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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Exactly. Rashford doesn't care about party bullshit, he's so clearly on the side of decency that anyone arguing against him just looks like a massive cunt. Seriously quite astonished that 332 MPs couldn't see just how shitty this looks. If ever there was an argument for getting rid of them, here it is.

Fifteen poxy quid a week to feed a child, less than a steak and fish 'n chips in the taxpayer subsidised dining room in the House of Commons.
I don't even know how that's possible. I spend nearly £10 a day ...

A Conservative MP who defied her party to support Labour’s vote for free school meals during school holidays has resigned from her government post.

Caroline Ansell, the MP for Eastbourne and Willingdon, was one of five Tories who backed Labour’s motion on Wednesday to extend financial support for the poorest families through the half-term and Christmas holidays amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Tory with a conscience. Blimey. However, really not sure of the detail in her quote,

“I do not consider this extension could be in any way a long-term solution to this need, which is complex. There are better ways to help children, including linking meals to activities so they can also benefit from extra-curricular learning and experience.

Linking meals to activities sounds a bit like you don't get the meal without the activity. Which is :hmm:

Anyway, about this £15. Our FSM pupils get lunch which allegedly worth, or costs, £12.50 a week, £2.50 a day.

For your £2.50 you get:

1 thin white crap bread sandwich with inedible ham or cheese.
1 flap jack (best option by miles) OR 1 chocolate cupcake OR 1 piece of fruit of questionable provenance/quality
1 tiny plastic cup of orange juice.

And that's it.

Vouchers they can spend themselves? Infinitely preferable to that crap. So let's not just campaign for FSM through holidays and lockdowns, let it be known what my pupils actually get for that. Because it's appalling.

As to the free breakfasts spoken about upthread. Again, my pupils, some of the most socio-economcally deprived in the UK, get one free slice of toast and a cup of tea *. Our school has no canteen (we have to fetch FSM from a nearby secondary school) so no way whatsoever of providing hot food.

These are the kids governments profess to care about when they say we can't close schools because it will affect the disadvantaged most.

*Edit - just to be clear. The 'breakfast' of a cup of tea and a slice of toast is not connected to FSM. This is for every pupil, paid out of school budget, because we recognise most of our kids will probably not get breakfast at home.
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I hope Rashford scores every fucking goal that England and United score this shitty fucking year. Twist the fucking knife in them.

Its sad when it has to be a footballer leading this, it should be all of us. Same time he's played a blinder on it. Sort of wish he hadn't accepted the mbe, but at least he'll have the option of sending the filthy thing back at some point.
I hope Rashford scores every fucking goal that England and United score this shitty fucking year. Twist the fucking knife in them.

Its sad when it has to be a footballer leading this, it should be all of us. Same time he's played a blinder on it. Sort of wish he hadn't accepted the mbe, but at least he'll have the option of sending the filthy thing back at some point.
MR post office watch
This. I don't understand why the people in the UK aren't loudly and obviously protesting. Have we really become so oppressed, or so selfish, that we don't care enough about the disadvantaged?
Old, cynical tory hating me, have convinced myself that it’s a coordinated and long drawn plan to create apathy, hatred and individualism. To drive wedges between all and remove this veneer they have sold to previous generations as fairness and democracy. People are getting more disinterested weekly when all they see is the inequality ever widening.
Yes, there are plenty of people trying to care and do what is needed. But the rot is setting in and people are sadly turning inwardly. It’s so depressing.
Old, cynical tory hating me, have convinced myself that it’s a coordinated and long drawn plan to create apathy, hatred and individualism. To drive wedges between all and remove this veneer they have sold to previous generations as fairness and democracy. People are getting more disinterested weekly when all they see is the inequality ever widening.
Yes, there are plenty of people trying to care and do what is needed. But the rot is setting in and people are sadly turning inwardly. It’s so depressing.
It's working, sadly.
Chris Clarkson, the Heywood and Middleton MP who was whining yesterday about Angela Rayner calling him scum... proceeds to vote against school meals in the holidays. Fucking scum.

Hope Rayner has the guts to say it again, about the fucking lot of them, though I suspect Sir Keir would shit himself at the prospect.
It's the 'oh some parents abuse the system' comments that piss me off the most, I'm sure they do, people are shit, but because say even 10% of parents take school meals or vouchers and they could afford to feed the kids is that worth penalising the other 90%? Surely even if 60% (and I don't believe it's that high) of the parents took the piss we still want to feed the other 40%?
I'd go so far as to say even in the extremely unlikely event that 99% took the piss we must still feed the other 1%.

I can't imagine any parent would choose to not feed their children. If the situation is that they can't, whatever the reason, it is the obligation of the rest of us to help the children.

Thanks for these, having them fresh in my mind slapped mother back down in to her box when she started the "Yeah, but legitimate..." clearly she had no answer, cos there is no riposte to that.
I like to think it was Kieth told her to apologise, not something she did of her own volition.
It was inevitable she'd have to apologise within the rules of the commons. Be nice if she'd come outside the commons and say it though. Not just because the I hate the tory scum, but because it would be a good way for Labour to 'reconnect'.
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