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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

I just told this cash-in lot to fuck off
Marcus Rashford is leading the charge against food poverty, The EverLearner is leading the charge on fighting the digital divide.

On 8th January, The EverLearner set up a £10k fund from their own pockets which teachers could apply to help their most disadvantaged children during lockdown. Within just one day the entirety of the fund had been distributed to teachers. With 1.8 million children still without access to digital devices despite the government’s laptop scheme, The EverLearner have set up a GoFundMe page with the aim of raising £50,000.

You can read their blog here on how to support disadvantaged children with their online learning.

Would you be interested in covering or tweeting about this story? James Simms, Founder and Director of The EverLearner is available for comment.

We’re really keen to raise awareness for this great cause. Do let me know if you have any questions at all.
I just told this cash-in lot to fuck off
Are they on the level or just someone trying to cash in? It's hard to tell from the link. I've done my bit anyway. Mrs Q brother's kids are doing their exams this year, nephew will be doing his A Levels and his sister her GCSE's. They only have one laptop at home for the whole family but Mrs Q and I have bought them 2 Chromebooks. Or more accurately Mrs Q bought them 2 Chromebooks and told me after the event that I owed her for one of them. I did wonder why she kept asking about the difference between them and a Windows laptop but failed to twig on.
Need more though on:

"4. Even after knowing that this was all on them, they continued to slate me behind my back. As I was doing my very best, to move the situation forward, they were doing their very best, to screw me over and avoid responsibility, while pretending to me they could change."

Not doubting her though, just interested in the details.
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