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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

I saw that. I'm really moved. I'm welling up.:oops:

The reactions to this are getting to me too, just look...

The owner of Berry’s tea room in Cumbria offered packed lunches, saying as a single parent of three, they understood what it was like to need help: “You can private message me in confidence and just pop in and collect it. Please don’t feel ashamed.”
I'm not surprised all those fuckers voted against this or that they're so completely tone deaf on this issue. But I had thought they might've learned from the last time just how bad this makes them look and voted for it purely for that reason but no.
I think the brutal truth is, they have a majority of 80, and they don't care how they look.
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If you have a Tory MP, write to them to tell them just how much of a massive cunt their vote makes them look, especially laid side by side with their own tax payer subsidised restaurants that they personally make frequent use of. Composing mine now but it’s hard to not include a threat to lamp the cunt should be set foot in town...
In their view it's perfectly logical to resist calls for more welfare; they regard those directly impacted as non-voters and those concerned as voting for the opposition.

That said, I did like this musing...

View attachment 235503

Posting his last tweet just before midnight, the footballer started up again at 7.49am. As one observer put it: “Marcus Rashford appears to have set up an alternative government.”
Sheffield council offering food vouchers throughout half-term. 24% of pupils in Sheffield are entitled to free school meals.
If you have a Tory MP, write to them to tell them just how much of a massive cunt their vote makes them look, especially laid side by side with their own tax payer subsidised restaurants that they personally make frequent use of. Composing mine now but it’s hard to not include a threat to lamp the cunt should be set foot in town...
I was about to do this with the NE Lincs MPs but thought I'd check first. Neither of them voted with the government. Lia Nici didn't vote (Tory, Great Grimsby). She was slipped, but says she would have voted against the government. Easy to say now youve seen the public outrage. Martin Vickers (Tory, Cleethorpes) voted against the government.
I was about to do this with the NE Lincs MPs but thought I'd check first. Neither of them voted with the government. Lia Nici didn't vote (Tory, Great Grimsby). She was slipped, but says she would have voted against the government. Easy to say now youve seen the public outrage. Martin Vickers (Tory, Cleethorpes) voted against the government.

Mine voted to make poor children hungry, newscasters often mis-read his name as cunt as it is...
Like this out of touch tory twat in Bassetlaw.
Typical, lousy scum.

His anti BLM rant was equally dreadful.
Like any unexpectedly large cohort of MPs in a landslide majority administration, there's an awful lot of really thick make-weights in the class of 2020. Andrew Rosindell's title could be challenged!
Posting his last tweet just before midnight, the footballer started up again at 7.49am. As one observer put it: “Marcus Rashford appears to have set up an alternative government.”
World's in a sorry state when someone who is barely more than a boy kicking a ball around inspires more public support than elected officials. We have elected some hard core fuckwits this time around haven't we?
I'm not surprised all those fuckers voted against this or that they're so completely tone deaf on this issue. But I had thought they might've learned from the last time just how bad this makes them look and voted for it purely for that reason but no.
They are certainly behaving like a government that doesn't give a shit about how bad this makes them look.
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