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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

I don't follow the reds much either these days, though was at Old Trafford every other week and at more than a few away games in me yoof back in the 70s. Still, it never leaves you. And I fucking hate the expression "Man U". As for "Man Ure" oh, how we laff... but at least it gives us an nice indication of the bitterness of those who say it :thumbs:
If Old Bill really want they can find out who’s put these messages up, odds on the fuckwits used their real names, but there is no way these cunts have covered their tracks in any meaningful way so they can and should be done for it, same as rape threats to MPs and so on, about time this shit was stamped out.

Eat your heart out Marcus Rashford. Another £190 million contract taking their nice little earner to £615 million since the start of the pandemic.

'Limited evidence of their capacity to deliver'.
Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

... and for books for children too ...

Marcus Rashford vows to reach children who have never owned book


"Each chapter of the book will begin with a story from Rashford’s own life and cover topics such as the value of education, positive mentality, understanding culture and female role models."
The really frightening thing is that people will believe her.
The really, really frightening thing is that an awful lot of people won't even question her claims. A Government Minister said so, so it must be true.

If anything was going to get me a bit rioty, it's having to endure this bullshit constantly, without the liars, cheats, and scumbags standing any chance at all of being held to account.
And no doubt widely available in free libraries etc.
this is a 2021 publication, and at present the only library in the country which has a copy is the bl (and even that's not been fully processed yet). it will be weeks if not months before it is widely available as books don't magically appear on the shelves but have to be ordered, catalogued and processed.
this is a 2021 publication, and at present the only library in the country which has a copy is the bl (and even that's not been fully processed yet). it will be weeks if not months before it is widely available as books don't magically appear on the shelves but have to be ordered, catalogued and processed.
Yes. And? I don't think anyone expects new books to instantly land in every library across the UK within seconds of being released. But thanks for stating the obvious.
Yes. And? I don't think anyone expects new books to instantly land in every library across the UK within seconds of being released. But thanks for stating the obvious.
that's certainly not the impression you give above, where you say in response to it being sold in shops that it's no doubt widely available in free libraries. perhaps you were being ironic.
The really, really frightening thing is that an awful lot of people won't even question her claims. A Government Minister said so, so it must be true.

If anything was going to get me a bit rioty, it's having to endure this bullshit constantly, without the liars, cheats, and scumbags standing any chance at all of being held to account.
I'd not been on a protest for many years till Trump went to London, and the Tommy what's his name protest that same year.

With all that is happening now in the UK I feel I would have to protest against so much that is happening. I am no longer as proud to be British as I was.
I'd not been on a protest for many years till Trump went to London, and the Tommy what's his name protest that same year.

With all that is happening now in the UK I feel I would have to protest against so much that is happening. I am no longer as proud to be British as I was.
and never again can we claim to hold the proud name of briton until we do away with the oppressor :mad:
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