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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

I follow him on Twitter. He's the real deal. His feed is entirely different to any other footballer out there.

He actually gives a shit, particularly about younguns. He must have a very proud mum.
Aye, I remain mildly cynical in the back of my mind just because, y'know, it's a celeb on Twitter, but on the face of it he certainly seems engaged and, as you say, particularly supportive of kids.
Aye, I remain mildly cynical in the back of my mind just because, y'know, it's a celeb on Twitter, but on the face of it he certainly seems engaged and, as you say, particularly supportive of kids.

Yes, it did originally cross my cynical mind that this might be a cunning ploy for it to take a very brave football manager, England or United, to drop him. But yeh, you read his twitter and he seems legit.


(Source: BBC)

Marcus Rashford, professional footballer & child food poverty campaigner: National Hero


(Source: BBC)

Kevin Hollinrake MP, (Conservative, Thirsk and Malton), who claimed £83,207.19 of expenses between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020: National As*h*le
Well, that made me cry. And laugh, at the "Can you please join Spurs" bit. That is exactly what a child would say. Exactly. Fantastic. :D

Well done Jack and well done and congratulations to Marcus. Saw him on morning telly today saying he would have to take his Mum with him to Buck House, otherwise he'd be in big trouble. That made me laugh too. So well done to Marcus Rashford's Mum, too.
If we are to have this ridiculous honours system, why an MBE for him but a lordship for Boris’s brother???
ermm, because it's a 'ridiculous honours system'?
It's an intrinsic by-product of the class system, so the people at the top of that pyramid will automatically prioritise their own, and raise them above a mere working class sportsman.
Also because - more practically - he wants to put his brother where he can never be a rival to him, and do him least damage.
Just watching the debate on free school meals, Therese Coffey has just said the usual bollocks about people are better off in work.
Then as if she couldn't possibly get more cuntish said, ' and we are giving pensioners £140 towards their energy bill without them lifting a finger'!
Wtf, that vile twat has probably never done a days hard graft in her life. Fuming .
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