my previous remarks were a bit 'knee-jerk'. I do reiterate though, my antagonism is re Islam, which is not a race. If being antagonistic towards Islam may be regarded as racist, then so are comments derogatory to Christians. The subtext is obviously 'Most Muslim people are brown', well, the vast majority of Christians are non-white.

Sorry for sporadic replies, nephew visiting.
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