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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

What would happen if I volunteered to do shopping for a vulnerable person and after being given £30 from them to do it I bought £5 worth of shite and pocketed the rest?

Hopefully I’d be arrested and charged with theft.
I got a trussell trust box today, instead of a shielding one.

This is the danger zone. I love that bath salts are in there x


All if it but especially This ^ made me cry in a good way
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Heartfelt appreciation to the trussell trust from someone who in the past begged for fags and a pint on the recycle your stuff thread (thank you again Crispy )

I think I'm learning from past mistakes without reminders a bit faster than I used to. Sorry I'm a bit/lot much.

I decided yesterday when I had a small personal £££ disaster to try not to ask for help from anyone except my housing support worker. She made all the magic happen, and it arrived while I was zooming a vicar , giving him full on context about my last 41 years in Tufty language, and he understood completely. I got overexcited and put my phone on airplane Mode with my face :D

I spent all day not worrying about anything, after a really nice thing happening last night, which bled over inappropriately onto the bandwidth thread - lesson learned.

I have had a nice sit down and a cup of tea and all my diabetes meds, had my first fag of the day without even nicotine patches (my neighbour magicked up half a packet for the one I lent her last year).
I hope this is an alright tribute to the trussell trust - I don't twitter and I'm not sure they would understand no context Tufty as well as people on here seem to.

I meant crackers squirrel :facepalm: blame the nicotine rush and cortisol Oddness.IMG_20210113_184003_2.jpg
I do wonder if the one with a half tomato, and tuna in a coin bag is actually an honest attempt by the recipient to show a “per child” picture, because they have two kids? Not because I’m surprised by the content or volume of food, but just because the tomato would likely look totally mashed if it had been sent out sliced open. Also coin bags might well be what you end up resorting to if you’re skint, whereas they do seem more unlikely to have been used anywhere that’s doing loads of these packages.

I don't think it can be that, because schools don't distribute one box for two children. But it does look more extreme than the other pictures.
I'm no Corbynite, but for a while under him Labour remembered the meaning of the word opposition. Seems they've forgotten again. :-(

I think what it boils down to is the only way for anyone not Conservatives to even get tabloid coverage is to be a literal Troyskist or Stalinist so the media can run odious attack adverts. All the politely worded requests and questions at PMQ's in the world just get ignored incase people listen to the opposition otherwise.
Jack Monroe has been posting up photos of these which have been sent to their inbox. Jack was somewhat sceptical of just how awful they looked but they’ve had number of different ppl sending in photos featuring the same grim stuff.

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reckon those rumours that Cummings is still working for Johnson must be true.

Hold the fuck on. What is going on here? I specifically remember Johnson promising meals through lockdown, including holidays. I remarked on it when he said it ("I see the Rashford clause is in there").

The row over half-term meals appeared to have caught No 10 off guard. Asked whether the voucher scheme would continue through half-term, the prime minister’s press secretary, Allegra Stratton, said: “That’s my understanding.”

And it seems she heard it too.

So where has this come from?
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